Liu Jiajun made a good strategy this time, that is to go all out to the South and seek Nanjing city.

After taking Nanjing as the core, we took all the 14 prefectures in nanzhili and completed their control. After controlling here, we can cut off the connection between Daming and Fujian, Huguang and Guangdong. In short, we can cut off the connection between Daming and the south.

As for Beijing, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, it is indeed very important in terms of strategic geographical location. It is very good in guarding the nomads to the South and fighting back against Mongolia, but its area does not produce grain and needs money, grain and utensils from the south, which is also an indisputable fact.

Without the supply of money, utensils and goods in the south, their life will be very sad.

Daming has been able to stand up. For more than 200 years, so many people rebelled and were quickly calmed and suppressed by them. It is because they are rich all over the world. Now even their rich places have been crushed, which means that they are unable to maintain their huge military strength. At the same time, it will be very difficult to deal with the rogue bandits, JianNu and Liu family.

Liu Jiajun called this strategy "cutting off the source". To put it bluntly, it was to bleed Daming.

Liu Bu was born in the Ming Dynasty, but he also knows that there is chaos between them. If they are defeated, the end will be very miserable. Those who follow them will also be very miserable.

The Ming Court has always killed all its political enemies. Even the Taizu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, after defeating his opponents Chen Youliang, Zhang Shixian and Fang Guozhen, not only killed all their subordinates, but also demoted their descendants as Dalits.

The so-called Untouchables are men who have been slaves for generations and women who have been prostitutes for generations. They not only have to be unlucky for themselves, but also have to be unlucky for their children and grandchildren.

Under the threat of this policy, many people will never rebel unless they have to, because the cost is extremely tragic.

But when the people are desperate, even if the end is tragic, they will do it.

For example, when Liu Jiajun's strength expands to a certain extent, the imperial court will not allow them to continue to expand. They are in a situation of retreat if they don't advance. Even if they want to retreat, it is impossible to be a rich man. If they don't raise troops to revolt, the imperial court will kill them and confiscate them. The imperial court is very familiar with these things.

At least in everyone's eyes, Liu Jiajun was forced against by the imperial court. It was the imperial court that asked them for military pay and apportionment, which caused such terrible consequences.

When they sent troops to Yangzhou to attack Jiangnan on a large scale, Liu Jiajun also understood that they really had no way back and could not coexist with Daming. Therefore, they formally denounced the world and called on the people and heroes all over the world to raise troops against the imperial court and create a rebellion against Daming.

In terms of buying people's support, Liu Jiajun has always been his strong point. They have always paid great attention to publicity in this regard.

For example, their rebellion is actually the result of the expansion of their ambition, but under their propaganda and packaging, they become bullied and oppressed by the imperial court, and only raise troops to rebel when they can't bear it. This is called conforming to the hearts of the people, sacrificing the ego and completing the ego.

Moreover, after they took up the army, the establishment of their propaganda office expanded more than ten times, mainly to publicize the benefits of their Liu Jiajun and do everything possible to slander and speak ill of the imperial court.

However, in the eyes of the common people, the image of the current imperial court has plummeted, which is very smelly. The people's hearts have been lost even more by Liu Jiajun's slander.

As a newly rising power, Liu Jiajun is almost barefoot to the imperial court. He has the advantage that the imperial court does not have in winning the hearts of the people, that is, he can promise not to accept grain.

Their propaganda office, however, compiled a children's song and sang it everywhere: eat his mother, wear his mother, Liu Jun came and didn't accept food!

Now the people all over the world bear extremely heavy taxes and corvee. After a hard year, they have to pay taxes for 67% of their income and give it to the imperial court. They work hard all year round and can't even eat a full meal. Everyone is oppressed. Living in deep water and fire, it's almost explosive. It can also be said that everyone is suffering from taxes and corvee,.

This is true for many rich families, not to mention the poor people, countless poor people, who are bankrupt and become refugees with nothing.

Therefore, Liu Jun threw himself in his favor and put forward the policy of not accepting grain, but quickly won the support of the people and stability. It can be said that wherever their army went, the local people welcomed them one after another. This is because Liu Jiajun said and did it, and there was no tax at all.

Of course, Liu Jiajun's so-called no tax means no land tax. As for business tax, they still have to collect it.

However, today's Daming is basically an agricultural society. It is basically dominated by agriculture. The non collection of land tax is equivalent to the general non collection of tax. The so-called commercial tax is only available in the developed cities along the southeast coast. The income generated in these places is much higher than that from digging in the ground.

Like many inland places, there are not many commercial activities at all. All commercial exchanges are carried out through goods exchange. There is nothing to draw out when collecting taxes in these places.

But Liu Jiajun is now trying to seize the world and win the hearts of the people. Even such a bad policy has been made. In future generations, although he has exempted agricultural tax, most countries have exempted agricultural tax and subsidized agriculture, but after hundreds of years of development and market exploration, it is no different from digging their own graves.

But the Liu family also understand that if they can't fight now, they will end up dead. Therefore, in order to compete for the world and the people, they used this move in advance. As for how to fill this hole and how to fill this hole in the future, it will be a matter in the future.

If today is not good, who will consider the future?

On the other hand, they publicize it from the perspective of Feng Shui, and they are also spreading a terrible rumor, that is, the flow of the Ming Dynasty.

You can understand it as the flow of rogue bandits or the Liu family's home. This is just a sentence. It doesn't exist on paper. It can be the flow of rogue bandits or the Liu family's Liu.

Moreover, they are also vigorously publicizing that the Zhu family lost their virtue. Why did the Zhu family lose their virtue? This is because their ancestral tombs were planed. Most people in this era firmly believe in the fate of Feng Shui. Everyone believes in the so-called one life, two fortunes and three Feng Shui. The Imperial court was attacked and the imperial mausoleum was planed. I believe everyone will think that something big will happen in the Ming Dynasty.

Sure enough, after the imperial mausoleum was excavated, although the Emperor invited feng shui masters to make urgent remedies, Daming was still in turmoil, getting worse day by day, and various disasters occurred.

Being overbearing in the construction of slaves, many of them had been trapped in the camp, and they had been fighting for the essence of Daming.

The roving bandits spread across several provinces and smashed many prosperous places. What's more fatal is that the Liu family also rebelled. This kind of chaos shocked many people. Many people believe that Daming will have a big problem because of the great event of Feng Shui.

In the past, this was just an idea and a subconscious thing in many people's hearts, but the Liu family concretized this thing and put it forward, so that many people can't help but face up to this problem.

In this regard, song xiance, Liu Bu's assistant, is responsible for publicity. Song xiance is a Taoist wandering in the Jianghu. What he is best at is this way of using Feng Shui and numerology superstition to confuse people.

He is no longer the magistrate of Jimo county and is responsible for this aspect of publicity. Don't mention his method, but they have achieved very good results. Many people believe that Daming is exhausted and the Liu family should be prosperous. Therefore, the Liu family has a destiny. No matter what they do, they are successful with God's help, while Daming is exhausted, no matter what they do, It's all bad luck.

This also explains why the imperial court sent Liu Zeqing 100000 troops to attack Liu Jun and was easily defeated.

The imperial court sent two armies, hundreds of thousands of people and horses to besiege Liu Jun, but they were defeated and returned. Even fierce people like Lu Xiangsheng died on the battlefield.

Such a result is not uncommon and unexpected. This is because the Liu family has a destiny. Naturally, it is blessed by ghosts and gods and invincible.

Liu Bu is a modern man. He doesn't eat this set and doesn't believe it at all, so he doesn't think about it, but superstition is deeply believed by everyone in this era.

They believed this one after another. Song xiance used these means to add 100000 troops to the Liu family.

Because they are crowned with a sacred aura and have destiny and great luck, they are invincible and may replace Daming and establish a new dynasty. Therefore, wherever they go, they can basically make many local governments and people surrender and surrender to them and dare not fight against them.

With these things and propaganda, when Liu Jiajun went out to conquer the prefectures and counties under Yangzhou Prefecture, it was like a divine work. The local officials basically opened the city gate, donated the city and obeyed Liu Jiajun. This made them like the original slave builders. Wherever they went, the enemy surrendered one after another.

On the contrary, with such a small population, but a population of 200000, they can rule over hundreds of millions of people in China. It all depends on so many traitors and running dogs. Now Liu Jiajun also has this kind of prestige, so he is invincible. If God helps.