Chapter 387

Name:My uncle, take it easy Author:蓝汐
Su fan can't move at all, only her lips and ten fingers can move, but her obvious anxiety and fear make Huo Shuqing worried.

"How did she do that? What happened to her?" Huo Shuqing asked.

The doctor examined one by one and told the nurse the data.

"The patient was in a coma after being shot. It may be the fear caused by the memory left in her brain. Now her consciousness has begun to recover. The sense of fear repels all other feelings and makes her nervous." The doctor said, "give me a sedative after the examination."

Huo Shuqing looked at her wrinkled face, and his heart was full of sadness and reluctance. He took her hand and kept calling her name in her ear, trying to get rid of the endless fear for her. At this time, he really wanted to get into her brain, waving a big knife to drive away all the demons that scared her! But he couldn't do it at all.

Originally wrapped in his fatigue, all disappeared in this night, he watched the doctor check for her, medication for her, so tossed all night.

Director Jiang, the attending doctor, rushed to the ward after receiving the call from the nurse. After listening to the examination report of the doctor on duty, he personally did several examinations for Su fan, arranged the treatment for tonight, and went out of the ward with Huo Shuqing.

"From a medical point of view, the patient has awakened, but the memory of the incident caused great mental harm to the patient. So, although she woke up, her subconscious fear still made her resist the fact of waking up. Generally speaking, she has no sense of security and is extremely insecure, "director Jiang told Huo Shuqing.

"What about that?" Huo Shuqing asked.

"I will contact the psychiatrist to make a mental assessment for her. We still need to work together to dispel this psychological fear for her, let her feel your love for her, and slowly help her fight against her inner fear. On the other hand, it's time to start the stage of physical therapy. However, her constitution is still very poor, which needs to be taken slowly. " Director Jiang said.

Huo Shu nodded.

"When the patient's condition is more stable, we are going to do a plastic surgery for her body to repair the scar on her body. The dean will arrange it. Don't worry. " Director Jiang said.

"Thank you, director Jiang!" Huo Shuqing shakes hands with the doctor and thanks.

"You're welcome, Secretary Huo. Now I'll go back to contact the expert group to make a detailed treatment plan. With that, director Jiang left the ward.

The doctor's reply made Huo Shuqing's joy from Sufan's awakening disappear. It seemed to have more effect on her than he had expected.

She was afraid. How could she not be afraid? Why didn't he protect her? Why——

However, no matter how regretful Huo Shuqing was at the moment, it was useless.

Time, it is already 5:30 in the morning, he thought, or sent a message to Zeng Yuanjin, said that Gayne is awake.

When Zeng Yuanjin received the information, he woke up long ago, sat on the bed with the desk lamp on, looked at the report, and entered the working state. As soon as his cell phone rang, he quickly picked it up and looked at it. Since Su fan was hospitalized, he has changed his habit of not reading mobile phone information in time, especially at night.

Wake up? Is Cain awake?

Zeng Yuanjin seemed a little incredulous. He quickly called Huo Shuqing.

"Are you really awake?" Asked Zeng Yuanjin.

"Yes, the doctor has checked it and is sure to wake up." Huo Shuqing replied.

"Well, can she talk? Does she still know you? " Zeng Yuanjin asked.

"She never opened her eyes," said Huo Shuqing.

Didn't you open your eyes? What's going on?

"I'll be right here!" Zeng Yuanjin finished and immediately hung up.

"Wenwen, Wenwen, get up. Jiayin wakes up. Zeng Yuanjin pushes his wife's arm. Luo Wenyin's sleepy eyes suddenly widened and immediately sits up.

"When? Just now? How is she? " Luo Wenyin asked.

"The information that Huo Shuqing just came here is not very clear. Let's hurry to have a look." Zeng Yuanjin said, has begun to get out of bed to wash.

Wake up? My daughter, wake up?

Rowan had no time to think about anything, and her heart was filled with joy in every cell.

When Zeng Yuanjin and his wife arrived at the hospital, Su fan had been sedated and fell asleep. They didn't see her fear. Huo Shuqing should have set out for the office, but he has been waiting for them in the ward. In the ward, Aunt Zhang received Huo Shuqing's call and made breakfast for Sufan. She put it in the refrigerator and was wiping Sufan's face.

"Why are you still sleeping?" Luo Wenyin asked Huo Shuqing as soon as she saw her daughter.

"It's a sedative. It's going to take a few hours." Huo Shuqing replied.

"Why sedatives? She slept so long Rowan said, "is there something wrong with Gayne? What's the matter? "

"Shuqing, what's the matter? Tell us what the doctor says." Zeng Yuanjin road.

Huo Shuqing told his father and mother-in-law what the doctor told him. Luo Wenyin covered her mouth in surprise, while Zeng Yuanjin fell into silence.

"At eight o'clock in the morning, director Jiang will call an expert group meeting, and then there will be a specific treatment plan." Huo Shuqing said.

"How could it be, how could it be --" Luo Wenyin murmured.

Zeng Yuanjin patted her on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, it's already good news. Take your time. We've been waiting for so long, and we're not afraid to wait any longer!" With that, Zeng Yuanjin looked at the sleepless Huo Shuqing and said, "are you going to work? You go, and we'll be with you a little longer! "

Sitting in the car to go to work, Huo Shuqing always has her frightened look in her mind. Her inner remorse deeply presses him and makes him unable to breathe. However, the computer in his hand is already some reports from the office, reminding him that he still has work to do.

He opened the window to let in the cold wind of the winter morning, so that he could calm down.

Life, always continue, no matter how hard the future, he can not stop!

In the morning, Zeng Yuanjin and the doctor learned the details. Before Su fan woke up, he went to work. Rowan stayed in the hospital until after ten o'clock in the morning.

The eyelids are heavy.

Su fan almost used up all his strength to open his eyes, but everything in front of him was so unreal and hazy.

"Su, Miss Su --" Aunt Zhang, who was massaging her forearm, saw her eyes slightly open and exclaimed. Luo Wenyin, who was sitting in the living room outside and reading magazines, heard the voice, threw away the magazines and ran in.

"Zhang -" Su fan's mouth opened, but his voice was as low as a mosquito's voice.

Aunt Zhang took her hand, wiped the tears in her eyes and said, "yes, it's me. Do you remember me

"Gayne -" Luo Wenyin came over and covered her daughter's pale face with shaking hands.

Su fan turned his head slightly and looked at his mother.

A low cry, Ma——

The voice was very light, but Luo Wenyin heard it with tears in her eyes.

"Good, good, stop talking and have a good rest." Luo Wenyin said, "Shuqing has gone to work, and so has your father. You don't know, Shuqing is guarding you every day and night, and the whole person is much thinner. Now, when you wake up, he'll be more at ease. "

Huo Shuqing——

Sufan's heart, like a needle, she wanted to say, I want to see him, I miss him, but, mouth open, voice can't come out.

She turned her head slightly and looked at Aunt Zhang. Aunt Zhang didn't understand what Sufan wanted to say, and they looked at each other.

"Huo, Huo -" Su fan's mouth trembled, trying to make them hear her voice.

"Secretary Huo? He, he goes to work -- "said Aunt Zhang.

Work? Did he go to Rongcheng? He, don't you want me?

I thought I'd see you, just like in a dream, you're waiting for me, and you——

"Well, don't worry. I'll call him, call him." Seeing this, Luo Wenyin told Aunt Zhang to drink some water for Su fan.

And then the doctor who got the call came.

The doctor told Luo Wenyin that the patient is in good health and has a clear consciousness. There is no amnesia. The limbs can respond according to the prompts. The problem now is that they don't know how to walk. They have to wait for the patient's body to recover to a certain extent.

Luo Wenyin was overjoyed. When the doctor left, Luo Wenyin called Zeng Yuanjin and told him the situation. Zeng Yuanjin said that he would come right after the meeting. When Huo Shuqing received Luo Wenyin's call, he was stunned for a long time.

"I'll give her my cell phone now. She wants to talk to you." Luo Wenyin said, putting her cell phone to her daughter's ear.

But Su fan couldn't make a sound.

Huo Shuqing's throat seemed to be blocked by something. He opened his mouth and couldn't speak for several times.

"Are you there?" She forced to say, Huo Shuqing nodded, nose gushed a sour, eyes on the fog.

"Girl --" he called in a low voice, but he was dumb.

Tears rolled out of Su fan's eyes. She closed her eyes, but could not say anything.

She could hear the fatigue in his voice, the vicissitudes in his voice. Why did she wake up after a sleep and he was like this?

I can't bear him!

She wanted to hold him, hold him, lie quietly, just like before, listening to his heartbeat, just like before, so close to him.

"Listen to the doctor and I'll be back with you in the evening," he said.

She didn't answer and let her tears engulf her.

At the other end of the phone, Huo Shuqing also fell into silence. He closed his eyes and stuck his mobile phone to his ear, trying to capture her every voice, as if he could see her in front of his eyes at the moment.

But, girl, how I want to be with you, how I want to be with you, how I want to be with you when you open your eyes——

I can't! He breathed out a long breath, as if to release all the remorse in his heart in the air temporarily. He opened his eyes and said with a smile, "the doctor said that you should start to eat something. Aunt Zhang has already made some food for you. You are obedient to eat and take good care of yourself. Do you understand?" She nodded, but sobbed. You can search Baidu for the latest chapter of "Uncle chatting about jiutao novels "! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.