"Can it be done?" Rosen looked at Robin and asked seriously.

"Are you sure you want to do that? If it fails, it's not just a naval problem. " In the face of Rosen's suggestion, Robin is full of uncertainty. Does he really want to do it?

But more shock and more fear.

"I'm a bad tempered man. By the way, when you went to the island, you bought me all the latest newspapers, mainly about the new-born pirates. The pirates born in Beihai should buy more copies. Maybe Bonis should die." At this time, Rosen suddenly thought of a pirate with a death surgeon in the original plot.

He will become qiwuhai, also known as supernova, the most vicious generation in the future.

Moreover, the demon fruit is worth more than 5 billion Bailey, with superb medical skills, the ability to scan and dialysis the human body, and the ability to chop the human body for treatment.

If it's such an ability, maybe Bonis can be saved, but it's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, since he and Luffy are both supernovae, he should have started at the same time, after all, at the same time.

If he's lucky, he should be in the first half of the great flight.

Since he is a supernova, he should be rewarded for what he has done before. So if we can find relevant news reports, we may be able to speculate about the next journey and try our luck.

Trafalgar Rowe, hope to find out about this pirate.

"Yes, I'll be back as soon as possible."

"Wait, I'll go with you." Rosen suddenly said that although the possibility is not big, if ghost spider, an almost extreme hawk Navy, meets Robin, maybe he will do it again.

If Bonis is his right arm, then Robin is his right arm. He is responsible for fighting power and intelligence.

He can't afford to lose.

"Don't worry about me. The Navy won't catch me that easily." Robin said confidently.

"That's OK. I'll wait for your news. I'll buy more record pointers as soon as I can go from this island to other islands." Rosen thought about it, too.

After escaping for so many years, Robin should have his own means, and he would be much better on the ship, so as not to make another move by the Navy.

With him in town, the ship will be much safer, but now the atmosphere on the ship is a little depressing.

But I can also understand that when I am bullied at home, I can only swallow my anger. No one will feel comfortable. However, from a rational and objective point of view, I can't help it.

At the moment, north of Jiudu, a reef sea is roaring with storm.

The dark clouds have existed in this sea area for a long time. Several sailboats are hiding beside some huge rocks. If they don't get close, they can't find them at all.

In the bow of the largest sailing boat, Morris was drinking under the heavy rain at the moment, occasionally looking up at the weather.

The crew next to him was trying to persuade Morris to take shelter from the rain in the house, but when he found that he couldn't, they had to report the current situation with umbrellas.

"Boss, half of the logistics crew and funds are not transferred out in time. If they are caught by the Navy, our route may be leaked." A courteous man with glasses whispered.

Bette, Morris's deputy, is also the closest person to Morris.

"How much has been lost?" Morris frowned and was put by qiwuhai, which really made many of his plans fail and made him very passive.

If you meet him next time, you'll have to make him suffer. You'll lose money under two qiwuhai's hands one after another. Is qiwuhai his nemesis?

"More than 700 million Bailey and 70 crew members are the hands of the ghost spider lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters." Bate continued.

"If we're not lucky, we can't help it. The people in the Navy headquarters should hope to use these to catch us out, but since we've been caught, we can't stay here. We can't hide for long. Let's get ready for the voyage, and the account will be calculated later." Morris pondered for a while, made a decision, and just got on with the Navy. Maybe he would be OK, or even get some results.

But his subordinates will certainly suffer a heavy loss, and if they are two generals together, or two elite or top generals, it is not so easy to deal with each other.

"Boss, there's a phone call coming from the intelligence station of the liquor city..." a subordinate came running with brubrubru's ringing phone worm in his hand.

"Has the intelligence station been taken? It's so deep that it's dug out? " Bet was surprised that they knew what happened to the wine because they had left some extremely secret agents on the island.

No matter what happens in the intelligence station, it will not talk to the outside world. This is a new rule in recent days. Now the situation is tense. If the call is eavesdropped by the Navy, they will have no eyes or ears.

If you do have very important information, you will call the next island.

So in most cases, we need to know the information here, and then call in the past, and now call in. It's very likely that something happened.

"Could it be a call from the Navy? Ha ha ha... Pick it up. " Morris grinned and still didn't care.

Gaga... The phone gets through, and soon a soft female voice comes from the other side.

"Is that Captain Morris, please?" In a tavern, Nicole Robin, with seven or eight intelligence agents at her feet, asked the phone bug.

"I'm... You're not a navy?" Morris was a little surprised. He thought it would be a call from the Navy, because according to the search efforts of the Navy and the sudden call of this call, it shows that the intelligence station is more likely to be terminated.

In fact, the intelligence station was taken away, not by the Navy, but by Robin.

"I'm Nicole Robin, a subordinate of the king's seven armed heklockdale. Our boss wants to talk to you." Robin said what he came for.

"Klocdal, ha ha ha, he wants to talk to me? Did I hear something wrong, or did he forget who gave me the credit for being chased by the Navy? " Morris seems to have heard a big joke.

"No, Captain Morris, I think you're just out of luck. Our boss asked me to pass this on. What do you think?" Robin laughs, remembering the boss's last-minute play. It's really smart.

Morris was silent. Next to bate, he said in a low voice: "boss, this may be a trap set by the joint navy of qiwuhai."

"It's possible to let the army prepare to set out first and leave the fastest boat here. In case of a trap, I'll see what krocdal wants to talk to me." Morris thought about it, but couldn't figure out the other's purpose.

"The time and place are up to me. Please tell your boss..."

"Of course." Robin nodded. She was already familiar with people's curiosity, and she had a little guess about the boss's plan, but would that be too crazy?