It was night. A small boat set out from dawn. The sea was foggy and windy. There were four people on board, two rowers, and then Rosen and Robin.

There is a Navy eye liner around the dawn, and if the ship starts, there will be a distance to be watched and come back again. It will be very strange.

So it's best for the boat to leave quietly.

"Will they ambush and wait for us, then we may be wiped out." Robin is used to thinking in the worst direction.

"It's hard to say." Rosen puffed out a thick ring of smoke, which he could not be sure. It was very risky.

Moreover, in a small boat, if it is hit by shelling, it is a very dangerous thing for those who are capable of it. It seems that after this incident, we still have to learn yuebu as soon as possible.

When the other two rowers heard Robin's words, they suddenly got a fright. If their boats and hands were really ambushed, they would be very dangerous.

But now that it's decided, there's no excuse to shrink back.

After rowing for more than half an hour, they vaguely saw a group of reefs.

At the moment, hidden behind the reefs, a large ship with a telescope sent a message: "at 12 o'clock, there is a hazy shadow approaching. It should be a small boat."

"Look carefully to see if there are Navy warships following. In foggy weather, if there are several warships hiding, you may not be able to find them." Said Bette warily.

"Not yet." The observer keeps an eye on the sea.

"Don't worry too much. Come and have a drink with me." Morris sat on the bow of the boat, watching the approaching boat. After a big drink, he handed the bottle to bate.

Bate didn't answer. He needed to be awake all the time.

"I'll drink it myself." Morris was a little happy. It seems that he just let Bette have a drink. I think he was also distressed. Now Bette doesn't want it. That's enough.

"Stingy drunkard." There was a murmur from bette.

It's not clear where the boss's urine is. If you rob him of a hundred million Bailey, he may give it to you, but if you want to ask him for a drink, occasionally you can take out half a bottle for you, which is already a miracle.

"It's Sha klockdale. He's approaching. There's no enemy ship nearby. He's coming up..." when the boat approaches Morris's big boat, Rosen and Robin jump on the boat.

On rainy days, Rosen doesn't hate it. On the contrary, he has a comfortable sense of security, but he doesn't like his fruit ability. This kind of weather is too bad for his fruit ability.

As soon as Rosen got on the boat, the crew around Morris took out his sword. Rosen frowned: "I came with sincerity. Is that your way of hospitality?"

"Step back. Don't make people laugh. Besides, you can't deal with him." Morris waved his men a long way back, leaving only Bette by his side.

"Make it clear. If I'm not interested in your topic, then this is your burial place. You should not forget that we are enemies." Morris's loose temperament was scattered and empty, and the whole person looked extremely serious. At the same time, he came face to face with a wave of pressure.

Robin was a little unsteady. Robin was supposed to hold the umbrella for Rosen, but the spirit was so fierce that she trembled a little. The umbrella was off, and the rain fell on Rosen's shoulder.

This momentum is different from the murderous spirit of the ghost spider general. It is pure fierce, just like the strong sense of deterrence when facing some giant beasts.

"Domineering color domineering?" Rosen was deeply surprised. He guessed that Morris knew how to be domineering, which was normal operation.

But I didn't expect it was domineering, and although this breath didn't oppress him strongly, it could make people aware of the strength and danger of Morris.

"So you don't want to talk about it?" Rosen naturally won't show weakness, although he doesn't know how to put the awakening domineering back and forth freely.

But for these people, if Rosen gives them a good look, he may not be able to advance an inch, so he starts to talk about strength.

"It's rare for you to find my enemy. It's necessary to listen. If you don't like it, it's not too late to start again." Morris smiles calmly, dispels the breath and turns back into a drunk again.

Seeing this, Rosen said slowly, "500 million Bailey, please kill someone."

Robin's face was shocked. She didn't think of this. She thought that she was looking for Morris to talk about something else or take the opportunity to retaliate against the Navy. But this kind of retaliation was only limited to intelligence and making some small trouble for the Navy.

Because this is a very risky behavior for qiwuhai, and exposure will cause big trouble.

But to kill is to kill the admiral. Is he crazy?!

Morris was stunned for a long time, then suddenly woke up, and then gave a mocking laugh: "ha ha ha, I heard you right, you're the king of the hall. You want to kill yourself, but you need my help. You don't look like such a self-confident person."

"But 500 million Bailey, you're willing to pay for it." Morris laughed for a moment, then calmed down, because from the expression of klockdale, he seemed to be serious, so who to kill?

The original bounty hunter is still a little interested in the 500 million Bailey deal.

Rosen clapped twice. The crew of the boat threw up two large suitcases. Rosen took them and opened them. Inside were stacks of brand-new Bailey: "500 million Bailey, kill the ghost spider of the Navy Lieutenant."

Morris was stunned and killed the admiral. He didn't say whether he could kill him or not, but he dared to do so. Isn't that crazy? If you are alone with a general, even the top kind, close to the quasi general level, Morris dares to be just.

However, the nature of killing is different. No matter whether he succeeds or fails, he will face the crazy counterattack of the Navy. So when the Admiral landed on the island jointly, he chose to flee and give in.

But now, as the "ally" of the Navy, Qiwu heklock Dahl said he wanted to kill the admiral. Is he really crazy.

If he fails, he will at most escape from the Navy. If qiwuhai is known to have this idea, he will first deprive qiwuhai, and then most likely lead to the pursuit of the general.

Ma Dan, this qiwuhai is really a madman. Although Morris doesn't counsele him, he is a little more afraid of klocdal.

But this kind of thing, he is unlikely to agree, the risk is too high, 500 million Bailey is not enough to see, although he is the original bounty hunter, also really love money, but the risk income is not proportional.

"Of course, 500 million is far from enough, but as far as I know from the information I have now, you have a lot of assets in the liquor that have been searched by ghost spiders, and the crew and ships have also suffered great losses. I estimate that the value is at least 700 million Bailey."

"Generally speaking, if you can win the ghost spider lieutenant general, your income will exceed 1 billion and your crew will be saved at the same time. Rosen has been prepared for this. Now that he has made this decision, he has made sufficient preparations.

As soon as he said this, Morris lost in thought and was a bit moved. But after thinking about the current configuration of the Navy, the two experienced headquarters generals were not so easy to deal with.

"I'm afraid even if I have this idea, I can't do it. Two experienced admirals are not so easy to deal with, let alone kill one of them." Morris shook his head.

"Maybe you can listen to my plan first, and I won't stand by, that is to say, we two work together as a lieutenant general. What do you think of the success rate?" Rosen smiles and straightens Robin's body so that the umbrella can completely block him. As soon as Robin is distracted, the rain drops on his shoulder.

Then he habitually smoked his cigar and waited for his reply.

"Two of us, one lieutenant general, and the other?" Morris was moved.

If he joined hands with qiwuhai and only worked as a lieutenant general, the success rate would be too high. For a lieutenant general, it would be a near death situation.

Otherwise, the Israeli lieutenant general, with his rich experience and fighting capacity, would be determined to escape. Morse is not sure to stay alone.

But if you add a qiwuhai to this, there will be a big gap in strength. Maybe the Admiral will not even have a chance to escape.