Senro Liming continued her voyage. During the voyage, she occasionally met several groups of pirates, all of whom were ransacked by Rosen and others.

This has increased their capital and property to 300 million Bailey. Black eating black is the privilege of qiwuhai, which is also a way that Rosen can accept.

Rosen is basically staying in the exercise area these days. He is groping for hegemony. In his mind, he thinks of Raleigh's teaching to Luffy, which can be summarized as belief, concentrated will and spirit, and the development and induction of the sixth sense.

Everyone has this kind of power, but not everyone can control it. It needs skills and actual combat. Armed color and seeing and hearing color can be mastered through cultivation, and Overlord color is born with it.

Overlord color includes armed color and seeing and hearing color, but also more "deterrent" effect, the powerful can even turn this deterrent into substantial harm.

"Imagining yourself as if wearing invisible armor" means that belief is very important. Only by believing in the existence of this force can we sense it and give play to it. Both imagination and induction require very concentrated spirit.

The exercise of seeing, hearing and color is blindfold, that is to say, to strengthen the sixth sense to feel, not just to feel the air flow and smell, but to listen to the voice of the creature, just like the unique biological characteristics of everyone.

The highest level of seeing and hearing can foresee the short-term future, and some people even speculate that they can perceive the enemy's emotions and thoughts.

In Rosen's body, what he wakes up is domineering. It seems that "deterrence" can't be cultivated. It changes with his personal courage and momentum. Of course, if he is strong, his momentum and momentum will also increase.

Rosen knew the general cultivation methods of armed color and seeing and hearing color.

These are some of the introductions in the original book, which is more friendly for Rosen. All the known plots will not be useless.

But even though he knew that Rosen's physical fitness was also very strong, it took him nearly a week to cover his arms with his armed color for the first time.

Rosen's fists covered with armed color and domineering style hit the iron stele with a fist. With a bang of hard objects, the whole iron stele was sunken with a fist seal.

This makes mr.5, who has the fruits of explosion but still can't make a dent, dumbfounded. Why do you think he is a bomb man with high explosive damage, but why is the boss who breaks the iron reputation?

Undeniably, the boss is very powerful, but with a single point of blasting damage, the ability of Sha Sha should not be top-notch, but what is covered on the boss fist? Black? Is sand this color?

Mr.5 knows that their boss has become stronger. They have been exercising recently on Valentine's day. Even Robin occasionally comes to join in the fun. In fact, most of the time, they have nothing to do.

"With explosive power, blow me up." Rosen was biting his cigar and stretching out his domineering hand to cover only one arm. Now he can't cover his whole body.

But he felt that his strength and defense were much stronger under the bonus of armed lust.

"Here I am." Mr.5 exploded and punched Rosen's fist. With a bang, Rosen didn't move, even felt nothing on his fist.

If we put it in the past, even though mr.5's strength is not strong, but the explosion is an explosion after all, it can still bring some impact or burn to Rosen, but now it's overbearing and not affected at all.

"The overall strength is at least half stronger. Although it is only limited to the areas covered by domineering spirit, it is also a great improvement. If domineering spirit becomes more and more familiar, the improved strength will be stronger. Luffy's strength has at least doubled in two years." This is what Rosen speculated.

From the perspective of pacifists, Lu Fei, who doesn't know how to be domineering, needs a whole regiment to defeat a group of pacifists.

Two years later, Lu Fei, who knows how to be domineering, fell down with one punch. It is basically impossible to achieve this without several times or even more powerful growth.

Now, although the overall strength has only increased by a few percent, his enhanced data has also changed.

Human enhancement attributes:

Name: Sha klocdal (Rosen)

Ability: Sha Sha fruit, unawakened, intermediate (Proficiency: 7101000)

Physical skills: intermediate (Proficiency: 6401000)

Domineering: domineering Awakening (Proficiency: 80100)

Armed color (Proficiency: 50100)

Seeing, hearing and color (Proficiency: 30100)

Fencing: primary (proficiency 140300)

Strengthening times: 3

Effect: Defense X2, speed X2, activity X2, experience pack x1

Next time, strengthen the conditions: defeat those with 400 million Bailey bounty strength or above( Strength (x2)

Random reset task: defeat those who have more than 200 million Bailey bounty( Defense (x2)

Demon fruit capacity extra X1 Quest: now 15( Pig fruit, Suggestion: after the progress is completed, the body defense at least X8 can be safely activated, and you can choose to transfer. "

The first is domineering, because it is in the awakening stage, so the level of proficiency is also relatively fast, but the strength of domineering has been reflected in physical skills,

So the biggest change is physical skill,

As for the fruit ability, Rosen is not able to cover the domineering air on the sand.

That's more difficult than simply covering the fist, but he will study it slowly. I believe it's only a matter of time to reach that level.

If the sand is weaponized and overbearing at the same time, he needs to work hard to operate the sand.

At present, he is only in the stage of awakening. Every time he uses Rosen, he has to concentrate on his whole mind. It will take some time for him to find out how to adapt to the two functions. That way, he will be greatly improved.

Physical skill directly increased from 480 to 640, a full increase of more than 100 points, which is a huge improvement.

Speed, strength, defense and other comprehensive aspects have been improved, and the data record should be their strongest state.

Because it's not a task issued by the system, even though Rosen can feel that his defense speed has been enhanced, it's all summed up by the system to his own physical skill points, which is not reflected in the "effect".

However, this is harmless. The improvement of physical skills shows that his real combat effectiveness has been improved.

Rosen concluded that whether the defense of data effect is doubled or the speed is doubled, it will be summarized as the improvement of body skill or fruit ability.

In other words, physical skill, fencing and fruit proficiency are the total value of a person's real strength level. Even the strength of domineering enhancement is also summarized in physical skill.

The multiple of the effect indicates that in this level, a person's emphasis on direction. For example, Rosen's effect has defense x2 and speed plus x2.

That is to say, in the current 600 points of physical skill, defense and speed are the direction that Rosen is good at.

People with the same level of proficiency may be good at endurance, strength or skills.

As for swordsmanship, Rosen felt that he had almost forgotten it. Maybe he had never practiced it properly.

So even if he wakes up, it's mainly in his body. Maybe when Rosen practices more swordsmanship, it will improve a lot.

Now Rosen has not learned how to cover the domineering spirit with weapons, which is the same as the principle of covering the domineering spirit with the derivative weapons of Sha Sha fruit ability.

It's a pity that fencing is not Rosen's major, but occasionally he meets someone who is good at fencing. Sometimes it's more intuitive to make a comparison with his data.