Chapter 112 - Investigative Wife

Yin Mian kept up her close watch on President Chen but found nothing suspicious. And then she began wondering if she was taking a mere accident too far and suspecting her husband for nothing.

Nonetheless, she still kept a close eye on him. A few weeks later, on a lovely morning, President Chen left the house early as usual.

Yin Mian was busy cleaning their room and taking out the laundry when she found a packet of c.o.n.d.o.m in the left pocket of one of President Chen's pants.

She was taken aback and the packet fell from her hand. She froze on the spot before finally finding the courage to pick up the packet.

Tears fell down her cheeks as a weird realization hit her. Was President Chen cheating on her? Could that be the reason for his strange behavior?

"No. No. No." She told herself. "I trust my husband with my life, he possibly can't cheat on me. He loves me too much. Then this only means the man I've been living with for the past few weeks possibly can't be President Chen but an imposter. Then where's my husband?" Yin Mian spoke to herself as she felt pain in her heart.

Just then, her phone rang waking her up from her reverie. She checked her phone and it was Hua Vao calling, she cleaned her tears and took the call.

"Hello?" She spoke unsteadily into the phone. "Mian,I'm in trouble. Please help me." Hua Vao through the line in tears,her voice was breaking.

"What's wrong did something happen?" Yin Mian asked worried. "Mian I wanted to give you a surprise visit since it's been so long and formally introduce you to my husband and son because when it all happened, you weren't with us." Hua Vao said and choked.

"Yes,so what's the problem?" Yin Mian said urging her to continue. "I can't anymore because they're dead." Hua Vao said and the line went off.

"Vao? Vao?Vao!" Yin Mian said as fear watched over her. She dropped the packet of c.o.n.d.o.m,took her bag and rushed out of the house. Her investigation would just have to wait.