In terms of domineering, Rosen still chose armed color as his major. He only dabbled in seeing and hearing color, but at present he probably can do it, but he can't do it very clearly.

It can only be said that it is the enhanced sixth sense, which can't look around a large area like radar.

"It seems that although overlord color and domineering spirit can't be cultivated, if seeing and hearing color and armed color become stronger, the deterrent effect released by overlord color will also be strengthened." This can be seen from Luffy's growing domineering color in the later period.

Now, even without fruit ability, Rosen is sure to defeat BAM. After all, no matter how bad Rosen's melee ability was, no matter how bad he was.

Under the current bonus of strengthening system and domineering spirit, his body skill has improved by leaps and bounds, which is undoubtedly very important.

This shows that his strongest combat power is not only the devil fruit, but also his physical combat power is almost comparable to his natural devil fruit. Of course, strictly speaking, his data proficiency is still poor.

But don't look at the fact that Rosen's top combat power has not been improved, but with the development of two directions, Rosen can play two for those who are only good at one of them alone.

In fact, if we judge a person's strength from the perspective of system and data, Rosen may be able to get a range of physical ability and fencing based on these three aspects.

If the top item of proficiency can reach 600 or 700, it will probably have the strength of elite or top lieutenant general. Bam and ghost spider are almost the strongmen of this class.

And Rosen estimates that if the most cutting-edge data can reach more than 800, there should be a quasi general level combat power.

As for the general level, Rosen is not easy to estimate for the time being. Maybe one or two items need to have more than 1000 proficiency.

Rosen's strength is slightly higher than that of BAM and ghost spider.

There are two points. One is the innate advantage of the natural ability. The other is that Rosen is relatively superior in both physical and fruit abilities, and their combined combat power is stronger than their single combat power.

On the other hand, BAM's fruit ability is outstanding, but it is actually superimposed on the body. In fact, it can only be regarded as a particularly cutting-edge and outstanding data in physique.

Approximately equivalent to more than 600 points of physical skill proficiency.

And the ghost spider will be a little stronger, but it will not be particularly exaggerated, about 700 or so.

If we say that klockdale was at the bottom of qiwuhai, Rosen is now at the elite level of qiwuhai.

It's equivalent to the combat power of the most top-level generals mentioned before.

However, it can not be ignored that the top admirals of the Navy also have talents with similar development in many aspects, such as those who are good at fruit ability and physical skills. It seems that the comparison is not particularly strong.

But you know, these are all achieved by Rosen in a short period of time. As long as he keeps on training and fighting, Rosen doesn't believe it will take him a long time to reach the top seven military sea level combat power of eagle eye.

Only then can he be regarded as a strong man with a certain say in the sea.

Since the departure of the capital of wine, Rosen has been groping and exercising constantly. Now his body is a little overdrawn, so he has to relax and exercise to make his body enter a recovery period, so as not to cause harm.

After all, hegemonic gas art and so on are related to their own body, the body to recuperate, in order to better exercise.

So Rosen put aside the sweat for a while.

But when the weather was good, he came to the deck to inspect the work. Since the news of the death of the ghost spider lieutenant general in the first World War of Jiudu came out, the people on the ship could probably guess that Rosen had participated in the encirclement and killing war of the ghost spider lieutenant general.

After all, Rosen was out at that time, and in that case, the ship's strange route, although they only met Morris and others, and then hid on the island, without seeing it with their own eyes.

But anyone who is not a fool can guess the truth.

Therefore, Rosen not only inspired people, but also attracted many admirers, among which Miggs was the strongest, almost catching up with Bonis.

Before Rosen also distributed the six styles to every crew, but even if everyone insisted on exercising, with the help of Rosen's relaxation activity.

That is to say, the effect of range hyperactivity and recovery therapy can make each of them exercise better.

But at present, no one can really master all the six styles. Apart from Rosen, he also spent some time on the six styles. Although he is just a beginner, he does master all the six styles.

Others have mastered the six styles: finger gun, master mr.5. Finger blast?

On Valentine's day, because the fruit has a floating capacity of 0 kg, it can adapt to the flying skills very well and master the moon step by accident.

To Rosen's surprise, Miggs even mastered one of the six styles of shaving. Kung Fu manatee imitated other people's exercise. In addition, he was a speed type, so he also mastered shaving.

This situation has severely hit Mr. 5 and others. Maybe they are also trying to cultivate manatees, which makes Rosen very satisfied. After all, they sweat more and bleed less.

The paper painting, Lanjiao and tiekuai are not mastered by any crew. Robin doesn't practice them very much. That's not her strong point. This makes Rosen realize that the high-end combat power on board is insufficient.

There are ordinary experts, such as Valentine's day and mr.5, plus Shanghai cattle, Miggs is half of them, but none of them are high-end.

If Bonis can't be saved, fewer people will be able to get on the stage.

The recent progress of mr.5 and Valentine's Day is really good. Of course, it has its own active bonus. But it's not so fast to grow up. It takes time and actual combat.

Even with the demon fruit ability, mr.5 does not have the combat power of ordinary major general level.

Maybe it's only equivalent to 50 or 60 million bounty criminals (the original bounty level of 10 million). Valentine's Day is currently equivalent to 10 or 20 million. Rosen didn't pay much attention to her( Original bounty (7.5 million level)

And these people, in the Baroque society before, had already belonged to a group of people with strong potential, who were selected from the short men by the general.

Of course, actually, there are only two people selected by Rosen, Robin and Bonis, and the others are incidental.

However, Robin's current real combat effectiveness may not be as good as Mr. 5. Of course, if we really want to play Mr. 5, we can do it by Robin's means.

It seems that it is necessary to pay attention to some more powerful talents. Otherwise, if you do everything by yourself, you won't have so much time to practice. However, if you don't have the level above Bonis, it's difficult to enter Rosen's eyes.

No matter how hard it is, the reward should be over 100 million yuan. Otherwise, it will be too weak, too weak and useless. For the strategic and intelligent type, Robin is enough for the time being. What he needs most now is a soldier who has been on the stage.

Since the departure of Jiudu, the occasional groups of pirates and the like are basically handed over to mr.5 and Valentine's day.

However, there are some that can't be dealt with once or twice. After all, there are some great sea pirates with good strength.

“BOSS。” Robin stayed under the huge sun umbrella, sheltered from the sun, and looked at books on the deck where the sea breeze caressed him. At the same time, there were newspapers sent by newsbirds and so on.

On the table were cakes made in her spare time on Valentine's day, but she didn't like small cakes that were too sweet. Beside the cake was a cup of black tea.

Newsbird is really a very good newspaper delivery man. Even on the sea, they can often be seen. After buying the newspaper, it snowed heavily, and newsbird stayed on the ship for a while before leaving.

However, in addition to seeing too many spiritual creatures, Rosen has long been used to it.

"Well? Maurice is wanted? How much is the reward? " Rosen didn't pay special attention to the news a few days ago, but he received some critical calls from the Navy headquarters, but he didn't pay attention to them.

Judging from the outcome, I am a winner, which is enough.