Zhu Xieyuan's response was far more rapid and decisive than Liu Bu and his colleagues had imagined.

In one day, the Yiling in his rear area was destroyed by the Chinese army. 100000 troops were destroyed. His generals were dead and injured. Once the Yiling was lost, his way back to Sichuan was blocked and his strength was reduced by half. This can be said to be a great blow.

With Zhu Xieyuan's calmness, he was stunned. While eating, his chopsticks fell to the ground and couldn't speak for a long time.

The news also quickly spread throughout the military camp, causing a fierce wave. The whole camp was full of grief and extremely miserable.

Zhu Xieyuan's army is mainly composed of people from Sichuan and Guizhou. The capture of Yiling means that their way back to Sichuan is blocked. What's worse is that if the Chinese Army captures Sichuan, their hometown will be controlled by the enemy. How will the enemy retaliate against their parents, wives and children? And they have become homeless dogs and wandering ghosts.

This made many people very afraid and terrified. They shouted one after another and asked to go south to recapture Yiling.

In their eyes, under the leadership of their invincible and invincible Zhu dashai, it was not difficult to counter attack Yiling and recapture the way home.

These people all have an idea that if people leave their hometown and lose contact with their hometown, they will leave the fish in the river, have no circuit and live soon.

Many people believe that their only way to survive and the only way out is to kill back to Yiling.

At first, it was just the idea of ordinary people, but then it slowly spread all over the military camp. All the soldiers went to Zhu Xieyuan's middle army camp and asked him to lead everyone to counter attack Yiling.

This is a matter of popular expectation, but Zhu Xieyuan knows that this is unrealistic at all. If you do it like this, it will be authentic to the arms of the Chinese army. Their weapons are best at defense. They have red cannon and all kinds of heavy and heavy artillery. They will build a position here, which will make you attack the army in their city, with heavy casualties.

After a few days of fierce war, Zhu Xieyuan knew how many Chinese soldiers in Xiangyang City, but three or four thousand people defended here, but they resisted the repeated siege of their 100000 troops.

The most important thing is that Xiangyang City is very dangerous. Secondly, they have placed many cannons on the city wall. These cannons are very powerful. If they hit, they will kill countless people.

This makes Zhu Xieyuan's people often dare not gather together when attacking the city. Your army can't form a group. How can you fight with the enemy? How to fight the enemy? As a result, they seemed to attack fiercely, but each time they were attacked by the enemy, suffered heavy casualties and retreated in vain.

Zhu Xieyuan sighed that this red cannon is equivalent to thousands of troops.

He also knows how powerful the Chinese army is now. Daming has so many weapon workshops and so many craftsmen, but he can't make red cannon. The Chinese army has reached an amazing level of armor for everyone. It is said that their ability to make steel and armor is very strong, and their cost is one third of that of the officers and soldiers.

After defeating the Qingzhou division and killing many of them, Zhu Xieyuan gained a lot of weapons and had a certain understanding of the Chinese army.

The other side won so many wars and captured so many places because they have a complete set of military mobilization system and supply system. Just looking at the ordinary soldiers of the Chinese army, their welfare and equipment, we know that they are already a very powerful force.

Since ancient times, a powerful army, first of all his welfare system, followed by his equipment, such as Wei Wuzu and Qi Jiajun.

Zhu Xieyuan had the arrogance of a scholar bureaucrat. Before that, he despised the heroes in the world and thought that the Chinese army was just like this. As long as the imperial army came out, it would be destroyed. Even after the Qingzhou division of the Chinese army was destroyed, he had this idea. Only recently, when he couldn't attack for a long time and his head was broken and bleeding under Xiangyang City, Only then did he know that he looked down on the heroes of the world.

Who would have expected that he could win the world-famous Qingzhou division in one fell swoop, but who would have thought that when he had won such a victory, he could not attack Xiangyang for a long time and could not win it at all.

If we continue to resist tenaciously at this time, Liu Bu, who can recruit and be good at war, and Liu Zhongyong, who leads the army, attack the two armies, and the strength of the Chinese army will reach as much as 50000 or 60000. How can he defeat the enemy?

In the past, Zhu Xieyuan would not be afraid of the other party because there were many people, because Daming could also summon millions of troops, but he knew that the other party sent out elite troops. The real Chinese army was very strong and could fight. If there were 50000 or 60000, the Ming army would not be their opponent.

At this point, he was not afraid of the enemy like a tiger, but had self-knowledge. Therefore, Zhu Xieyuan did not follow everyone's expectations, but Gan gang was arbitrary and ordered on the spot: "pack up immediately, withdraw all the way north and retreat to Nanyang."

When officers and soldiers heard Zhu Xieyuan's order, they basically couldn't believe their ears.

Zhu Xieyuan was a strong man. During his decades as an official, his style as an official was as strong as his style as a man. When he calmed the chaos of extravagance and security, he always fought against the strong and attacked against the strong, and never showed weakness to others. If he was afraid of the enemy like a tiger and dared not fight with the enemy, no one could believe that he was a real strong man.

Many people believed that he would lead the army to the South quickly and recapture Yiling, as expected. Who knows, he forcibly ordered the troops to withdraw North at the risk of public opposition.

Everyone knows what this means, which means that they give up Yiling, Xiangyang and the whole south. It is estimated that if they go to the north without the consent of the emperor, they will be impeached by the officials in the court. They will be afraid of the enemy like a tiger, throw the city and land, and the emperor will kill his head, but Zhu Xieyuan will not hesitate, He did it like this.

A generation of hero Zhu Xieyuan who dared to fight and kill has also become a person who is afraid of the enemy and dare not go to war?

Zhu Xieyuan was a strong man, and his loyalty was recognized by the royal family and the imperial court, so the emperor never sent eunuchs to supervise his army.

However, there are still donations from the supervisor and the censor in his army. If the censor Li forgets, he will loudly oppose it. He said, "Zhu Gongshi wants to give the whole Jiangnan to the Chinese thieves. Where is the Daming? Where is the emperor's land price?"

Zhu Xieyuan said, "benshuai is to save more strength for Daming."

Li ruoji said angrily, "I'm afraid I'm greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Zhu Xieyuan said coldly, "I don't want you to comment on whether Zhu Xieyuan is greedy for life and afraid of death. Now that you have given the order today, you will implement it. I will bear all the responsibilities."

Zhu Xieyuan knew that if it were other armies and officers, they might not dare to do so, because they would face the counterattack of the whole civil service group and the emperor, and not everyone could bear it.

But Zhu Xieyuan knew that Xiangyang could not be attacked for a long time, and Liu Zhongyong's army had arrived in Suizhou. According to this, it was only a hundred miles. What was more terrible was that Liu Bu's army also captured Yiling and cut off their way back.

The Chinese army sent troops very quickly and ruthlessly, which was far from his imagination. He thought that the other party could arrive in half a month or more, but the other party arrived in a few days, which was the speed of cavalry.

The Chinese army is far superior to the Ming army in terms of equipment and quality. This time, they sent out a large army and came here with a great force. It was Zhu Xieyuan who came for him. If he didn't withdraw in time, he would fold all the 100000 troops here.

Zhu Xieyuan understands that the Chinese army can break Yiling overnight and defeat Zhang Youwei's 100000 army. Zhang Youwei's personal ability and the quality of the army are no worse than Zhu Xieyuan's 100000 army.

But their Chinese Army easily defeated them. Zhu Xieyuan knew that don't scold Zhang Youwei for his stupidity and incompetence. Even if he was replaced, the result would be the same.

By the way, he ordered a quick retreat to preserve the living power and more strength for the imperial court.

After Zhu Xieyuan ordered the retreat, all the officers and generals unanimously opposed it. They did not understand such a practice.

The Ming army has always been a soldier. The officers are greedy for life and afraid of death. The general wants them to work hard. Now it's good that the soldiers want to work hard, but the general doesn't dare to fight.

There was a lot of talk in the barracks. Everyone said: has Marshal Zhu changed? Become greedy for life and afraid of death? Become afraid of the enemy? "

Zhu Yuan is still as strong as ever. He issued an order and said: "my commander has issued a military order, which must be implemented immediately. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed."

There are also some. Only Zhu Xieyuan can be so strong and fierce. If Hong Chengchou and Yang Sichang were replaced, they may not be so strong, but he did so.

The army did not agree and was unwilling to do so. They knew that once they withdrew north, they would give up the whole South and want to return to Sichuan again.

The Chinese army is not like rogue bandits, but not like the anti thieves in the past. The former rogue bandits are wandering around. Give them the territory today and they can take it back tomorrow. However, the Chinese army is different from them. They aim to attack cities and land. Once they are attacked, it will be difficult for you to take it back.

Just as they occupied so many areas of Daming, Daming was unable to recapture a city, gave up the whole South and gave up his hometown, which made these Ming soldiers very sad. Many people burst into tears.