Chapter 386

Name:My uncle, take it easy Author:蓝汐
However, I don't know why, as soon as he thought about the yard of wisteria, he couldn't help walking past.

Night, late, half of the sky has been dyed red sunset, but, again gorgeous sunset, are less than his eyes this purple flower cloud.

A girl, wearing a pure white dress, with her long black hair held by a fan's ribbon, is jumping up with a badminton racket to pick up the ball caught by a flower branch.

That figure, let the footstep of Huo Shuqing stagnate.

"Here you are," he said, raising his arm and taking down the badminton from the middle of the flower branch.

"Ah, thank you, thank you --" she quickly turned around, but when she turned to see that Junqing's face, the whole person was shocked.

Huo Shuqing was stunned and looked at her quietly.

Time seems to stop at this moment.


A gust of wind suddenly blowing over, blowing off a few petals, fell between her black hair.

"Don't move --" he said. She really didn't move, waiting for him.

"Some flowers have fallen down." he showed her the flowers he had taken down.

She smiles and says, "thank you." Said, she stretched out her hand, Huo Shuqing lengxia, looking at her childish face smile, it seems to come out from the depths of memory smile, let his heart, bursts of trembling.

"My ball 1," she said with a smile.

"Oh, sorry!" He handed her the ball.

"Thank you," she said, turning to the door.

Huo Shuqing's brain, suddenly a light flashed past, and she did not go to the door.

Under the purple flower rack, in the ancient lane of bluestone, a girl in a white dress——

"Ah --" he cried, and she stopped and turned to look at him.

In Huo Shuqing's heart, it seems that there is a voice constantly repeating, but he doesn't know what it is.

He ran quickly and stood in front of her.

"Girl, I've come to see you

Girl, I'm looking for you!

Girl, I'm looking for you!

In her mind, this sentence kept whirling, it seemed that the echo did not stop, and it seemed that some part of the memory split——

"You, look for me?" Her lips were trembling, and tears were twinkling in her big clear eyes.

The girl in front of her was only sixteen or seventeen years old. It was the first time that she saw her, but how did she feel that she was so familiar?

He nodded, his eyes firmly fixed on her face, and his tone was positive and persistent: "girl, I've come to you, we, go home --"


Tears came down from her eyes.

He raised his hand and gently wiped the tears on her face.

"I thought you weren't coming." she looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Silly girl, I have been waiting for you here, waiting for my Gayne to grow up, waiting for you to come back." He put his finger between her soft black hair, and his voice choked.

She threw herself into his arms, closed her eyes and wept.

Overhead, wisteria long branches gently with the wind, fragrance surrounded the two people.

Seems to be the past life, but also seems to be the future life!

“??? The most ambiguous person is the most difficult to forget

Because it's still a dream

The most romantic person is the most difficult to sober up

Don't believe who is merciless

If it's like wind and rain

They are distant and close to each other

Don't ask the secret you don't tell

Will happiness last

Wisteria flowers in the wind

The more you want to be brave, the more you want to be cheerful

The dumber the laughter

Wisteria tied its heart to the merry go round

The paradise is no longer noisy

I still remember my old love

The most torment of love is not separation

It's moving memories

It's easy to stand where you are

I think I can go back??? "

"Kayin -" Qin Yifei came over on his bicycle and called her.

She released the person who hugged her and turned to look at Qin Yifei coming back.

"How about riding by the lake later?" Qin Yifei asked her with a smile.

She looked at the people around her, shook her head and said, "no, I'm going home!"

At this time, Zeng Quan and Fang Xiyou came out from the door of the courtyard, and Fang Xiyou, who was holding a racket, looked at her.

She quickly put the racket and ball into Zeng Quan's hand, grabbed Huo Shuqing's big hand, and began to run out of the alley.

"Brother, you play with sister Xiyou. After I leave, her laughter reverberates in this ancient alley, leaving a few inexplicable people standing at the door looking at them far away.

Huo Shuqing, let's go home, go home!

The night wind caresses the purple flowers and clouds in the ancient blue lane. One after another, everything in the lane is like an inverted ink painting. Gradually, it becomes lighter and lighter. Finally, the blue, purple and people in the lane become white and disappear.

In the night, Huo Shuqing comes back again with a tired body. Feng Jihai helps him take off his windbreaker and hang it in the wardrobe. He washes his hands as usual, takes her hand on the chair beside the hospital bed and kisses the back of her hand.

"Is it the same today?" Huo Shuqing asked Aunt Zhang.

"The doctor said that the results of the examination showed that Miss Su's nerve activity was normal. Maybe she would soon wake up!" Aunt Zhang replied.

Not only she, but also Feng Jihai, who was standing at the door, remembered that she had been listening to this sentence for several days.

Huo Shuqing laughed, sighed, waved his hand and said, "I know. Go back!"

Aunt Zhang carries her bag on her back, goes to the door, looks back at Huo Shuqing with the bedside lamp shining on her face. With a sour nose, she quickly turns around and takes steps to leave with Feng Jihai.

"Girl, winter is coming! It's snowing today. Didn't you say you want to make a snowman with me? If you don't wake up again, I'll take Nianqing with me, and we'll ignore you, you know? "

His lips, dry, rubbed her cheek.

And his hand, at this moment, suddenly felt something moving.

Huo Shuqing raised his head and stared at his trembling fingers.

"Sufan, Sufan --" he called her name again and again.

Huo Shuqing, I want to go home. Are you still there?

Huo Shuqing, where are you? Why can't I see anything?

Her brain, vaguely shaking a figure, she can not see clearly, want to catch up, but he went farther and farther.

Huo Shuqing, didn't he promise to wait for me? Why did you leave again?

Her whole body is weak, want to chase him, but how can't catch up with, sit on the ground, silent tears.

Is this life doomed to such constant pursuit and disappointment?

Tears rolled out of her eyes and wet his cheeks.

He suddenly released her, staring at the tearful face under the lamp.

Cry, cry?


His mind, suddenly a blank. Is it his illusion? Is it because he wants her to wake up so much that he has such an illusion?

Huo Shuqing's hand, trembling, extended to the corner of her eyes.

When the cold touch of his fingertips came clearly, his hand jerked back, as if the tear had burned him. However, soon, he held her face, dry lips, rubbed the cold tears, bit by bit swallowed into his stomach. That salty tears, at this time, but in his taste buds spread a sweet taste.

"Girl, do you hear me? It's me, it's me, Huo Shuqing, girl, wake up quickly, please, please -- "

Far away, it seems that a voice has been calling her, who is it?

Girl? Girl?

Is that you, Huo Shuqing? Are you calling me? You're still there, aren't you?

In the darkness around her, she couldn't see anything clearly, but the voice in her ear became more and more clear, so clear that she could distinguish the direction of the voice.

She suddenly raised her hand and reached in the direction of the sound. She didn't know what she could catch or whether she could touch him. However, she knew clearly in her heart that he was there, waiting for her!

"Huo, Huo, Huo -" her lips kept moving, but she didn't know if she could make a sound.

Huo Shuqing felt it. He grabbed her hand, put it on his face, and put his palm on her cheek.

"Girl, girl, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!" He kept talking, but his eyes blurred, and the warm liquid filled his senses.

Her mouth just vibrated a little, but there was no sound coming out. He grabbed her finger and stuck it to his lips.

Tears came from her closed eyes and couldn't stop.

And at this time, her fingertips, the same warm liquid flow down, along the fingers, along the back of the hand, has been flowing down.

He held her hand tightly for fear that he would never feel her breath when he let go, but he forgot that he should go to the doctor at this time.

Her mouth kept shaking. He couldn't hear what she was saying. He didn't know whether it was the nerve reflex that the doctor said or whether she was really talking, so he quickly put his ear to her lips.

"Huo, Huo, Huo --" she called over and over again.

"Girl, I'm here, it's me, I'm here! Baby, my baby 1 his tears, keep falling on her face, and her tears rolling down.

It's not a dream, it's not a dream!

His Gayne, his little girl, finally, finally woke up!

"Good, good, don't move, don't talk, I'll go to the doctor, I'll go to the doctor." As he spoke, he stretched his arm and kept pressing the pager at the head of the bed. For fear that the nurse would not hear him, he did not dare to move his hand away, but his eyes were always on her face. She looks very scared, very anxious, two hands, also began to scratch, ten fingers stretch and contract without rhythm“ Nothing, nothing, girl, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here, don't be afraid -- "his big hand, holding her two hands, lips close to her ears. The nurse ran in, looked at the scene, stunned, and said to him, "I'll call the doctor right away.". Only two minutes later, the doctor on duty who was resting in the office put on his white coat and rushed in, followed by several nurses“ Secretary Huo, please let me know. 1 doctor said, Huo Shuqing stood up and watched the doctor instruct the nurses to turn on the testing equipment“ Call director Jiang. The patient is awake. Hurry up The doctor on duty said, a little nurse immediately ran out of the ward to call the attending doctor. You can search Baidu for the latest chapter of "Uncle chatting about jiutao novels "! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.