"Ah..." pengpeng, several people were beaten on the ground, unable to move.

Some of the desperado who took advantage of the fire and saw the luxury ship, after confirming that there were only a few people on the ship, no matter whose ship it belonged to, they would snatch it.

Anyway, who can find them in the vast ocean after they have been robbed, sold or used by themselves, so under the leadership of the captain, they invaded the dawn with about 40 or 50 good hands.

But up to now, they still can't break through the ship's defense line. The manatee is really strong. Forty eight experts, including the captain, have been killed for nearly 30 people.

"Mardan, where's this pet from? It's so strong, captain. Otherwise, let's withdraw." A crew member who was beaten up was angry and frightened. If he goes on fighting, I'm afraid he will be killed by the regiment.

"Withdraw? I've been busy for such a long time. Now you ask me to withdraw and you move the cannon. Even if some ships are damaged, there's no way A big man with a thick beard said reluctantly.

Kungfu manatee's little figure makes a gesture of body upward and holding things. If you look at it carefully, it's just Rosen Shalan's starting style. However, the difference is that it can't release Shalan, but it has its own way.

Small tail a pedal, a green lightning began to drift in the crowd, a palm and a palm on the body of the pirates.

Even mr.5, which can't be prevented, can't be prevented. Let alone these ordinary pirates, they fall down again.

"Captain of the boat..." suddenly, a crew member looked at the street behind him. There were more than a dozen figures coming. He could see clearly who was coming, and he was scared to death.

"Why... Klockdale..." the captain was stunned. Is this klockdale's boat?

Well, it was a dark night before they did this job. They didn't look at the pirate flag at all. After all, they were thieves. They stole things and left. It was easy for them to see who they stole.

But I didn't expect to be stopped by a small animal for such a long time. Now the owner came back, and it was also the notorious King's seven armed men, krocdal. It was miserable.

They actually robbed klockdale's ship. How can they be unlucky? There are so many ships in the port, but they chose this one. It's over.

"Sha LAN!" Rosen doesn't have time to take care of these thieves. A tornado sandstorm comes to clean up the site. People who were killed earlier are swept away by the tornado sandstorm just like garbage.

"Well done." Rosen praised kongfu manatees. Although there were crew on board, there were only a few left.

And it's mainly to prevent the pirates from making a surprise attack from the sea. Indeed, there are several people who have swam around the sea and are ready to board the ship, but fortunately they have occupied the commanding terrain to hold on.

"Hey The little manatee bowed to the master again, then held up his fleshy little palm and made a Sha LAN start gesture. It was not strong enough. The master was so powerful that he sent them to heaven with one move.

Thus, the small eyes, is a look of worship.

"Ah." Robin came up, picked up the little thing and held it in his hand. Unfortunately, the little manatee's eyes had been on Rosen's body.

“BOSS!” As soon as Rosen and others got on the boat, several people left on the boat also came up, and the children were arranged to hide in the room.

"Leave a few people on duty, and the other injured people go to the ship doctor to have a look. It's hard for everyone. By the way, treat the rear admiral found on the road to see if he can survive. In addition, Bonis stares at him. If he survives, control him." Rosen said, he first returned to his house.

"I understand." Bonis nodded and carried a man, a dying major general, Harry, on his way back. Seeing that he still had a breath, Rosen asked him to bring him back.

He has his own plan, but it has to be said that major general Harry's vitality is still very tenacious. His body has been pierced, even seems to have been bombed, but there is still a breath.

Not long after returning to the room, the ship doctor took the lead in visiting Rosen's injury and went through the ship doctor's examination.

Three broken ribs, dislocated right shoulder, with severe muscle strain on the whole arm. Obviously, this is the overload effect of the last cut.

The rest of the body, most of them are skin injuries. Although some of them seem to be serious, with the constitution of people in the world, the recovery is very fast, but the gold hook of the left hand is gone.

It's not very popular when it's here. If it's gone, Rosen's left hand is empty, and he's not used to it.

Rosen didn't feel too much pain. If necessary, he could play another game, but it was difficult to give full play to his strength. He let the ship doctor treat him and take some medicine that he didn't understand.

People in this world are strong, but if they are injured, they still have to be treated. They can't regenerate or recover. Otherwise, they will be more reckless in the future.

Rosen thinks about BAM. His strength is almost in the middle of that of himself. At most, he is a little weaker, but not much. If his strength is the best among the generals, BAM's strength should not be weaker than that of the elite generals.

Judging from his proficiency, he is not very good at judging domineering, but BAM's fruit proficiency is above 600. His physical skill is about 550 points, which is better than Rosen's.

That's why he thought about melee, because his fruit ability is also based on melee. If combined, his combat power will be extraordinary, probably not weaker than that of the elite admirals.

The strength of the Admiral level is sometimes ignored because of the presence of the three major forces of the general.

However, most of the talents who have the potential to be promoted to senior general also come from this. Therefore, Rosen believes that the strength of admiral level should be more extensive.

And every admiral is also the most solid combat effectiveness in the whole navy. Except for a few other talents, such as good at intelligence or having special talents, every person who can become a admiral is also the most solid combat effectiveness in the whole navy.

Others are good at fighting all over the world.

This also shows that Rosen has a long way to go from the strength of the general level at the moment, but it's hard to say whether he has the strength of the quasi general. It's impossible to judge if he hasn't played.

Rosen estimates that the weakest of the seven armed forces is the strength of the elite or general generals. Moria and others should be better than the general generals, but it's hard to say whether they can do better than the elite generals.

The middle-level elite qiwuhai has almost the strength of a top general or near the level of a quasi general. Tyrants are very equal. The strongest top qiwuhai may have the level of a quasi general or a general. At first glance, it's a bit uneven.

If you think about it carefully, qiwuhai really has the element of being held up by the world government. The strength of most of qiwuhai is far less than that of the four emperors and the senior general. The simplest truth is, if it is the strongest individual, why do you have three or four of them?

And the update speed of these seven in recent years is still a little fast.

On the other hand, the three generals and the four emperors are basically stable.

It seems that two or three qiwuhai, together, can really have a positive wave with the generals, but it's hard to win.

It depends on who the seven armed forces are. For example, he is a tyrant. He has the power to fight against a general, but he may be suppressed. It's hard to guess, but he should have the strength to fight.

So from this point of view, it seems not too much to say that qiwuhai is one of the three major forces. At least it is not enough to say that qiwuhai is all water.

But this is also normal. If everyone in qiwuhai has the combat power comparable to that of a quasi general or a general, will the naval headquarters be weaker than that of qiwuhai? How can we control that? How to force a meeting?

We should know that although the system is introduced by the world government, the Navy headquarters is the main body in charge.

Therefore, the navy must be much stronger than the seven armed forces system before it can have the right to speak.

Because the Navy headquarters only needs three generals to be able to compete with or even surpass the seven seven armed forces.

The rest of the Navy's forces can be said to be more than the seven armed forces, so the Navy headquarters is now the official force on the sea.

However, the four emperors' combat power is too strong. It is estimated that it is far higher than that of the seven armed forces. Fortunately, it is impossible for the four emperors to unite. In most cases, they only need to deal with one side.

Just like aunt and Kato, they have shocked the world.

Qiwuhai is regarded as a big power, which is more related to the situation in the era of big pirates.

The world government needs this system to remind some powerful people to follow them and have hope, even if you are a pirate.

As long as you have the strength, or can kill other qiwuhai, this position is yours, mainly let the pirates consume each other, not all the pressure on the world government and Navy headquarters.

At present, maybe Hawkeye is the strongest among the seven martial arts, which is more reliable. At present, it is the only seven martial arts that shows no less combat power than a general.

He is also one of the few world-class heroes in Qiwu sea, the world's first swordsman, and the other is the world's first beauty.

It's self-evident that who is strong and who is weak will fight for strength and beauty.

Of course, there are too many factors that influence a real fight. There are many examples of weak winning over strong and weird ability winning over strong.

Of course, some people think that even the weakest Qi Wu Hai can't only have the general strength.

First of all, we need to know that qiwuhai has no real superior who can completely control it. That is to say, as long as you show a certain degree of strength, it's almost OK. If you want to be qiwuhai, the world government will give it to you.

After all, if you are dead, someone can replace you. So sometimes you are lucky and don't meet the real strong. Qiwuhai, who is generally in a weak position, also has some.

"Why? Boss, are you injured today? " When the ship doctor helped with the treatment, after checking the injury, he asked curiously.

"Yes. What's the matter? " Rosen answered truthfully.

"Yes, it seems strange. Many of these injuries have begun to heal. It's impossible to recover so soon if you just get injured." The doctor pointed to the wound in Rosen's arm.

Rosen looked at the wound torn by the strength of boxing in the battle. It had already stopped bleeding and scabbed. Even in a few days, the scar might be gone. Look here.

Rosen suddenly remembered that when he beat BAM, he seemed to have finished his task, but the situation was complicated at that time, and he had not had time to see the change of his data.

Now think of, quickly calm down, concentrate on checking.