"Heard the news?" Rosen walks out of the room and meets robin on the fourth floor. Then on the lower floors, Bonis, Mr. 5 and Valentine's day are heading for the ammunition depot.

"Well." Robin nodded.

"Someone has been put down in the ammunition depot again. Don't go in again. Wait until the boss comes." As soon as we got to the door of the ammunition depot, we saw someone screaming in the crowd.

The shadow of the ghost incident has been hanging over them, and the two teams who just wanted to go into the ammunition depot to support have come to scream again, and the call has no response.

This makes them even more scared.

“BOSS!” With the arrival of Rosen, the crew immediately welcomed the backbone, because even all the cadres came, and they made way.

Rosen's inner vigilance has been raised to the extreme, and he has simulated many possibilities in his mind. If it's a ghost, is it pelona? But the time line is not right. She should be with molya at this time.

If it wasn't a ghost, what would it be? Robin also searched. There was no one else on the ship. No matter what, he must not be allowed to do anything wrong on the ship.

To be on the safe side, Rosen raises sand on his body and enters the elemental state. Then he pushes open the door of the ammunition depot. With a whoosh, a small shadow rushes forward like lightning.

"Sha LAN!" Rosen had a reaction, because the first time he entered the door, he saw the crew in a coma.

A sandstorm rises and roars to meet the shadow that has not been seen clearly yet.

Peng, the shadow was knocked down outside the sandstorm, and it was bounced off and hit on the wooden wall.

"Whoosh." But the next moment, it flickered and disappeared.

"It's a real object, not a ghost. It must be hidden in some ammunition box. Mr.5, you stay outside. Bonis and Valentine's day. Robin, you search the ammunition boxes one by one." Rosen understood immediately.

Sand in close range, he can fully sense the touch of sand, it should be a small animal, not a ghost, not a person.

It's not easy to find a small animal anywhere, even if it has Robin's ability.

After all, the first thought of a normal person is to search for places where Tibetans may be.

"Got it." Four people who received Rosen's order immediately responded.

Robin's ability to use. The lids of ammunition boxes are opened by arms growing on both sides. Bonis approaches each box. His arms become sharp blades and cut wooden boxes. Valentine's Day is to open boxes with the most primitive efficiency.

In the ammunition boxes stored in the ammunition depot, some are loaded with bullets, some are loaded with guns, swords and shells, just like an ammunition depot. When Rosen saw it, he had the illusion for a moment that his ship was carrying arms.

So many people, do you need to prepare so many shells? Fried fish?

Rosen's vigilant eyes scan to ensure that the shadow can rescue or defeat it in time when it raids again.

With the search of several people, there are not many boxes that have not been opened, and everyone's expression is more and more dignified. That thing must be in the remaining boxes, if it's really the real thing that boss said.

"No Bonis opened the last box on his side and shook his head at the crowd.

"I don't have it here either." The same goes for Valentine's day.

Only after Robin opened the box, his eyes looked straight into the box. Rosen's sand was surging. The whole person ran to Robin like a storm, and the desert sword had gathered in his hand.

"Ah, what a lovely little thing. Isn't this a Kung Fu manatee? " Robin looked at the box shaking, with a turtle shell like animal on his body, and suddenly showed his favorite look, which Rosen had never seen before.

As Robin's voice falls, Rosen also sees clearly the "ghost" hiding in the shell box, which is the Kung Fu manatee who was defeated by Luffy in alabastan and loves Kung Fu.

But it's not the same one. Rosen can't see it, but the key is when did this little thing sneak into his own boat?

It was discovered a few days later. If it hadn't come out to do things by itself, maybe no one would have known.

"Whoosh." Rosen's speed is extremely fast. The original desert sword turns into a sand palm, holding the little thing in his own hand.

It was such a small thing that killed seven or eight crew members.

But now it seems that its mental state is not very good, it looks very weak, and I don't know whether it is because of the impact of Rosen's Shalan or its own reasons.

Although the Kung Fu manatee is pinched by Rosen in the sand's palm, his small eyes are full of worship and are extremely flexible.

Even an animal can make such an expression, but Rosen soon realized that the intelligence of animals in this world is no worse than that of human beings.

And think about it, Kung Fu manatee, who knows Luffy, even knows how to be domineering two years later.

I'm Cao! With this in mind, Rosen suddenly felt a sense of collapse. Does it mean that Kung Fu manatees are actually a strong race?!

If you don't think about it, two years later, there are still many people in the straw hat troupe who don't know how to be domineering. Even uthorp, the great God of doom, slowly awakened to be domineering when he wrote Mingge.

Or do animals learn better in domineering? It seems that Joba doesn't know how to be domineering

No, the more you think about it, the more potential it has.

"Boss, put it down. It seems to be out of breath." Robin looked at the little cute who was pinched by Rosen. He couldn't bear it. He was green and ugly. He was so cute.

Rosen looked at the hand is no longer struggling, there is a coma in the past trend of Kung Fu manatee, also released the sand palm.

With a click, the Kung Fu manatee fell to the ground, then stood up a little wobbly, and bent toward Rosen, who defeated him.

This made Rosen a little surprised, but he bent down, plopped, fell to the ground and passed out in a coma.

"I'm not that heavy." Rosen was stunned for a moment, and quickly ordered a cigar to suppress the shock. The main reason is that Robin's eyes are full of resentment at the moment. Obviously, Robin has a crush on this cute little girl.

"I should be hungry. I've seen Kung Fu manatees on the coast before, but it's too fast to see. This is the first time." A sailor from alabastan saw the symptoms at a glance.

"I'll leave it to you." Rosen thought about it and decided to keep it for the time being. After all, if this one is really the captain of the future sea animal and pirate group, it is estimated that it will find its own hegemony, which is conducive to Rosen's study.

Klockdale, you are a little miserable. Can I change my identity to cross? Manatees are so strong. Why can't you be domineering? I need Rosen to learn from scratch for you.

"The rest of you broke up. Although you didn't have too rigid requirements in terms of strength when you got on the ship, you who were dealt with by a Kung Fu manatee should also reflect on yourself. Later, you should take some time to exercise yourself and bring back the comatose people." After leaving a word, Rosen left everyone with a big back. He thought that there were ghosts or enemies on board.