When Liu Bu received the news from Suzhou, it was two days later, when they broke through the gate of Nanjing and the army marched into Nanjing.

At this moment, Liu Bu was full of energy and pride. He meant to write a poem. However, there was no goods in his belly.

When he saw the news, his first reaction was that Daming was really exhausted. Such a big city, with so few people, attacked it so easily.

I think it was more difficult when he washed Jimo county.

Moreover, Liu bu also knew that he had made a mistake, that is, he overestimated the enemy. The defense of an important town like Suzhou was so empty that he took it down so easily. His 100000 troops of the Liu family can really sweep the world. What they are doing now is a little conservative, that is, they sent out so many troops, Go all out to siege the city of Nanjing.

In order to win Nanjing City, Liu Bu planned to kill more than ten thousand people. He thought it was a place that both sides must attack and take. Who knows that the expected fierce offensive and defensive war did not appear. They soon broke through its wall and killed Duke Xu in more than ten days.

It can be said that after breaking through the city wall and killing Duke Xu, Nanjing city is what they have in their bag. Liu Bu, as the commander of Liu Jun, always has to look ahead. When his army marched into Nanjing City, he was already considering and was ready to send his generals to different places.

The main purpose of their occupation of Nanjing city was to take it as their base and core, to conquer the richest Jiangnan in the Ming Dynasty. Now the world is difficult, and those who win the Jiangnan will win the world.

As long as they can win here, they can copy the success of Taizu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

So they made a plan. Once they won Nanjing, they divided their troops and attacked all parts of the country quickly.

They understand that it is difficult for the imperial army to make big moves before the warm flowers bloom next spring, but once the weather warms up, they will go crazy and go south on a large scale and go all out to raid all parts of the country.

All they have to do is occupy more places and territories before the enemy goes south. Once the main force of the Ming army goes south with all its strength, it will be the time for a total decisive battle between them and Daming.

If we can stop Daming's all-out counterattack, it will really stop them. The places occupied and controlled by Liu Jun will last for a long time, and they will determine their hegemony. Therefore, although Liu Jiajun has the upper hand now, they are also competing with time. If we can capture more places before the Ming army's massive counterattack, the situation will be beneficial to them.

For example, this time, sun's performance made him overjoyed. Sun had already come into his sight as early as the day he surrendered, which was also a famous figure in later generations.

Liu bu also trained him. Otherwise, how could he be a cavalry? He rose so fast and was able to run the army independently. Sure enough, sun expected to live up to his expectations and did such a beautiful thing.

Gold shines.

Without hesitation, Liu Bu immediately ordered the commander of the cavalry, bu rigude, to lead 10000 cavalry to the battlefield.

These 10000 cavalry are all their mobile forces at present. They were originally used to intercept the Ming army going to Nanjing for support, but now it seems that these people have no seed and dare not come to support.

So Liu bu used this sharp knife in Suzhou.

He is a powerful force that, once launched, can take these places before the enemy has time to react and deploy.

For example, if his army division goes to Suzhou and brings their weapons and equipment, it may take a long time. However, if the cavalry is different, they can start immediately after receiving the order. If necessary, they can drive day and night. They will arrive in Suzhou within two to three days to support them.

Although Suzhou has been owned by Liu Jiajun, Liu Bu is not careless. Their troops are too few to deter the opposition forces in the city. Once the other party knows that they have only more than 300 people, these people will not be at ease and will make trouble.

However, if his tens of thousands of cavalry appear outside Suzhou and enter the city on a large scale, it is estimated that these people will not dare to mess around and make trouble. Their huge Legion is a powerful weapon to frighten the enemy.

Burigude grinned and said loudly, "I know my little grandson. He is a man with ideas and abilities, but this time he stabbed the sky. Let's get it out."

As the commander of the cavalry, Buri Gude did not hesitate to organize his troops to set out immediately after receiving the order. His vanguard force, 3000 elite cavalry, set out quickly in half an hour and ran towards Suzhou, while other troops must set out in an hour.

In their words, they are rapid reaction forces, and their characteristics are highlighted in the word "fast". Without this word, they are no different from ordinary troops and do not deserve such high treatment and good welfare.

Looking at their cavalry and mighty departure, Liu Bu felt gratified. It seemed that their adventure was completely right, and they all achieved rich harvest and great success.

Jiangdong has always been a place of hegemony. If they can control it, they can compete with Daming from the perspective of the whole country. Unlike in the past, they just compete with the national power of Daming with the local power of a couple. Anyone who thinks like this will have no confidence.

However, Liu Bu did not take it lightly. He still stationed here in person and ordered his troops to quickly eliminate the remaining enemies in the city and strive to control this huge city as soon as possible.

The most powerful thing in Nanjing is its city wall. At the same time, it is also the Duke of Xu. When the city wall is broken, Duke Xu is also killed. It is estimated that there is nothing to resist the powerful military front of the Liu family.

Sure enough, in the evening of that day, they took control of the whole city and 13 main city gates. They also succeeded in resisting, but there was no formed enemy. It was Liu Jun who was cleaning up the remnants of the enemy.

If Liu Jun wants to surrender at this time, he can probably successfully recruit a large number of Ming troops, but Liu Bu doesn't have this idea, that is, there are still a lot of Ming troops in the city, and leaving them is also a disaster. In that case, why not take this opportunity to eliminate the root causes and eliminate future troubles, and at least give these opposing forces a good look, that is, those who oppose Liu Jun, not those who want to surrender, We must has the final say.

That's why Liu Bu ordered his soldiers, after controlling the expanded gate, to continue to advance on a large scale and hunt down these fleeing Ming troops.

In principle, they have no intention of accepting the other party's surrender. Their idea is to destroy the other party's effective forces as much as possible.

Under this guiding ideology, their battle is continuing. It is in full swing. Even in the evening, when there are thousands of lights, the battle is still continuing and the killing voice in the city is constant.

However, it was not so much a battle as a massacre. It was just the remnants of Liu Jiajun's suppression of the Ming army.

This is the key area ruled by the Zhu Ming Dynasty. There are many royal relatives, old and young. They are deeply loved by the emperor. Daming has given them many things, which the Liu family can't give them. Therefore, the contradiction between the two sides is natural. Their natural opposition is irreconcilable. Liu bu also wants to take this opportunity to eradicate these people.

During the war, it was the best time for them to eradicate the enemy. The army destroyed the city, millions of people were caught in the war, a few powerful families were destroyed, and some opposition forces were killed. This is not a strange thing.

The killing of these people, mixed with thousands of families who died and were destroyed in the war, is not very conspicuous.

If Liu Jun entered the city on a large scale, the world would be peaceful. After controlling all the scenes, he would destroy several opponents of the previous dynasty, which would be very conspicuous.

Moreover, these are not temporary things. When Liu Bu surrounded Nanjing City, he already had a plan in this regard, that is, he made a blacklist and planned to send troops to kill them according to the people on the list after the city was destroyed. Since some people can't be bought or won over, they are the enemy. Taking advantage of the war is the best way.

Although Jiangnan is not Liu Jun's traditional sphere of influence, they have always done business here. Wu Fugui has always been responsible for this matter.

After the maysilver incident, Wu Fugui transferred from the surface to the ground and no longer did business in public. However, there were still some private activities. As the representative of the Liu family who had lived here for a long time, they knew here very thoroughly.

He would persuade the Liu family to go all out to win over. They would not hesitate to use high-ranking officials or money to win over beautiful women. However, some of them could not win over. They directly listed them on the blacklist. When the army entered the city, it was easy to pull them out and eradicate these weeds, so that the crops would be better and the future Empire would be more stable.

This is also the reason why the Liu family deliberately did not accept the surrender of the other party. After occupying all the key places in the city, the battle continued.

They have achieved absolute military superiority, and the rest is political. Since they have won military victories, they can't lag behind politically. We must ensure their control over this place.

The shouting and killing continued, and there was sporadic resistance in the city. At this time, Liu Bu had taken the night to the Nanjing Palace of the Ming Dynasty.