Because the road is far away and there are nearly ten days between them, they don't know where the other party will start, but the only advantage is that there are official ways here. They take official ways and checkpoints all the way, and they won't take remote routes for no reason. Therefore, the other party's choices are limited and must go around official ways.

And one thing they can be sure of is that Zhang Yongxin is responsible for guarding Jinan mansion. He can't do it on the ground of Jinan mansion. If so, the black pot will directly buckle on his head, so he will definitely wait until the team leaves Jinan mansion, preferably near Qingzhou mansion. Anyway, they will try their best to push the responsibility to the other side, I won't carry this black pot myself.

Therefore, Liu Zhongyong deployed their servants on the front line between Qingzhou Prefecture and Jinan to conduct a secret ambush and wait for the return of the horse.

Of course, they also have spies in Liu's team. As long as they find something wrong, they will immediately report it to Malay. This is their own convenience. It is their own team, and they can arrange it at will.

Although Xu Jianqiang is a bad ghost housekeeper, he and Liu Zeqing are not the same way, they are the same way, and Li Ruonan is the same way, so they have figured out which way the ghost is. Since they are not the same way, they can't collude together. Even if they collude, don't be afraid. They still have backhands.

Liu Zhongyong, as an old army leader, saw that the officers and soldiers of Daming actually did this kind of thing. They didn't defend their country and protect one side. They only thought about how to rob money. Liu Zhongyong sighed: "what happened to Daming and how to get to this point."

A day and a half after Liu Zhongyong and his men settled down, Liu Buyi led more than 100 of them to the scene. After they met, there were more than 550 people. Although the number was certainly less than that of the other party, they were all elite servants. If they were surprised, they could surprise the other party.

Since they knew that Liu Zeqing gave the work package to his general Zhang Yongxin, they also began to investigate the whereabouts of Zhang Yongxin. After receiving the order, Zhang Yongxin led more than 1000 troops to leave Jinan City in the name of suppressing bandits and go to the East. The East is the direction of Qingzhou. It is estimated that they are also ambushed near here, waiting for the key time.

Although Zhang Yongxin is a despicable person, he has a lot of experience in leading troops. He made a lot of contributions to Liu Zeqing's life and death, so he won Liu Zeqing's trust. After Liu Zeqing left the provincial capital Jinan and moved to Linqing, he was responsible for guarding Jinan, which can be said to be very trust.

If he didn't have such trust, he couldn't have sent him to perform such a task. Seriously, everyone knows that the old lady of the Liu family is a piece of fat meat. If he doesn't trust and rest assured, he's afraid that others will eat his head soup and cut off his beard.

In this case, Liu Bu and Liu Zhongyong had to calm down and wait for each other's action.

However, one advantage of them is that the old lady's motorcade is always walking along the official road. They have also deployed a large number of cavalry and reconnaissance soldiers next to the official road. As long as they see each other's whereabouts, they can return immediately, and they also conducted anti search along this line, but the effect is not very great.

After all, this area is Zhang Yongxin's defense area, and the other party is the chief officer of this area. He is legal and reasonable to open any place now. However, once he crosses his defense area and enters Qingzhou mansion, he is ultra vires. When he takes action, his main force is also ambushing in the nearby area, waiting for the opportunity to take action at any time.

Liu Bu said to him, "this time, we will severely attack the enemy's arrogance and kill him until he is afraid, so that they will not always think that we are easy to bully."

Liu Zhongyong said, "it's time to show our muscles, otherwise these people always think we are bullies."

Liu Kang said, "our two sides are in direct conflict. How can so many people die?"

Liu Bu said directly, "it's none of my business for the officers to fight against the robbers, and it's none of my business how many people died in their officers?"

Liu Kang nodded and said, "I see."

Several old people expressed their attitude, and they were ready to take action.

Now there will be chaos in the world. Except for several major counties, Daming has almost no control over the local areas. Except that in the tax season every year, a large number of tax soldiers go to the countryside to collect taxes. At ordinary times, officials dare not go to the countryside. Cars and caravans like the Liu family are also fully armed. They dare to travel only when escorted by servants, otherwise they dare not travel.

In fact, their safest way is to directly pick up the old lady's motorcade. They have hundreds of people, and the other party doesn't dare to make it easily, but they also understand that if they appear, the other party will know their strength and will deploy them targeted. They can't play the role of a strange soldier, but they are secretly plotted by the other party.

The best way is to lurk aside, wait for the other party to make a shot, and then intercept it.

This time, they also decided to teach each other a hard lesson to let each other know how powerful they are. Don't always pester them and think they are easy to bully. If there were no such reasons, they would directly send more people to escort the old lady back, which would be much easier.

However, the other party is also the action of thousands of people. Thousands of people are dispatched. It is not easy for them to hide their whereabouts. Under Liu Bu's intentional search, they finally find that they haunt between the two houses. YEMA mountain.

Seeing what they mean, they are ready to take action in yemashan and hijack the old lady. The escort servants and servants must have killed and robbed the property, pretending to be done by mountain bandits and bandits.

According to the rule of the Ming Dynasty, there is a post station every ten miles. Just right. Because it is the junction of the two governments and is too remote, there is no post station. There are no villages nearby. It is a great opportunity to start.

Liu Bu knows that there are more than 1000 people on the other side, but he doesn't know how much combat power the other side has and how many servants there are. However, in terms of the combat ability of Daming Wei's soldiers, their more than 500 servants don't have to be afraid of more than 1000 people on the other side. Just wait for the other side to take action. Since he knows that the other side is in yemashan, he is ready to take action in yemashan, They also secretly entered the mountain forest near YEMA mountain in advance.

Zhang Yongxin is the most powerful general under Liu Zeqing. When Liu Zeqing was a constable in Caozhou, they began to mix together. Then Liu Zeqing took the thigh of a powerful man and soared all the way. Zhang Yongxin followed him. When he became a general, he became the left and right arm. It can be said that Zhang Yongxin is Liu Zejun's most important assistant, Liu Zeqing did the main bad things.

Liu Zeqing can rise up so fast because he is not only supported by others, but also knows how to curry favor with his boss.

He made a lot of money when he was in the army. As a result, he soared to the top. He became the Shandong General army at the age of 35. He can also be called young and promising.

With the blessing of his old boss, Zhang Yongxin, who was 34 years old, also became a guard general in Jinan, managing thousands of people. Peacetime is a common practice in the local area. Bing Jing and carbon Jing made a lot of money, so he was very satisfied. He knew that everything was given by Liu Zeqing, so he was loyal to Liu Zeqing. He also knew that Liu Zeqing's plot was ready to start with the Liu family, He also knew that once he started with the Liu family, they could get a lot of money and food in a short time. Then quickly grow yourself.

The Liu family in Linqing is very famous, but it is one thing for Zhang Yongxin not to treat each other. If it was in the past, he still had some taboos. But today, Daming has undergone some changes. These changes, the generals who lead the troops, are very clear that with the corruption of politics, Daming has basically lost control of the grass-roots level, It can be said that the essence of Shandong, in addition to several large county towns, has lost control of the vast rural areas and has already given people a sense of rotten roots. Under such circumstances, Liu Zeqing's strategy is very decisive, that is to get a lot of money quickly, and then quickly recruit troops and expand themselves, so long as he has the strength in his hands, He can say no loudly to civil bosses.

And they have also tasted the sweetness. They have soldiers in their hands. If civil servants want them to go out to suppress bandits and fight, they can't do without them. If you don't give me money, I won't do it. And now they have found that if they have money, they can be free and don't listen to each other at all, Now civil servants use Qian Niang and official positions to force them to move forward. If they have money and food, they can not listen to these officials.

With these ideas, they became crazy. They must keep an eye on the Liu family and annex them. Then they can get the money and food of the Liu family and do whatever they want without listening to the words of an official.

It is not only Liu Zeqing who has an eye on the Liu family, but Liu Zeqing knows that he has an eye on the Liu family, but there are not only them, but also several other families. However, he is the only one who has soldiers and power like him and dares to act rudely. Other people are still playing with those political means. The Liu family can also play with these political means, so it is fun for both sides to fight.

Liu Zeqing and Zhang Yongqing clearly understand that we are soldiers. Soldiers speak in the way of soldiers. Why use the detours of officials? Moreover, they know that if they play with each other in the way of officials, it is estimated that they will let each other play, and death will not benefit. With these reasons, they decide, As soon as you have a chance.