Since nanzhili was demoted, its defense has been in the charge of the troika. The so-called Troika is the Minister of Nanjing Military Department, the garrison general and the garrison eunuch. The three of them constitute the highest organ of Nanjing's actual power.

Later, after Wen Guiwu was humble, governor Ying Tian also had a great say in this regard. Although Ying Tianxing mansion wished to garrison troops in Suzhou, its influence in this area was still very great.

Nanjing had 100000 troops in the early stage, but then it continued to reduce. It has become only tens of thousands. The number of troops has decreased, the number of people has increased, and it has become a super prosperous metropolis.

In terms of its political status, Nanjing certainly has no way to compare with Beijing, but in terms of the total amount of economy and the degree of prosperity, it is even more prosperous than Beijing. After all, the prosperity of Beijing comes from the worship of the whole world, while the prosperity of Nanjing is the output value that can be produced by itself.

That is because these cities, led by Nanjing City, have continuously generated output value and conducted blood transfusion for Daming, which makes Daming continue to the present.

Liu Jiajun also found such a problem. If you fight against Daming, the soldiers will block you, and you come and go, and eventually the Liu family will collapse and end, because Daming has the whole world as a supplement to resources, and there is a steady stream of food support from Jiangnan, Huguang, Guangdong and other places. It can afford to lose and consume, and Shandong has become a war zone, Its grain output and manufacturing industry will decline greatly. Relying on the local economy, it will not be able to maintain a huge military force. Although it wins for a while, it will be crushed in the end.

In the words of later generations, war is a comprehensive national strength. People's comprehensive national strength is stronger than you. It can take a few years, but you can't afford it. If the Liu family wants to replace Daming, it must break this deadlock.

Therefore, they will temporarily resist the first wave of counterattack by the imperial court, and then begin to consider starting with Daming's granary. Only by taking down Daming's granary and leaving him without food supply, can they use Daming's rapid decline.

It can also be said that Jiangnan has become a new battlefield for the competition between Daming and the Liu family, and a key point for both sides to fight for the world.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor Taizu of that year, was the first to win the land of fish and rice, Jianghuai. After that, he waited for the opportunity to win Nanjing. Then, with the rich place here, he developed silently, sat and watched the heroes in the world, fought with dragons and tigers, and finally won the victory.

The Liu family also has the same plan, that is, to occupy a super huge rich place and continuously produce output value for themselves. Then they can transfuse them with this place, and then they can have the ability to fight against Daming continuously.

After he won Yangzhou, Liu Bu set his eyes on Nanjing. In fact, they had set their eyes on Nanjing in the north. They planned to develop their hegemony here and start their journey to dominate the world. Previously, in Shandong, they could only say that they had a foothold and protect their lives. When they hit the Jianghuai River and stole Nanjing, they began to dominate the world.

The Liu family is very rich. With the details of several generations, they have accumulated amazing wealth. Especially in the battle of liubumaysilver, they have accumulated huge wealth, which is the key to their rapid outbreak.

In this era, you can recruit soldiers if you have enough food, and you can work for you if you have enough food. There are very few soldiers who provide such good welfare conditions. Every soldier is willing to work for them. 100000 Liu family army is their strength to dominate the world.

In the past, every time Liu Jiajun expanded his army, there would be an adverse consequence, that is, the combat effectiveness would decline due to the number of recruits and the number of veterans.

Liu Jiajun took out a lot of pensions every year and every month. It's amazing. If Liu Bu hadn't brought so many gold and silver treasures from mays, silver and the battlefield, it's estimated that they would have hung up long ago.

Now they have finally walked out of Shandong and taken a key step in striving for hegemony.

Since it was the key World War I, it was naturally Liu Bu, the most powerful of Liu Jiajun, who led the army in person, and his elite troops were sent out in an empty group.

In addition to leaving enough troops to defend the north and the south of Liaoning, they transferred all elite troops, fearing no risk and cold, moving south day and night.

In fact, it is very hard and dangerous for soldiers to travel day and night in snowy weather, but they heard that they are going to attack Jiangnan, the richest Jiangnan area in the Ming Dynasty, and their leading forces have occupied the flower world. Yangzhou is like a paradise. Everyone's heart is warm.

In the eyes of many ordinary people, every soldier of Liu Jiajun is a small boss and landlord. Every time they go to the battlefield, they will bring some wealth. These wealth is often what many ordinary people can't earn in their whole life, or what ordinary people can't earn in their whole life. Therefore, a convention has been formed. Every time Liu Jiajun soldiers send troops, they will return home with a full load, The local people call it autumn Valley, and the autumn harvest also goes.

Because of this, although these soldiers are very hard and tired, their morale is very high and their hearts are warm like a fire.

This kind of heroic, high spirited scene of thousands of troops going down to the south of the Yangtze River shocked and frightened many local people. Many people felt that the rivers and mountains were only afraid to change color and the imperial dynasty was about to change.

Liu Jiajun had already completed the control of Yanzhou Prefecture. After controlling Yanzhou Prefecture, they then looked covetously at the Jianghuai river.

More importantly, the backyard policy implemented by Liu Bu during his tenure as the general army of Fengyang has enabled them to have a lot of military presence here. These military presence has provided convenience for them to enter this area.

When Liu Zhongyong led the main force from Jining to Xuzhou, they were unimpeded and moved quickly all the way.

The prefect of Xuzhou has always been in collusion with the Liu family. As early as Liu Bu served as the chief soldier of Fengyang, they had already colluded with each other. The reason for this prefect's collusion with the Liu family is quite simple. This is that the Liu family has enough money to buy him. He is a typical mother with milk. He recognizes money but does not recognize people. When the white money is in front of him, His black eyes almost turned white.

On that day, Liu Jiajun returned to the north in an all-round way. All parts of Fengyang Prefecture began a wave of giving Liu Jiajun a gift to leave the country. Only Xuzhou Prefecture actively welcomed them, and handed over the best location and the most important strategic place to Liu Jiajun for their stationing.

Xuzhou, a well-known strategic place in the world, had already completed the control long before the Liu family controlled the three West Houses in Shandong. Of course, this kind of control refers to the strategic points and traffic points, not a comprehensive occupation.

Of course, at present, with the strength of Liu Jiajun, they can only control the strategic points and transportation points. They have no interest in these remote counties. If these counties are occupied, their strength will be expanded to more than one million, which is insufficient.

Liu Zhongyong's southward army quickly entered Xuzhou Prefecture, entered their Jiulishan camp outside the city, took a short rest, and the three quickly went southward again.

Xuzhou City's strategic position is also based on the north gate of Fengyang mansion. Although the exiles bypassed Xuzhou mansion, they still captured Fengyang. The hometown of the conquered royal family planed his ancestral grave.

This time, the main force of the Liu family army was the same. They claimed to lead 100000 troops and attacked the capital, which terrified the magistrate, officers and officials of Fengyang.,

The last time Fengyang mansion fell, all the officials were killed. Most of them were transferred from the back. However, the tragic situation at that time was still in sight. Although the governor was not here and the general army was not here, everyone immediately mobilized all the people to go up to the wall to defend.

He ordered Fengyang Prefecture magistrate to transfer all the troops of all the surrounding counties to defend Fengyang Prefecture. He knew one thing very well, that is, even if the surrounding counties were lost.

If he can keep Fengyang, the capital of Zhongdu, and the imperial mausoleum, he can survive and escape. If Zhongdu is lost and other cities are safe, he will die.

Moreover, after he heard that Liu Jun arrived, he also began to implement the policy of cleaning up the solid walls, sending troops to move the people in the nearby counties and villages to the county seat, and the people near Zhongdu to Zhongdu.

They were also very smart this time. They carried out piecewise contracting on the four walls, designated generals to be responsible for guarding the relevant sections, and punished anyone who had an accident.

Like these officers and generals guarding the city, their families are detained by the magistrate. If they fail to defend or are half hearted, they will execute these hostages and clean them up.

Moreover, he personally lobbied the rich and powerful people in the city to take out a sum of money and food to reward the army, so that the officers and soldiers guarding the city could wear warm clothes and eat enough to fight hard for everyone.

These dignitaries and rich families also know that life and death are at stake. If Fengyang is broken, they can't get well, and most of them will be killed.

It has to be said that the Fengyang Prefecture magistrate's technique is still very steady, and the measures are very effective. If they do this, even if the Fengyang Prefecture is captured, they have nothing to say.

But what they didn't expect was that when they were ready to meet the attack of the Liu army, the Liu army crossed Fengyang and didn't enter. They went south and rushed to Chuzhou on the edge of the Yangtze River. Frankly, their goal was not Fengyang at all, but to echo the army marching westward from Yangzhou.

However, even if the magistrate of Fengyang knew about the Liu family's plot, he could do nothing, because with his strength, he had no way to take Liu family army. It would be good to be able to protect himself. He dared to kill Liu family army's tiger beard.