"Tomorrow morning, I will send a false message to lieutenant general Doberman, saying that we have found you in the southern waters. We are exchanging fire with lieutenant general Doberman to support us. Meanwhile, we will tell you the possible escape direction."

"In this way, the ghost spider will take people to cut off your escape direction, and then you will find an opportunity to lead the ghost spider to the designated place, try to keep him in a single state, and I will lurk in the dark..."

"Once the battle is successful, you can not only recover the loss of assets, but also earn 500 million Bailey more, and at the same time, you can save your subordinates." Rosen went over the plan.

If he calls ghost spider in the plan, it may be ghost spider who starts ahead of time. If he calls Doberman, it will be him who supports in advance,

And if you are afraid of accidents, you can make some accidents on the island and interfere with the voyage of some ghost spiders.

This is very easy, even to find some skilful enough, and will not be suspected, such as the ship suddenly broke down, blocked the departure of the ghost spider, delayed some time and so on.

If there's no accident, it's better.

In this way, we can miss the time period when the two people set out together, then the two people separate, and then pass the path of encirclement, so that the ghost spider will fall into the trap.

It's undeniable that what Rosen said is very exciting to Morris, and the plan sounds like it's too successful to have this qiwuhai as an agent, and it can also recapture the capital and crew.

But the only thing that worries Morris is, is this another trap? After all, he had suffered a lot in his hands.

"Why do you want to kill the ghost spider lieutenant general? As you are, it's too risky to kill a lieutenant general. Once it's revealed, I'm afraid your end will be worse than mine. What's worth your risk?" Morris didn't know why klocdal had to kill the lieutenant general.

From this point of view, it's good for him, but it's not good for qiwuhai.

"He broke my arm, which made me very embarrassed. If you don't give some proper warnings, once some people in the Navy headquarters or the world government think I'm weak, do you think I can keep qiwuhai?"

"It's strength, not forbearance and retreat, that makes me become qiwuhai. But it can't be done in public, or it's provocation. So I need you to do it together, and pay for it with blood."

"If this happens, you will certainly be chased by the Navy, but it doesn't seem much different from the present situation, and you can also become famous in the world. Most of all, I have a bad temper." Rosen said truthfully that molya was considered too weak to be eradicated. This is one of the reasons.

Because the warning of the ghost spider lieutenant general made him care too much. It's personal. Fortunately, if it's from the Navy headquarters, then the above is not only a guess, but also a test from the Navy.

Today, people have broken their right arm, but none of them have made any statement. Next time, won't those people in the Navy be further oppressed? These risks have to be nipped in the bud.

And the other half is revenge for Bonis. Rosen doesn't think there's anything wrong with this. He clearly distinguishes himself from the enemy.

And if we don't get rid of Morris's scruples, I'm afraid it's difficult to reach cooperation, even if Morris is very excited now.

"It seems that qiwuhai is not easy to be, but it's really not bad for me when you say so. It's just how to prove that you won't unite with the navy to deal with me. Maybe it's a trap for me?" Morris said his last scruples, and his face was a little dignified.

If this plan is really implemented, it will be a large-scale action and can not be ignored.

"There's no way to prove that this is a gamble. It depends on whether you are willing to take the gamble. I'm not worried that you will disclose information to the Navy and become a trap for me at the same time." Rosen doesn't think so. Everything is risky. It's impossible to do everything.

However, having said that, if Morris really went to the Navy, it would be useless. Even if he fell into the net, the navy would not believe it. However, Rosen did have such scruples in his words.

"You are not only a madman, but also a gambler. It sounds exciting. I agreed, but you should know the price of betrayal." Morris grinned, full of cruelty.

"I hope you know." Rosen is not afraid, such an alliance is fragile, but fragile enough, two people are gambling, gambling that this cooperation is sincere, rather than with the intention of entrapment each other.

Rosen is not worried that Morris will go to complain to the Navy, while Morris is not afraid of being besieged by qiwuhai and the Navy, because tomorrow he will only leave some people behind. This is not right. It is possible to run.

"Then the details will be finalized..."

On this rainy night, an alliance was set up against the ghost spider, a Navy Lieutenant.

On the way back, Rosen noticed Robin's strange look and asked, "what's the problem?"

"Is it worth it? When things come to light, qiwuhai is gone. " Robin doesn't know the reason for Rosen's doing this. Is he tough with the admiral of the Navy headquarters? It's very unwise.

"Do you think qiwuhai will be a real ally of the Navy? Maybe you think I'm taking a breath for Bonis. I don't deny that, because I'm really angry."

"But I'm more concerned about the Navy's reaction to these things. If it's a trial to me, if I don't fight back, I'm afraid the future is not so easy."

"What's more, don't rely on the title given by someone else forever. This system may no longer exist in a few years. Don't be tied to it. What we have to do now is to strive to become stronger. One day, even if we are deprived of Qiwu sea, we can still move forward freely in this sea."

Although Rosen hopes that the title of qiwuhai can always bring greater convenience to him.

But the fact is that in the world conference a few years from now, this system will be eliminated, and the seven armed forces will face the crisis of being hunted down again. Therefore, it is not necessary to regard this as too important, let alone bound.

The plot may have changed, but the voice of abandoning the qiwuhai system has always been there, and the probability of this happening is still very high.

In about two years, Rosen is confident that he will become stronger, so strong that he can face up to the general without fear, so he will do what he wants to do without too much scruples.

"If I was injured today, would you do that?" Robin is very curious suddenly, in the eyes of klockdale, how to treat them?

"I can't answer that question." Rosen shook his head. It depends on the situation.

Robin didn't ask any more, but he was more reliable. If Rosen said yes or no, she would probably treat it as perfunctory or deceptive, but she was not sure, which means that he really considered this problem.

She didn't know why, but she was a little happy.

Back on the boat, Rosen looks at the hills of newspapers that Robin had brought back. He calls in the maid and some delicate female crew members. He asks them to find the news about Trafalgar law from the newspapers here.

Robin is also looking for it. With her ability, a person can be used by many people, and is delicate enough to not miss any useful information.

But she didn't understand why klocdal needed to find a pirate from the West Sea. Did he know him?

Judging from his uncertain expression, he should not know it. But if he does not know it, why is he sure to find relevant reports in the newspaper.

Although it's strange, Robin is still looking for it carefully, and Rosen doesn't tell them, because he's not sure about it. He's not sure if he's on the great route. Even if he's on the great route, does he make a name for himself?

However, whether there is one or not, since there is such a guess, we'd better have a try. After all, it won't take much time.

"Is that it? Trafalgar Rowe, born in the West Sea, is currently on the great route. Here is a report about him, which is quite long. It is about the report that Landis Island defeated the naval base and was wanted. The reward is 100 million yuan. " Robin quickly found out about Trafalgar Rowe.

That's good news. It's just that he's been offered a reward of 100 million? But by the time we got to the shampooland islands, there were already 200 million.