Human enhancement attributes:

Name: Sha klocdal (Rosen)

Ability: Sha Sha fruit, unawakened, intermediate (Proficiency: 7101000)

Physical skills: intermediate (Proficiency: 4801000)

Domineering: domineering Awakening (Proficiency: 20100)

Armed color (Proficiency: 10100)

Seeing and hearing (Proficiency: 10100)

Fencing: primary (proficiency 140300)

Strengthening times: 3

Effect: Defense X2, speed X2, activity X2, experience pack x1

Next time, strengthen the conditions: defeat those with 400 million Bailey bounty strength or above( Strength (x2)

Random reset task: defeat those who have more than 200 million Bailey bounty( Defense (x2)

Demon fruit capacity extra X1 Quest: now 15( Pig fruit, Suggestion: after the progress is completed, the body defense at least X8 can be safely activated, and you can choose to transfer. "

This time, the change is very big. First of all, Rosen thinks that the strength improvement brought by this activity is basically not.

Fruit proficiency only increased from 674 to 710, body skill from 443 to 475, not to mention fencing, which Rosen never focused on.

But this time, the fruit proficiency has been improved by 36 points. Although it can't compare with before, the improvement is even more than body skill.

This shows that it's not entirely the enhanced activity effect, which is likely to have a lot to do with breaking through the self-control of juixiao.

Physical skills have also been improved by 32 points, but Rosen doesn't feel that his body has changed much. Maybe he doesn't improve his proficiency enough.

But part of it should come from this battle. The battle of life and death can really promote people's rapid growth, which is much stronger than simple exercise.

Think about how many days you've worked out before, just to improve your proficiency.

But Rosen's focus is on the next few changes in data and attributes. The first is domineering, domineering!

Rosen thought at first glance that he was wrong. When did he wake up? I don't seem to be impressed.

At that time, he was engrossed in the control of Huang Sha juexicha, completely unaware that his mental power had touched such an opportunity.

"Domineering, or domineering color domineering, this should be the potential of Lao Sha's body." Rosen clenched his fist, a little surprised, but it seemed natural.

Although domineering color domineering is born, but have many people, green pepper, Mingge, kataku chestnut, ACE and so on.

If Lao Sha's potential is aroused by Rosen, it's not impossible for him to wake up to his hegemony. A man who dares to fight white beard again has extraordinary courage. It's just that he may have been defeated, and his faith and confidence have been severely damaged, which leads to the delay in awakening his hegemony.

Of course, that's just Rosen's guess.

However, Rosen may not realize that his will and extreme mental power are the main factors for his domineering awakening.

This domineering makes Rosen very happy, as long as he wakes up, through some memories of the plot, he also has some slowly can grasp the direction of becoming stronger, can greatly improve his strength, but still need to exercise and use.

Finally, there is a new task to defeat the 400 million Bailey level strong, which is not easy at present.

400 million level, which already has the combat power of qiwuhai. Of course, this is judged from the value of personal strength, such as very flat.

Of course, there are also some Sihuang cadres of qiwuhai level, but the reward is higher, such as 700 million.

Rosen thinks that it should be related to the degree of danger between individuals and national groups. After all, one side is a lonely family or a small team, and the other side is a large national group.

The degree of danger is certainly higher, and the reward will naturally go up. Of course, these forces are also part of "strength".

At the same time, Rosen also thinks that one billion should be a big threshold. Of course, there is still a long way to go for Rosen. Moreover, it is not easy for Rosen to encounter a 400 million level of combat power on the sea.

It seems that this task is not so easy to complete, but if it is completed, the power of X2, which is the most rudimentary power, will be greatly increased.

But what Rosen cares about most at present is a random heavy task, that is, the completed task. The enhanced effect achieved can be continued and superimposed, and it seems that the conditions achieved are not particularly difficult.

This easy to win, while rewarding the task is Rosen's primary goal.

"But what is the activity? X2, it seems that there is not much change in strength, activity, is it the active cell, cell recovery? Do you mean resilience here? " The more Rosen thought about it, the more he felt it was.

Because from the tone of the ship doctor, his recovery speed is obviously many times faster than ordinary people.

But I don't know if there is such a serious injury as Lu Fei's life. It's good to be cultivated for a day or two.

If there is such exuberant vitality, it may be more important than speed defense. After all, it is the improvement of life level.

There is also one more task, which is a long way to go.

"You'll deal with it. By the way, can the major general be saved?" Asked Rosen.

Now the crew is short of some close combat means, including themselves. If major general Harry wakes up, he has to find a way to extract something from his mouth, such as six moves and so on.

Otherwise, Rosen would have ignored him for a long time. It's not too much to save his life and ask for something.

"Before I came here, I did some emergency treatment, but it's still in danger. I'm afraid it's very difficult to save him by his own fortune." While the ship doctor wrapped Rosen's body with medicine and bandage.

"Well, if you can't get it back, there's no way. Let's have a good rest. You can go down, too." Rosen said, although very excited at the moment of the property change, but rest, give the body a certain recovery speed is still necessary.

"OK, boss."

Rosen then combed and rested, but he didn't know that after he fell asleep, his body was emitting white light, which was the active cells of his body were very active, especially after he fell asleep.

A more difficult to obtain than the speed of the activity of the X2 attribute, it is not like Rosen said that there is no effect.

And this is a white light, and even affected a few people on the floor below.

"Light?" Robin looked at the faint light coming down from the floor. It was almost invisible, but it did exist. It was strange, eh, how cool was his arm, and there was an excited feeling of trying to vent his strength?

what is it? Is it poisonous? Robin was slightly surprised, but then she saw that some bruises on her arm were slowly getting better. Robin was stunned at this magical scene.

But the light is still penetrating. The lower level is where Bonis and mr.5 cadres are. But the lower the level, the worse the effect.

But these active photons also have a wonderful effect on their injuries, and they can also stimulate the strength of the body.

"What a fight?" Looking at Bonis, Mr. 5 raised such a request for the first time. He felt that his fruit ability was about to explode at this moment!

"Just what I want." Bonis nodded, fighting spirit high, two people toward the exercise area.

Major general Harry, who was arranged in the room of Bonis and others, was about to die, but his pale face turned ruddy after being infiltrated by the scattered light particles.

"It's from the boss room. Do you see it? Those strange lights. " Valentine's day out of the door, walk along the light, just to see the boss wandering in front of the door of Robin.

However, it is obvious that the boss is resting and does not dare to disturb, so he has to do it for the time being

But from the source, it should be caused by the boss. These are amazing, just like the beneficial atmospheric components in the air have become extremely active.

But in their memory, the fruit ability of boss seems to have no such function.

At the moment, the wine is not far from the sea.

General ghost spider, lieutenant general Doberman, is leading three warships slowly into the port from the sea at the moment. These two are extremely powerful generals.

If Rosen saw it, he would have an impression of the two men, lieutenant general ghost spider, one of the executors of the demon killing order on the plot justice island.

During the war, white beard was attacked successfully. Marco, the team leader, put handcuffs on him, which made him in danger for a time.

Lieutenant general Doberman, who was also the executive lieutenant general of the order of killing demons, once denounced the red haired lieutenant general when he came to end the war, and wanted to show ace and white beard's head to show the victory of the Navy, which left a deep impression on people. He was an extremely tough lieutenant general.