Li Jie and Li Si are worried that my speed and the sharp Duolan blade will bring fatal damage to them.

Similarly, I am also worried that Li Jie's flame, the power of flame explosion, can also completely devour me.

I am more worried about Li Jie's vicious and cruel mind. In order to improve his own strength, even human survivors can be killed. This guy is a complete pervert.

In the dark, all the way.

I don't know how many people were killed. I saw bodies appear, and the mysterious enemy was like a shadow without a trace. No one knew where it was.

These people were also afraid. They huddled together and didn't dare to go out again.

The angry Li Si roared again and again, but it was of no use at all.

At this time, I had quietly touched the square.

Next to it is a six meter high wall, which completely blocks the whole prison.

Now, we're just going to run away from here.

It's different from other places. Maybe it's because there's no place to hide in this square, and those people don't doubt that we'll show up here. After a little search, they don't ask.

When I came here, Xiao Ya was already waiting here.

As for Fang Qi, he hasn't appeared yet.

"I'll send you out first."

Now I put my arms around Xiao Ya's slender waist. After what had happened before, Xiao Ya was used to the touch of my body and didn't struggle.

Immediately I took a deep breath and looked at the high wall in front of me.

At the next moment, with a soft drink, the ghost quickly spread out, and the wind was blowing at his feet. The whole person's speed almost reached the limit in the blink of an eye, and quickly rushed towards the courtyard wall.

When I saw that I was about to hit the courtyard wall, I jumped up, and my body jumped high in the air. My toes borrowed strength on the wall several times. My exhausted body ran into the air again.

Finally, the whole person stayed steadily on the courtyard wall. I felt like I had become a Wulin expert in martial arts novels. I jumped five or six meters high.

As for Xiao Ya, she completely hugged my neck and handed everything to me.

At a glance, it is about the height of two floors, which can bear.

Pursed my lips, I jumped down again with Xiao Ya in my arms, and finally landed on the ground with a bang. My legs were numb, and the soles of my feet were in a hot pain.

As for Xiao Ya, I didn't hurt her at all.

"You go there first. See that building? Find a place to hide over there. Be careful not to be found by the zombie. When I rescue Fang Qi, I'll find you." I quickly said to Xiao Ya.

Immediately turned around and climbed back again.

Seeing my figure disappear above the courtyard wall, Xiao Ya stamped her feet and quickly turned to leave. She wanted to stop me and leave, but she knew it was impossible.

That man will not abandon any of his companions.

Once again, I returned to the courtyard wall. Bursts of angry drinking could be heard in the distance. I couldn't help feeling a little anxious. Fang Qi hasn't appeared until now. Won't he be found?

That would be bad.

The more I think about it, the more I worry.

But just at this time, I saw two black shadows running towards this side panting in the left direction. Who is the person in front of Fang Qi?

Just... When I saw this scene, I frowned.

Fang Qi is still holding a person. Who is not Qiu Zhiqiang?

How can Fang Qi take Qiu Zhiqiang? Did Fang Qi tell Qiu Zhiqiang about his escape?

There's something uncomfortable in my heart.

"Lin... Lin Yi, I brought... I also brought Zhiqiang." Fang Qi looked at my dark face and said in a low voice.

"Why did you bring him here? Do you want to leave with him? I think he's doing well here." I frowned and said impolitely.

"Who says I'm doing well? Those people don't treat me as a person. They treat me like a dog. They eat the worst food and have to do it. I'm almost tired." Qiu Zhiqiang immediately yelled and scolded at that time, and his face was unhappy.

Sure enough, it's a hundred days of kindness for a husband and wife.

Fang Qi didn't forget her husband at this time, even if the man beat Fang Qi up before.

"Please, if I run away, only my husband will be killed." Fang Qi begged me.

Yes, Qiu Zhiqiang lived by Fang Qi. If Fang Qi left, Qiu Zhiqiang would immediately have no source of food.

There will be no waste to feed. Without value, Qiu Zhiqiang will have no reason to exist.

"Yes, yes, take me with you. Don't worry. After leaving here, my wife will be your wife. How do you want to play..." Qiu Zhiqiang said immediately.

That sentence made Fang Qi angry and sad.

As for me, I couldn't resist. I slapped him and threw him over. It was particularly crisp. Qiu Zhiqiang was directly knocked over by me.

This guy is really blind. He is so tall. He is a pure waste.

But Qiu Zhiqiang didn't care at all. He immediately got up from the ground and flattered: "how can we get out?"

"I'll take you out of the here," I said, trying to hold back my anger.

"What, jump out? You're crazy. What if you fall so high?" Qiu Zhiqiang yelled.

I was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. I said, "which one of you will come first?"

"She first!" when he was in danger, Qiu Zhiqiang immediately pushed Fang Qi out.

The expression on Fang Qi's face could not be described as pain. It was almost numb. It seemed that she was used to her husband's appearance.

"What are you doing with such a person?" I couldn't help whispering.

"But... He is my husband after all." Fang Qi whispered, holding my arm and circling my neck.

I can feel the pain of this woman. No matter who is his lover, he won't be happy.

But Fang Qi still couldn't forget their happiness. She was even longing for her husband to really grow up one day. Because of their own pay, can really be good to themselves, that's enough.

Silly woman.

But neither of us noticed how bitter and ferocious Qiu Zhiqiang's eyes were when he looked at the two of us holding close together.

I sighed, stepped back a few steps, accelerated and took off again, and my body appeared in the high altitude again.


At this time, a fire suddenly crossed through the air.

Immediately, there was a piercing sound in the air.


At this moment, I trembled all over, and intuitively felt an extreme danger.

I even felt a stabbing pain in my head.

Shit... That's a bullet.

I reacted instantly, but in this half air, I had nowhere to borrow and had no time to make an effective response.

In desperation, my toes were on the wall, and my body suddenly sprang up and turned by this last force.

Immediately, with a burst of blood on my shoulder, my body immediately lost its sense of balance under the powerful impact.

The original upward momentum also fell down immediately at this time.

With a puff, his unbalanced body fell directly from the air. He saw that the courtyard wall was less than one meter high, but it was a little distance, but it was far away.

I watched the top of the courtyard wall keep away from me, and finally the whole body burst down.

The back hit heavily on the thick ground. The strong tremor made my chest tingle, and my mouth spewed out a mouthful of blood. The whole face was pale and looked extremely tragic.

As for Fang Qi, I protected her in my arms, but she didn't get hurt.

However, at this time, changes occurred suddenly.

Originally, a figure quietly watching this scene suddenly rushed over.