Rosen went back to his deluxe suite as usual. He didn't always have dinner with the crew. He didn't care, but every time he had his own, the scene was very quiet, for fear of disturbing the big man's meal time.

In order to make their meals more comfortable, Rosen ate in his own room. Anyway, there was a maid in charge of food and living, and he was so happy.

"Boss, it's time for dinner." One maid put silver plates and cutlery with food on a table next to Rosen. Another maid put down a plate with fruit, red wine and wine cups.

The two maids were obedient. They never talked much. They put down their food and walked away slowly. However, Rosen said, "let Robin come here."

"All right."

Rosen was more attentive to the ghost incident he heard before. If it's a real ghost, it's a bit creepy, but if it's not a ghost but an enemy, it's even more attentive.

The food is delicious and exquisite, but only a few people can enjoy the fruit. After all, it is sailing on the sea, so it is not easy to preserve the fruit.

And as a food supplement, the energy is not enough, and the area is also large. Dried meat of the same size can provide many times more energy than fruit.

"I don't know what kind of beef it is. It's really tender and juicy, and it provides enough energy, so I don't need to eat a lot every day." Rosen is very satisfied with the food here.

Maybe considering one hand, even the steak is cut into even pieces, which is convenient for Rosen.

While eating steak, he was tasting red wine. A few days ago, he mainly ate dry food. Dry food is fast, time-consuming and full of energy. It's also very good to change to steak occasionally tonight. He doesn't know much about wine, but the entrance is very smooth.

Rosen, who doesn't drink a lot, also says it's acceptable. It's full of fruit flavor.

Almost just finished eating, the knock on the door rang out: "boss."

"Come in." Rosen put down the dishes, picked up the white cloth in the corner of the plate, wiped his mouth and said calmly.

"There's something I need to ask you. Today, I occasionally heard the crew talking about the ghost on board. What do you think of it? Do you have any guesses or clues?" Rosen didn't forget Robin's ability, if there were enemies hiding on the ship.

Even if dawn is not small, it is almost impossible to evade Robin's ability as long as it is carefully searched, but the premise is that there are real people on board, not ghosts and the like.

"In principle, there should not be such a ridiculous rumor. After all, we have just set sail for a few days. Everyone is in a good mental state. There is no shortage of food, and hallucinations should not exist. If we have been sailing for a long time, we can still solve the mental problems." Robin also feels strange, is gradually in-depth analysis.

"What's wrong with sailing for a long time?" Rosen is quite curious. He has never been out of the sea before. He has also been traveling or going to the sea by the sea. He doesn't know much about sailing.

"It depends on the situation. If you lose yourself in the ocean, everything can happen. You kill each other for food, you feed on people, you betray, you get dirty hands and so on. These things can't stand the test on the pirate ship. After all, people live for themselves..."

"Well, let's solve the immediate problems first." Rosen heard that a dark wind was coming.

But Robin's words are not unreasonable. If a ship is lost on the sea, let alone a pirate ship, I'm afraid that even an ordinary mall may have Robin's above situation.

"I don't have any clue about it either. I only heard about it today, but I learned from the crew that it seems that every night these two days, there will be a ghost like figure." Robin stood up and said he couldn't help it.

"Have you searched with your ability to make sure it's not a stowaway?" Rosen frowned. He didn't know how to be domineering. It seemed that he had to learn how to be domineering. These days, he had to study every word Raleigh had taught Luffy.

"Yes, after searching, it can be ruled out that they are not stowaways. There is no stranger on the ship. I know everyone's face, and I can't be impersonated, unless there is someone with special fruit ability." Robin analyzed.

Rosen looked through the glass window and saw that it was snowing again. There was just the afterglow of the setting sun. Now there was only a gray world left.

Soon, it will be night. If this problem is not solved, it will not only affect the lives of the crew, but also make it difficult for them to feel at ease.

"Since we will show up every night, we'll stay in the crew's living area tonight and see what the ghost is. We'll be in the drinking capital soon. Don't make everyone haggard."

"Well, call Bonis and let them search the whole ship thoroughly and mobilize. Instead of worrying about the unknown, let them tell them that there are unexpected visitors on board, but don't mention the ghost." After thinking about it, Rosen made a countermeasure.

"OK, I'll do it right away." Robin nodded and turned away.

Soon, the whole Liming crew took action. In a group of three, they made a thorough search on the Liming. However, the liming was not small, and it took a little time to search.

In addition, it is certainly not as convenient to carry out all kinds of searches on ice and snow days as it is on sunny days. Some places are covered with thin layers of ice, and Rosen also feels a little cold. Fortunately, krocdal's taste is not so bad, and he can basically see through his clothes.

Even if I can't see it, I have no choice now.

Originally, Rosen didn't expect such a search to produce any results, but he didn't expect to find out, and the ship was in chaos.

"There's something in the magazine. Hello, answer. Is the man still there?" Every room on the dawn is equipped with communication pipes.

In fact, it's also in Rosen's captain's room. If there's something that needs to be assembled, a metal pipe beside the table will open the cover and talk to the pipe orifice to inform each room.

However, it is seldom used. After all, although the dawn is not small, it is more sincere to ask someone to go or go in person, unless it is in a state of war and command is needed.

At the moment, there was a rapid sound in the pipe. The sound should be a better one among the sailors. If you remember correctly, the name should be Miggs Ronald.

The reason is that Robin discovered Miggs who has strong management ability among the sailors, and proposed that Rosen approve of her promotion to captain of the sailors, so that she can have more time to read books.

The reason is very strong, Rosen was speechless, but at the moment from his tone, in the search, it should be an accident.

"What happened?" Rosen goes to the phone. There's no need to dial. It's more convenient than the phone bug. Of course, it's only on the ship.

"The three of them were attacked when they were searching the ammunition depot. They opened the cover of the communication pipe, but all I heard was screams." Miggs quickly returned, but also full of worry.

"Gather all the crew and surround the magazine. I'll be right here." Rosen picked up the chair, put on the fur coat, pushed the door open, and gave the order, but his face was not good-looking.