It seems to be to vent all the grievances she has suffered for a long time. Fang Qi becomes cruel and cruel.

In just a few seconds, there were many more holes in Zhang Wei's chest. It was a mess. As for this man, he had no voice for a long time.

Poor guy, I was damned last time. I didn't expect to die after such a long time.

Seeing that Zhang Wei was out of breath, Fang Qi was still stabbing. I couldn't see it anymore. I quickly pulled Fang Qi away.

"OK, OK, calm down." I said reluctantly, "time is tight now. We don't have much time to waste here."

"Xiao Ya, Fang Qi, you two, take a gun and act separately. Xiao Ya, you should pay attention to hiding. Fang Qi, you should be careful not to let people find out your mistake. I went to kill all those people. When the matter is over, we will gather at the fence of Fangfeng square." I whispered.

This is what we discussed before.

Now things are getting worse. There must be many guards at the front door. It's unlikely that they want to rush out of the front door.

Moreover, although I have the ability, I am not invincible.

These people have weapons in their hands. Even ordinary people are enough to cause danger to me. I don't have the ability to be invulnerable.

Therefore, we must make good planning.

Act separately.

Xiao Ya and Fang Qi nodded. They understood what I meant. When I created a lot of chaos, the pursuers would go in my direction. This was their chance.

Move, go!

Seeing Xiao Ya and Fang Qi disappear in front of me, I took a deep breath, grabbed a pistol on the ground, stopped on my waist, immediately took out Dolan's blade, jumped, and the whole person disappeared directly from the window.

In the dark, no one noticed that the figure was moving rapidly.

There is a mess in the base. Eyes and old smoke have informed the past of the news here. Now the whole base shows its true face.

Members of the hunting team all took out their own weapons, submachine guns, semi-automatic rifles, pistols... All kinds of weapons are particularly deadly.

The searchlight has also been turned on, and the white light is constantly shooting throughout the base. Once they find anything wrong, those people will shoot impolitely.

"Go... Go... Come on, the fourth Master said, who can kill that boy today can occupy Fang Qi alone for a week, ha ha... I haven't tasted meat for a long time." a young man shouted loudly, with a string of bullets around his neck.

That looks like a terrorist in the Middle East.

Led several brothers and began to search carefully around.

As the saying goes, heroes are sad about beauty. Fang Qi is the most beautiful woman here. I don't know how many members of the hunting team dream of having a spring night with Fang Qi.

Occupy Fang Qi alone for a week and do what you want to do. This kind of thing was unthinkable before.

Under this stimulation, all the men went crazy.

In fact, this is Fang Qi's real position in this base.

No wonder Fang Qi wants to leave. No one wants to be treated as goods all the time.

These people are searching carefully and don't miss any corner.

However, these people did not notice, a dark tail, do not know when they had been staring at these people.

Quietly approaching, it's like the coldest and coldest killer, which makes people shudder.

I'm not a killer, but a long battle has given me a strong enough instinct.

Quietly close to the last person, I can't hear my footsteps at all.

Just as the searchlight passed, there was darkness ahead.


Even a dull hum could not be issued. The young man of up to 25 years old in his hand began to twitch violently.

The main artery near the neck was cut off directly, and the blood was like a fountain.

Seeing this life disappear in my arms, my mood has not even changed at all.

For the first time, I was trapped by those people of Heige. They wanted to kill me, feed me to the zombie, and rape Xiao Ya. I killed them.

At that time, my hands were still shaking, I wanted to vomit, and I was still afraid.

But this time, I didn't feel the slightest fear. In the depths of my heart, it was completely calm.

In this short time, my mood will change like this. Even I have a shivering taste.

First, death!

The automatic rifle fell into my hands.

Those in front of them had no idea that death had enveloped them.

I haven't played with a gun, but I haven't seen a pig run, and I haven't eaten pork?

Aim at the people in front and I pulled the trigger.

The harsh sound cut through the night sky, and flames roared past quickly. Bullets, like fire snakes, quickly shuttled through the air.

The figures of four or five young people in front are shaking violently one by one. In the night sky, they dance under the fire.

At close range, this kind of shooting effect is quite good. Even if I can't shoot a gun, I won't miss one.

When you want to kill others, you'd better think clearly. Others will kill you at any time.

In the silent night sky, this sound is particularly harsh.

Shua, the searchlight immediately projected from upstairs, and my area suddenly became bright.

"Right there, drive..."

As soon as he raised his hand, the muzzle of the gun was instantly aimed at the top.

Dada, dada!

Another shuttle of bullets roared past. With a slap, the searchlight was directly broken.

Gun, this thing, is very fast for me.

The most important thing of shooting is that at the moment of shooting, strong recoil will lead to instability of your arm and even the whole body, so the bullet can not accurately hit the target.

But this situation is not a problem for me at all.

As long as you have enough strength, the so-called recoil is like nothing.

At least one shuttle bullet can break the light bulb.

Without the searchlight, the outside of the whole base immediately fell into darkness. Although the light inside the house was bright, it could not have a great impact on the outside.

I heard bursts of noise coming from all around.

The bullet in my hand was empty. I didn't know how to change the bullet. I didn't bother to figure it out. I grabbed a gun directly from the body in front of me and immediately went into the dark again.

My speed reached the limit, and the whole person was like a shadow, shuttling through the whole base.

Once I meet the target, I won't have the slightest pity. I just shoot a shuttle of bullets, and I won't let go of any of them.

I know that this is not the time to be soft hearted. Maybe I will let a person go. In a moment, the bullet of the gun in this person's hand will penetrate me, Xiao Ya or Fang Qi's heart.

To live, only let your heart be as cold as iron.

Dada... Dada... Dada!

The fire light and harsh sound from time to time are like the wail of death. Whenever this sound rings, it is immediately accompanied by bursts of sad screams.

Although there are many people in the base, they can't bear such a massacre.

Before long, many people have been killed by me.

Li Si kept roaring, but this guy couldn't find me at all. He could only appear at the scene of the accident again and again. He roared loudly at the bodies underground that were not even completely dead.

I don't know when the identity of prey and hunters has changed.

These so-called hunters, carrying guns one by one, trembled all over and looked pale. Even the temptation of beauty, it was difficult to mention the courage that had collapsed.

The bodies that were shot and killed, the companions who lived well before, have now become dead.

All this made them feel fear and fear. They were like lambs on the mountain, being hunted by the fierce beast.

In the darkness, as if there was a huge shadow, it was enveloping.