Liu Fuqi heard Liu Bu say this and said it out of mouth. He didn't know how to respond.

Chen Yuanyuan was very happy. She felt that Liu Bu was like a great power in public. She clapped her hands and said with a smile: "well, look coldly at thousands of people's fingers, bow down and be willing to be a child and cow. Celebrate it. You are determined to be a salaried person for the public."

Chen Yuanyuan is sorting out his poetry collection for Liu bu. She is very happy to include Liu Bu's eloquent words with such a style.

Liu Bu said to him, "let's go and do it?"

In fact, Liu Bu is not stupid. He also knows that now others regard him as stupid. They push all the refugees here and all the responsibilities here. If this thing is done well, there may not be any credit. If it is not done well, others will say that you will not save your life.

Jiaozhou Zhizhou said so openly.

I believe that after this winter, the Liu family will not die and take off a layer of skin. If they don't save these people, it will provoke a popular uprising. The government can take the opportunity to intervene. If he gives full help, they will be greatly weakened after this winter.

This is the real intention of officials. They have long hated the wealth of the Liu family and are very unhappy.

Liu bu also wants to learn from other people's ruthlessness, learn from these officials, do nothing when there is no way, and then choose the method of natural selection to let God decide the life and death of these people.

However, he has his own bottom line. He can't be so cruel. He can persuade himself to steal, rob and get more money, but he just can't say in an elegant style like these scholar Bureaucrats: "this is inaction, natural selection."

But now Liu Bu has a very important thing, that is, he has to pick up his grandmother first. Because he knows Liu Zeqing's plot, he doesn't want to make any mistakes here.

Liu Zhongyong led 450 soldiers to set out in advance. He himself led more than 100 people and then rushed there.

Liu Zhongyong led the main force and baggage, so he set out ahead of time. Liu Bu led the Qingqi and the main force, so he postponed it for a day and a half.

Mrs. Liu returned home to worship her ancestors, which is also a reserved program for the Liu family every year, so they used more than a dozen carriages to pull goods and people, escorted by 50 family members Ding, and returned to Fushan by land through Qingzhou and Laizhou. Xu Zhiqiang was the leader.

Xu Zhiqiang failed this job in Taohuawu last time. Their brothers had a ghost in their hearts, so they went to Li Ruonan to borrow more than 10000 liang of silver, filled in the pit, and then lied to Liu Yuanqiao that Chen Yuanyuan eloped with someone and couldn't buy it.

He took out more than 10000 liang of silver to keep his job, and then this time he was arranged to escort the old lady back to Fushan's hometown.

And this time Xu Zhiqiang was so angry that he wanted to go back to his hometown of Fushan and ask Liu Bu what he meant?

Because Xu Zhiqiang brothers are the big housekeepers of Liu's family. They also have some eye liner in their old home. They indistinct hear some wind. They have been saying elopement, and the great beauty Chen Yuanyuan who bought it is here at Fushan old home.

Although they couldn't find out much other information, they knew that Chen Yuanyuan might be here in Fushan, which means that it might be the good deed of young master Liu Bugan to take Chen Yuanyuan and their silver tickets.

Xu Zhiqiang wanted to go here and ask Liu bu why he did this to him and why he wanted to do it to him. At least he had to return the ten thousand liang of silver.

Xu Zhiqiang set out to the East with dozens of family members guarding the old lady's carriage. They return once a year, so they are very familiar with the road. Moreover, the Liu family's caravan is basically commuted to and from this route every day. All customs on this route have been opened by them. If there are checkpoints on the road, they are exempted from inspection, If there are some bandits on the roadside who occupy the mountain as the king, they also get through the joints and pass one by one. No one dares to move their Liu family's motorcade, which makes them feel at ease. This is an easy journey.

But what Liu Yuanqiao didn't know was that they were watched by Liu Zeqing.

Liu Zeqing has always regarded the Liu family as a piece of fat meat, which is the only way for him to make money quickly and become strong quickly. He is not afraid of thieves to steal, but he is afraid of thieves' concern. He has been staring at the Liu family, just trying to find time and ways to start, but he has been dissolved by the other party several times, and he can't get anything.

Liu Zeqing was a little manic and restless. He knew that if he didn't eat the fat meat of the Liu family as soon as possible, it would fall into the hands of others. He understood better. He knew that in fact, the magistrate and the governor had an eye on the Liu family and wanted to eat a bite of the fat meat, depending on who did it first.

Liu Zeqing thought that if Zhu Dadian took the Liu family first, he would not even give them a mouthful of soup, so he decided to take the lead.

However, if he takes the lead, he must take care of everything. If he doesn't take care of it, he may be guilty of rebellion, seizing officials and killing the nine ethnic groups. Therefore, he must control all this well, be famous and control everything.

There are so many dignitaries in Linqing. Everyone stares at them and has no way to start, but this is different after Linqing.

After all, Liu Zeqing is the general army of Shandong. He is in charge of the capital department. He can mobilize and manage the guards of the whole province. So many places are under his control. He can mobilize local people to work for him.

Liu Zeqing knows that many people in Linqing are staring at him, and he is not easy to start. Moreover, these people under him are also staring at him. If he takes the lead, there may be a situation, that is, the mantis catches the cicada, the Yellow finches catch the cicada, the Snipes and clams compete, and the fisherman gains profits. He knows that to successfully overthrow the Liu family is actually a job of drawing chestnut from the fire. If he doesn't do it well, It's easy to burn your hands and can't eat chestnuts.

So this time Liu Zeqing didn't do it himself, but ordered Zhang Yongxin, a capable general in Jinan, to lead thousands of people to hijack their convoy.

They have no chance to start in Linqing, but if the Liu family wants to start from Linqing and return to Fushan, it will have to go through Jinan, Qingzhou, Laizhou and a large number of places. It can be said that in these hundreds of miles, they have plenty of opportunities to attack them.

As long as they win the old lady Liu's motorcade, they can blackmail the old fox Liu Yuanshan.

Liu Zeqing knew that he was a big troublemaker, so he stayed in Linqing and made public appearances every day to make evidence of his absence. After the Liu family's motorcade was hijacked, he even arranged people to run to Yimeng mountain area to show that it was the bandits and bandits in Yimeng mountain area.

At that time, he can find an excuse to suppress the bandits and say that the bandits around here did it. As long as he controls the old lady of the Liu family, he can advance and retreat freely.

How can these secrets be known by the Liu family's secret agent? Because Liu Bu arranged the secret agent sun Si to sneak into the Liu family's general military house. Now sun Si has a relationship with Liu Zeqing's military division Su Youfang.

Even if sun Si entered the general military mansion, he was just a little servant. How could he have a relationship with Su Youfang? Su Youfang is Liu Zeqing's most trusted aide. He helped plan all the bad things. Basically, he knows all the bad things of Liu Zeqing and his true confidant.

It was precisely because sun thought of a way. They bought a beautiful woman from the refugees, pretended to be his sun Si's sister, and then went into the concubine room dedicated to Su Youfang. Su Youfang was very happy. Someone took the initiative to send the woman to his room. This was the greatest recognition for him. When his face was big, he was very happy and very happy, Then sun Si was arranged by ordinary servants to enter Liu Zeqing's real family team.

Sun Si was originally an elite soldier with excellent riding skills. He soon became an excellent confidant because of his excellent performance in Liu Zeqing's family team.

Therefore, with the two of them here, basically they can know Liu Zeqing's trend. For example, they planned to hijack the old lady of the Liu family this time. Their basic plan is still in Liu Zeqing's duty room, but Liu Bu and they have received some news and rumors and already know their plan, so the bad things Liu Zeqing did, The so-called secret plan has long been known to them and has a targeted layout.

But Liu Zeqing didn't do it himself in order to avoid suspicion. Instead, he handed it over to his important hand. Jinan sub guard General Zhang Yongxin asked him to do these bad things. Zhang Yongxin is Liu Zeqing's most important subordinate, who has done some shady activities for him, and he has led the army for many years, He often presented a lot of beautiful women and money for him, which won the reuse of Liu Zeqing.

The biggest problem now is that they don't have any spies around Zhang Yongxin, so they don't know where Zhang Yongxin will ambush and intercept.

So they can only send spies to secretly monitor the old lady's motorcade. They believe that if the other party is going to attack this motorcade, they will send someone to step on the spot. They can't take people directly without investigation and stepping on the spot. After all, they want to ambush a motorcade of hundreds of people. If someone escapes and leaks the news, They can't afford to go, so when there's no way, they can monitor the old lady's motorcade.

The best way is to master the information of the old lady's motorcade and carry out targeted ambush attacks.