Nanjing of Daming is their accompanying capital. It has the same imperial city and six departments as Beijing. If something goes wrong with Daming in the north, they can move back here quickly.

After all, they started from Jinling in the south. This is their base camp. They can retreat here and make a comeback.

Zhu Di said so. The previous emperors also had this idea.

However, Liu Jiajun's unexpected strategy has disrupted the plan of the king of the Ming Dynasty for more than 200 years. Although the Ming Dynasty has not implemented it, they always have the idea that once the north can't get along, they can retreat to Nanjing and continue to maintain its rivers, mountains and the world.

This is an alternative way. No, it floats in the sea.

But in the present situation, it is estimated that it is impossible.

If the world was peaceful and the weather was good, they might not be able to seize the world of his Ming Dynasty if they took Nanjing. The imperial court could mobilize troops from other places to encircle and suppress them and completely destroy their army.

But now it's different. It's the little ice age. The disaster in the whole north is very serious. Most places have failed to harvest. Coupled with the rampant bandits, there are several provinces suffering from disasters. This is called continuous natural and man-made disasters, and the north is much worse than before.

In this environment, the South has great advantages. They can give enough money and food to support the war.

It has long been said that Daming's persistence to this day depends entirely on the taxes and food in the south of the Yangtze River.

Liu Jun won Nanjing, which means that they may win Jiangnan and officially become a powerful group competing for the world.

Liu buthe also became a famous figure in the world from the young leader of the Liu family in Shandong, controlling millions of powerful teachers and according to Jiangdong.

As the most important place in Nanjing, the Daming Palace was built more than 200 years ago. When Zhu Yuanzhang founded the country, he had convened craftsmen and men from four provinces to build it.

It has been built for decades, but only two emperors have ascended the throne here, namely Zhu Yuanzhang and Jianwen emperor. Since then, they have moved north to become the accompanying capital.

Although his status has not been lowered in terms of legal system, in fact, his status is far inferior to that of the Beijing Imperial Palace. It used to be good. When the royal family was rich, in order to maintain the majesty of the royal family, many personnel guarded and maintained it here. Every year, they would pull out a large amount of money and food to renovate and repair him, so as to keep it luxurious, elegant and clean.

However, since entering the Chongzhen period, the imperial court has become very difficult. There is no surplus food at all, which naturally greatly reduces the expenditure in this regard.

For example, sending special envoys to Nanjing to worship emperor Taizu is a very important one among many sacrifices. The expenditure is up to 10000 Liang, which is huge and grand. It is one of the most important local events.

Taizu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang is the founder of the Ming Dynasty, that is, God. The gratitude of generations to him is unparalleled. Therefore, the sacrifice to the emperor is a very important thing. In the eyes of the royal family, it is more important than the sacrifice to Confucius.

Even for such an important matter, the imperial court can cut expenses and lower its level. It can be seen that they have reached the end of their tether.

Even offering sacrifices to the emperor Taizu, such an important thing can reduce expenditure and level, not to mention other things. The Imperial Palace has lacked sufficient maintenance and repair in recent years, which also looks dilapidated and lacks the royal style and dignity.

There are special people in the Imperial Palace, but they are mainly palace people and eunuchs who have lost power in Beijing. Liu Jun attacked Nanjing. These eunuchs and palace maids are very afraid and don't know what to do.

Others can escape, but they don't know where to go or where to go.

There is a saying that once you enter the palace gate, it's as deep as the sea. After entering the palace gate, it's difficult to come out again. Even if you come out, your life is very poor. It's far worse than before. It's worse than death.

Therefore, people who enter the palace gate are easy to enter but not easy to exit unless they go out horizontally. These eunuchs and maids do not know what to do. They can only wait here. First, they wait for the call and use of the new master, and second, they wait for death.

There are not many guards in the majestic Imperial Palace, because those who can run and carry weapons have been pulled by Duke Xu to defend the city, which means that there are no troops in the whole palace city. Among the palace cities, the highest status is naturally the eunuch Lu Jiude.

Lu Jiude had cooperation and relationship with the Liu family, but most of them were past events. He became famous because of his cooperation with the Liu family. Because of his cooperation with the Liu family, he was almost knocked into the cold palace by the emperor. That is, the emperor thought of his old relationship and sent him to Nanjing to provide for the aged.

Who knows, it's really hard to raise this old man. He's only been a few months. Liu Jiajun called.

Eunuchs and maids gathered around Lu Jiude and said in unison, "please come out and take charge of the overall situation and save my life."

Lu Jiude sighed: "Lu is blessed by the emperor. How can he take refuge in Liu Jun? Let the emperor know where to put him?"

A little eunuch beside him said, "the emperor is far away in Beijing. If he has the ability, he won't let Nanjing lose."

If it was like this before, it would be treacherous. Now it's nothing to be said.

Lu Jiude sighed: "in order to avoid the Liu family, our family applied for release and came to Nanjing. Who knows, we haven't been hiding for a few months. The Liu family army came again. The world is big, but there is no place for us."

The little eunuch said, "don't worry about your husband. You should know that Liu Jiasu has said that he wants to read old love. Husband, you have such a good relationship with them. As long as you come forward, the Liu family will certainly give you a good position."

Lu Jiude sighed: "although we are eunuchs, we have read the books of sages since childhood. We know that loyal ministers do not serve the two masters, and Qian Qianyi has read the books of sages. It is so shameless and spineless, but our family is not like him."

Lu Jiude's sentence means that he wants to die with the city and no longer vote for the Liu family.

Everyone thinks that if Lu Jiude wants to vote for the Liu family, Liu jianian's previous friendship will give him a good position and at least give him a good home, but Lu Jiude is unwilling to pull down this face.

When you heard this, you were shocked. You know, you came here in the hope that the old ancestor would lead you to find a way to live. He was determined to die. What should we do?

So they knelt down one after another, kowtowed again and again, and said, "please be kind to your ancestors. You don't care about your own life and everyone's way of life! The lives and deaths of hundreds of people in this palace are looking forward to your kindness."

Lu Jiude said, "what's to be afraid of? Since ancient times, who has no death? What's the difference between today's death and tomorrow's death? Someone is so greedy for money, but he is not afraid of death. Today, since the Liu family hit here, someone can't die in battle like Duke Xu, but there's no problem in dying for his country."

Lu Jiude said that everyone was really stunned and didn't know what to do.

Outside the palace city, guns are constantly exploding and the sound of killing is shouting. Liu Jiajun is still fighting against the remaining evils of the officers and soldiers in the city. Most people understand their current style. That is, these officers and soldiers dare to take the initiative to resist Liu Jun, so Liu Jiajun is determined to kill them. He doesn't surrender to them at all, just wants to kill them all.

Therefore, the eunuchs and maids in the palace have no courage and ideas to resist. They only think about how to live. Lu Jiude is their only hope. Who knows the old ancestor, he doesn't want to live at all. What should we do.

Such a situation made these people very hesitant and uneasy, and the palace was full of desolation.

Lu Jiude sighed and said, "if my father dies and my mother marries, everyone has his destiny! Lu will commit suicide to report to the court tonight, and you will find your own way to live?"

Lu Jiude said this, which cooled these people's hearts.

These people went out of the palace where Lu Jiude lived. They didn't know what to do. Someone suggested: "since it's dead, why don't we wait for a vigorous and vigorous, and everyone set fire to burn the palace city. It's also a great burial."

What he said was that the Liu family didn't surrender to them. If the Liu family surrendered to them, they would surrender immediately and offer the whole imperial city. Since you don't like us so much and don't think of us at all, let's burn the imperial city and shoot it in two.

But even the man who proposed to set himself on fire was thinking about a problem, that is, he didn't have the courage to do so, but he really didn't dare to do so. Everyone was terrified and didn't know what to do.

At this time, Liu Jiajun finally sent a representative. Their representative walked into the palace under the banner of an envoy.

In the palace city at night, the door was locked. The rule was iron and dead. The emissary was pulled up by eunuchs in a basket. His arrival brought the eunuchs very happy news, that is, this emissary said that if the people in the palace were willing to surrender, they would accept their surrender.

The new dynasty also needs to hire people. They will continue to stay and become a member of the new dynasty.

As for the commonly used tricks for recruiting and demoting, there are no high officials, high salaries, money and beautiful women. Some just spare these people's lives.

But even so, it has made these people very happy. They are as happy as the clouds and the moon.

A moment ago, they were still full of dark clouds. They were very worried. They didn't know what to do and what to do tomorrow. Now that Liu Jiajun had sent representatives and expressed their willingness to accept them, they didn't hesitate at all and surrendered immediately.

After a visit to Nanjing, Daming is coming to an end. They are not royal relatives or meritorious officials. They are just a hard-working palace maid eunuch, that is, they eat a meal. Even if they commit suicide and die for their country, it is estimated that the history books will not remember them, nor will they write special books about them, but will bring them all in one stroke. Since it is so, they can't take care of history, It's better to live and leave a life.