The day after he captured Yiling City, Liu Bu called all his senior officers together to study their next plans.

Although they already have the move of Dai Qianyuan and secretly sent a partial teacher to win Chongqing, hoping to win Sichuan at one stroke, this is just their backup plan. With so few people, it is a little difficult to win a province.

Dai Qianyuan took thousands of disabled soldiers of the Ming army, and Yang Kang took another 5000 elite soldiers and escorted them to Chongqing. Although the number of troops was tens of thousands, it was not small, but most people were not optimistic.

Chongqing has been called a natural danger since ancient times. Once the other party is on guard, it is difficult for them to take it down.

The Southern Song Dynasty was so weak that they could resist the attack of the Mongolian army and kill the emperor mengge of the Mongolian army with the natural danger of Hezhou City.

Therefore, this has been an important place for strategists since ancient times. If the other party is on guard, it is difficult for you to take it down.

On that day, he easily captured Chongqing because the government was not prepared for him, and the governor and magistrate were not prepared for him. They forced them to send troops to Liaodong and directly went to his barracks to inspect, let them sneak attack and kill a surprise, so he easily captured Chongqing.

Later, when the rebels occupied the Chongqing government and the government troops wanted to counterattack here, they mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops and took four or five years to regain them.

Such a strong city, unless the other party is unprepared, a sudden sneak attack, if the other party is on guard, you want to take it down head-on, it is very difficult.

This is similar to the situation in Xiangyang. Li Dingguo made miraculous achievements and easily won this defenseless city with 28. However, when they were on guard, they only used a few thousand people to block the siege of hundreds of thousands of Zhu Xieyuan's army.

We don't expect this branch of teachers. After all, so few people want them to control a whole province, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. It's very difficult. It's a fluke to win Chongqing.

After their study, everyone basically made a unanimous decision. They immediately went north to Xiangyang and jointly attacked Zhu Xieyuan's department. As long as Zhu Xieyuan was killed and his army was wiped out, Daming would have no power to threaten them in the south.

Zhu Xieyuan's group is now under great attack. It is just when he is ill and takes his life. Therefore, they decided that after occupying Yiling and controlling several surrounding counties, the troops immediately go north and go all out to attack Zhu Xieyuan's department.

Zhu Xieyuan has not won Xiangyang yet, but has won some surrounding counties in Xiangyang. There is no danger to defend. If the army raids and leaves, with good luck, he can cooperate with Li Dingguo and annihilate it together.

It's like the battle of Yiling.

However, they all know that this is unlikely, because the war is too noisy. Before that, the Chinese army has always stopped fighting and moved low-key. However, after arriving at the Yiling wharf, they are in full swing. Moreover, the war at the Yiling wharf is also a sensation. The Ming army will certainly Send a fast horse, Urgently report to Zhu Xieyuan or ask for help. I believe Zhu Xieyuan should also receive the news by this time.

However, they have no regrets. They defeated each other's 100000 troops and wanted to completely control the battlefield of 100000 troops, which is quite difficult. Not to mention controlling the other party, it is that so many troops of the other party escaped and they are unable to pursue. Just as they can know that Qin Liangyu led an army of tens of thousands of people to retreat, But neither of them has the ability to send troops to pursue.

The Chinese army made a strong landing in Yiling and repulsed the other 100000 troops at one stroke. They also exhausted all their strength. They must be repaired before they can go out again to give a fatal blow to the enemy.

Liu Bu's use of troops has always been immovable, and every move is thunderous. Therefore, his troops must maintain extremely good energy. He doesn't like to be weak and muddled in the process of fighting.

This time, his Laizhou division can be dispatched immediately, because Laizhou Division has been stationed in Nanjing city for a long time.

If the troops of the Chinese army do not directly participate in the battle, they are all on standby. They must be able to call, fight and win. But this time, they have really traveled a long way and experienced a tragic war. The soldiers and energy consumption are very large. Only after repair can they restore their combat effectiveness, Of course, their weapons and ammunition are also a problem.

This time, the Chinese army was strong enough to defeat the enemy. They completely suppressed the enemy in firepower and couldn't lift the other party's head. However, it required a lot of material loss. It is the so-called artillery ring and ten thousand liang of gold. They are close to the firearms force of more than 30000 people. Once deployed, the daily consumption is an amazing number.

Fortunately, they defeated the enemy in one fell swoop and avoided the protracted war of resistance against Japan. In this regard, they have made great achievements, but anyway, the Chinese army is now exhausted and must be repaired before it can fight again.

So they decided to rest in place for three days and set out in three days.

If they use a tired army to fight against the enemy's elite, it is a very unclear approach.

Mao Shengli, who attacked the city with all his strength under Yiling city that day, if he was not so greedy for work and attacked in the rain, he would use all his troops, not even the reserve team, so it would not be easy for the enemy to attack him secretly.

When he went all out to attack the city with all his strength, the enemy suddenly appeared. Although they found that the enemy's reinforcements appeared, they didn't know how to deal with them.

Liu Bu didn't want this situation, that is, when his troops arrived at the foot of Xiangyang City from thousands of miles away and worked hard, the soldiers were tired and didn't even have enough ammunition. How could they fight with the enemy's elite division?

Although Liu Bu knew that such a move was helpless and would give the enemy time to prepare. If it was another general, he might not be able to make use of such a period of time, but his opponent was Zhu Xieyuan, a shrewd man, who would certainly have targeted deployment and response, but there was no way.

After capturing Yiling, the Chinese Army immediately rested on the spot. On the one hand, they received supplies from the rear. They lost a lot of ammunition, didn't have enough ammunition, and didn't have enough courage to fight the enemy.

This is the difference between firearm troops and other troops. They have very high requirements for logistics. Like ordinary troops, soldiers can go to war with a knife, a long gun and food, but they have to pull their weapons, ammunition, artillery and other things out, which seems a little slow.

However, Liu Bu was not so passive. The next day, he immediately ordered his elite Mongolian cavalry to set out first. The Mongolian cavalry had one advantage, that is, they could go on their way and rest at the same time.

Liu Bu was worried that if his reinforcements came late and Xiangyang let Zhu Xieyuan attack, it would be very passive for the whole strategic pattern.

Xiangyang is a place that can be north or south. No matter who controls him, it is very convenient to attack the South or the north. For the Chinese Empire, if this place is controlled by the enemy, their confidants, Huguang and Jiangnan, will be under the threat of the enemy's blade at any time.

Li Dingguo is struggling to defend Xiangyang City. Liu Bu has confidence in Li Dingguo, but confidence does not mean that he will succeed. There are countless examples of failure in the world when he is confident to do something.

Li Dingguo is capable and brave, but his number is too small, only a few thousand. He has no advantage compared with the more than 100000 troops led by famous generals.

This is where Liu Bu lacks confidence. If Li Dingguo is given 10000 troops, Liu Bu believes that Li Dingguo will be able to hold Xiangyang. With Zhu Xieyuan's resourcefulness, he is afraid he can't get a bargain.

Li Dingguo is a famous figure in history. In the original history, he has become the only highlight of the Southern Ming Dynasty's resistance to the Qing Dynasty. His three famous kings have shocked the world. If he didn't die young, I'm afraid this history would have to be rewritten.

Now Li Dingguo is subordinate to Liu Bu and becomes an officer under Liu bu. Liu Bu gives him a bigger stage and hopes that he can play a greater role.

If it is someone else, he may not dare to make an exception and directly promote a team to more than ten levels and become a teacher.

You should know that the division commander level is already a senior officer in the Chinese army. The highest level is the commander level, which is the level of Liu Zhongyong and Liu bu. Such figures are often no longer responsible for commanding operations and are appointed only when it is critical.

They are directly responsible for a division and a provincial strategic campaign. Just like Mao Shengli, he asked him to unite 20000 troops to attack Yiling. After victory, he took the opportunity to cross the Three Gorges, enter Sichuan and win the whole Sichuan.

Who knows that they were so unlucky that they met the heavy rain and the evil spirit Zhu Xieyuan, which dealt a great blow to their strategic plan.

Fortunately, Liu Bu responded quickly and made remedies for them, otherwise the whole strategic pattern of the Chinese army would be greatly changed.

However, even if Liu Bu made a remedy, their plans were blocked. That is, their troops lost so much that they couldn't supplement them for a while, and there was no way to carry out many plans.

In the past, with 20000 more Qingzhou division in hand, Liu Bu would not hesitate to send troops to take Sichuan directly. He himself led the army north to Xiangyang and destroyed Zhu Xieyuan.

But now it is different. He can only choose unilateral action. Now they have no way to start a war on two fronts. This dilemma is not what Liu Bu wants to see, but there is no way.