At the same time, something happened in Jiudu that major general Harry and Rosen didn't expect. Major general Harry, who was supposed to make a good progress, received the notice of dismissal from the Navy headquarters the next day.

The general content is that at the critical moment, he was unable to control the security work of the wine capital, which led to the death of Colonel Luca and serious dereliction of duty. Moreover, this happened after he submitted that Colonel Luca had plotted against him.

However, his report failed to clear the false accusation of malfeasance. On the contrary, it caused a force operation in the Navy headquarters, suppressed the report, and announced that he was relieved from the post of major general, and even was no longer a navy.

This made major general Harry in a trance, but he learned from a good friend of the admiral in the Navy headquarters that it was a high-ranking official of the world government who was in operation. He passed the marshal of the Warring States period and dismissed him in the name of general red dog.

At the same time, with the cooperation of some lieutenant generals, he became a major general. In fact, he did not fulfill his duty as a navy and disappeared in the chaos.

"Power?! Is the Navy a place to enforce justice or a place to show off power? Why... "

"Harry, your family at naval headquarters has been evicted from town." It's another piece of bad news. Major general Harry is crazy. He pulls out his weapon and slashes everything in front of him, walls, desks

Until he calms down again, if he can't find justice in the Navy, he will continue to look for justice in this sea. One day, he will surely bring down all those powerful people.

But fortunately, he has done a good job in the placement of the children, but he still told the coming major general to take more care of them, which is his good friend in the same period.

And he is more firm in the justice of the Navy, but I don't know how long he can hold up in the sea of power, or he will drift with the tide.

Now the most important thing is to take back his family, settle his family well, and then go to the sea to find out whether power can dominate everything?! He doesn't believe it!

Now the sea is in chaos. How can those navies expel his family from the town at such a time? Is their efforts worth nothing in their eyes?

Ha ha ha ha! Major general Harry suddenly found it funny.

At this moment, he thought of what klocdal had done. In his opinion, what the navy has done now is not even as good as what a former pirate has done. What a irony

Rosen didn't know all this.

Now Rosen is groping for supremacy in the exercise area. In the exercise area, mr.5 and his lover also begin to exercise, and the strength of the exercise surprised Rosen.

Later it was discovered that as long as they stayed by Rosen's side, their bodies would be very excited, and fatigue could be affected to recover.

It's true that after the first world war between Jiudu and bam, he realized that his recovery was fast, and then after several experiments, he found that active x2 not only included wound healing.

There is also the effect of recovery acceleration and hyperactivity, and it is group wide.

Some of the scars on Rosen's body, such as the transverse scar on his face, are beginning to fade. Later, Rosen hopes that his arm will grow again, but at present, it is impossible.

I just don't know if there will be such a special effect after the activity of X10 and X20. If there is, the activity will be too powerful, no less than the effect of an easy-to-use demon fruit.

Because of Bonis, mr.5 not only exercises day and night, but also starts to read books, especially about explosions, such as gunpowder, or the advanced technology of some independent islands.

Rosen saw it, but he didn't say much. At the same time, he distributed the forging method of six styles to everyone.

With Rosen's strength, after training and groping for skills, he learned the six moves that he needs most at present.

With his physical quality and strength, he has reached the physical condition of learning the six styles early. He only needs a little less skill. Major general Harry really wrote this exercise very clearly.

But other people are not so easy to master, in fact, Rosen is looking forward to Bonis can learn six, so with his ability to cut fruit quickly, the strength will be greatly improved.

However, Bonis now using drugs every day, hanging with his active body. Because the poison entered the heart, it was difficult to cure. So at that time, the ghost killing spider general didn't ask for antidote at all. First, it was impossible to give them, and second, it was useless to give them.

Moreover, ghost spiders can only be killed. If they don't pay attention to one, they may run away, or spread the news of killing them. That's too risky. It's safest to kill them.

Now their target is Landis Island, an island that is currently plagued and almost blocked off by the Navy headquarters.

But it is possible to find Trafalgar Rowe there. If it is his medical knowledge and the fruits of surgery, it may be possible to save him.

After all, at that time, Luffy not only suffered heavy losses, but also overdrawn his body again and again, which showed that his medical level was very high.

If you don't know there is such a person, you can say that people would die at any time in this era.

But knowing that there is such a person, we still have to try. However, this voyage took quite a long time, and we had to pass by several islands in the middle to supplement and fill the records.

Their current route is probably horizontal, that is, from south to East. Jiudu used to be located in the great route, which is closer to the South China Sea. Of course, they have to cross the dead line, the windless belt, to get to the South China Sea.

Now they are heading horizontally, that is, towards the East China Sea. It is estimated that the voyage will take about half a month. How long will it take for the island to store records.

Rosen would like to buy a record pointer that can go directly to the island of Landis, but it doesn't. maybe it's because the island of Landis is currently in a semi closed state.

"Boss, Lantis island used to be the back garden of a noble Tianlong people in the world, also known as Shenyuan. Although Tianlong people live in holy land, special or extremely characteristic islands will also be given to Tianlong people as tributes. Only five years ago, a chemical factory leak happened, which led to the abandonment of the whole island and the restriction of the whole island residents, It's said that it's a highly infectious disease. Basically, the island is only allowed to enter, but not allowed to leave. There are about eight small islands in the outer waters of the island, surrounded by rings. Each island has a Navy garrison. If people leave the island without permission, they will be attacked by the Navy... "Robin tells Rosen all the information he has.

This is more detailed, including the past, the history, the topography of the nearby sea area and the possible dangers.

Rosen's brow is wrinkled when he hears the speech. Is it an infectious disease? Factory leaks? There is also the naval encirclement. It doesn't look like an ordinary island. It's not only a disease, but also involves the world's noble Tianlong people.