Who is that person, not Qiu Zhiqiang?

At this moment, the guy's face looked ferocious and his eyes were excited with blood red. He grabbed Fang Qi and pulled it out of my arms. Immediately, he touched a dark thing directly from his waist and aimed it at my forehead.

That's a pistol.

I fell from a place six meters high. I fell miserably. It seemed that my eyes were bleeding. Through the hazy blood red, this man looked particularly terrible.

"You... Zhiqiang, what are you doing? What are you doing?" Fang Qi's scream was particularly harsh.

Fang Qi didn't seem to react from this picture. His face looked full of confusion and fear.

But Qiu Zhiqiang immediately gave an explanation.

A slap directly hit Fang Qi's face, and the white and tender face immediately showed five more bright red slap marks.

"Shit, what am I doing?" Qiu Zhiqiang cursed fiercely: "you bitch, want to elope with your lover, don't you? How can I let you do it? Come and tell me and take me away?"

"There is food and drink in this place. Why should I go? Fuck, let me go with you and see if you two are together all day?" Qiu Zhiqiang seemed to finally find an outlet to vent and howled loudly.

That face looks very distorted.

The more he said, the more he hated me. Looking at me lying on the ground, he immediately kicked me directly, and kicked me hard on the wound on his shoulder.

At that moment, I felt like I really wanted to die.

Fang Qi wanted to hold Qiu Zhiqiang, but Qiu Zhiqiang was a man at this time. As soon as his face changed, he kicked Fang Qi to the ground and immediately beat Fang Qi. He only beat Fang Qi black and blue, which was quite pathetic.

Seeing Fang Qi beaten, a flame appeared in my heart, and I wanted to get up from the ground.

However, Qiu Zhiqiang was sensitive and directly pointed the muzzle at me. At this close distance, I couldn't hide at all. A fool could directly explode my head.

"Run? Run a fart... Still want to elope. You two dog men and women actually mixed up. Shit, what can I do if you run away? What else can I eat?" Qiu Zhiqiang spat and scolded.

"Say... Do you like this smelly boy and want to elope with this smelly boy?" Qiu Zhiqiang scolded more and more and was more excited.

Fang Qi was already sobbing and shook his head: "no... no, we..."

"I just don't want to... I don't want to stay here. I have to be bullied every day. I don't want to..." Fang Qi sobbed and explained.

"Grass Mud Horse, as I said, it doesn't matter if you are fooled by men all over the world, but you can't be fooled by this garbage, shit, bitch, bitch..." he cursed desperately. Qiu Zhiqiang seemed to forget who he lived for and what food he had.

Because when I was a student, I was an orphan who had nothing. I won the powerful and powerful him once, that time, which made Qiu Zhiqiang jealous until now.

Therefore, when Fang Qi told himself his plan and wanted to take him with him, Qiu Zhiqiang immediately found an excuse to give Fang Qi away, and then... Informed Li Jie.

Seeing the success of his plan, the guy he hates most is lying in front of him like a dead dog. Qiu Zhiqiang's heart is excited.

As for Fang Qi, she had already burst into tears. The tears rolled down the corners of her eyes and mixed with the blood from the corners of her nose and mouth.

Fang Qi is not a fool. Before, she was just dazzled by her last trust in her husband.

But now, Fang Qi knows that the man who betrayed himself at the last minute and still left himself in the Magic Cave is his husband with the last glimmer of hope.

The last glimmer of hope was completely broken.

The whole person curled up on the ground and shivered.

"Sorry... Sorry..." Fang Qi kept whispering.

Not only did he fall into the current situation, but even hurt this person to bear the same consequences as himself. Fang Qi's heart was full of guilt.

"Ha ha... Qiu Zhiqiang, you did a good job." just then, a man came over with a slap in the face.

That voice is not Li Jie. Who is it?

With a burst of light, Li Jie, Li Si, Lao Yan, glasses and some other members of the hunting team all came over and completely surrounded me.

Condescending, I can see how proud Li Jie is.

As for Li Si's several people next to him, they were also full of publicity. They seemed to forget how scared they were before.

As soon as he saw Li Jie coming, Qiu Zhiqiang immediately ran over like a pug: "Master Li, what's the matter? The information I provided you is still accurate."

"Accurate, very accurate, very good. You can choose one of those girls tonight and play casually." Li Jie said with a sneer.

It's like rewarding a dog.

In Li Jie's eyes, this man is a dog. No, not even a dog. At least a male dog won't sell his bitch.

But Qiu Zhiqiang is full of excitement. For so long, this is the first time he has had the opportunity to taste the taste of women. Can he not be excited?

"Lin Yi, I didn't expect that we would come to this step... Tut Tut, I treated you well. Why did you run away with the women in the base? You're sorry for my trust." Li Jie smacked and said.

"Come on, there's no need to pretend at this time. You're just for the ability of crystal nucleus in my body. You haven't done this kind of activity for two days a day. Bah, I've never seen such a shameless guy like you." I struggled to get up from the ground.

Looking at my action, Li Jie didn't stop it. Even if he was scolded, Li Jie didn't get angry.

He knew that the man in front of him was just a dying struggle. It was useless. He was surrounded by his own people. So many guns were aimed at him, and the boy was injured. Even the gods could not live.

"Ha ha, that's nothing. My strength is given by God. I'm the only savior who can save the world. They're just contributing their own strength to the salvation. What a glorious thing." Li Jie seemed to be crazy, his hands facing the sky and his face twisted.

Crazy, this guy is really crazy.

When a person is immersed in his own world, he can't wake up anyway.

This is a madman and a pervert.

And he is also an extreme publicity, extreme narcissism and arrogant guy. He wants to see his goal trembling in front of him.

Moreover, this guy also has the pride of being a capable person. The capable person can only die in his own hands, so he came in person and didn't let Qiu Zhiqiang kill this person directly. Otherwise, with Qiu Zhiqiang's hatred, he may directly shoot this person.

"Stubborn guy, but you will soon understand that your strength will become our strength and become a part of the power of salvation. Be proud..." with a grimace, Li Jie said in a gloomy voice: "someone first fill a shot, and then take him to the basement and nail him!"

Li Jie really thought he was a pope or something, and even created a shit nailing.

It's the mummies in the basement. Their wrists and ankles were nailed on the board with blood flowing until their blood dried up and died.

Of course, that's ordinary people.

For those with ability, they can't live that long. When the anatomy is finished, it's almost time to die.


Qiu Zhiqiang coldly pulled the trigger, a bullet directly hit my thigh, and his whole body flopped down to the ground.

Then Li Si came to me with a ferocious smile. His face looked dark and ferocious. His big hand grabbed me directly at my injured shoulder.

Although these people publicized, they were careful. Now I was shot in the arms and legs. At this time, I was not Li Si's opponent at all.

This time, it seems that he is really dead.


Li Si's palm grabbed my shoulder. With a little force, my arms almost broke.

"Come on, my anatomical skills are first-class. I will let you taste all the pain before you die... Ha ha..."