"350 million Bailey." Robin had seen the news.

"Low." Although the reward is too high for most of the pirates, it is obviously too low for Rosen combined with the strength of Morris.

"It's already very high. There are hundreds of millions of wanted criminals in this big sea. They are basically world-famous pirates. 350 million is several times higher than the original reward before boss." Robin is hard to tease. Obviously, she is in a good mood today.

"Not caught by the Navy?" Asked Rosen.

Although Morris is still hostile to him, in case of being arrested, it's hard to guarantee that he won't bring any trouble. The evidence is estimated that there is no actual evidence, but if there are polygraph fruits, it's embarrassing.

"No, but I heard that the great general of the Yellow ape had a collision with him." Robin didn't look very well when he talked about the general.

After all, it is one of the top three combat capabilities of the Navy headquarters. Even the boss can't afford to be provoked now.

"It seems that I am indeed his disaster. Ha ha ha... "Rosen said with a heartless smile.

"Ah, boss is so black." Robin looked very surprised.

"Next time you say that, please add a word." Rosen is in a good mood, and his domineering mastery makes him go to the peak road slowly.

Robin was stunned for a moment. Then he reacted and covered his mouth with a smile.

"The storm is coming! It's going to be windy. Close up The captain and sailor of the ship, Miggs, yelled. The dark clouds in the distance came rapidly, and the crew moved quickly.

Robin also put away his small bench, small table, dark clouds rolled up with lightning, the whole clear sky, suddenly became extremely dark.

As if ushered in the end of the world, low and dark clouds came, and torrential rain poured down in an instant.

Although it's not the first time to meet such a weather change, Rosen can still feel his own insignificance under the natural power every time he sees it.

As strong as Rileys and others will also encounter a shipwreck, although it is impossible to verify whether it is a pure shipwreck or a shipwreck after fighting with the enemy.

If it is the former, we can imagine how bad the weather is on the great route. No wonder it is called "cemetery".

The crew ran, climbed up the rope ladder of the mast and closed the sails in the wind and rain. If the sails continue to sail in this super storm, they are likely to be torn up.

Rosen stood on the bow of the boat, frowning suddenly. He felt something bad around him.

"What seems to be under the water?" The crew standing on the rope ladder looked down, and a huge shadow appeared under the ship, which was growing larger and larger, indicating that it was floating rapidly.

"The ship is jacked up! What to do? " The whole ship was slowly lifted up by the tide, which was much larger than that brought by the storm, because there were unknown creatures floating under the ship, slowly revealing their huge bodies.

Rosen also frowned. In this weather and in the face of underwater creatures, his ability is not very important. He can't dive into the sea and fight. He can only wait for the creatures below to surface before he can start.

"Give me the cannonball." Mr. 5 yelled at one of the crew, and a box of shells was quickly lifted out of the magazine by two people.

"Grenade explosion!" Mr.5 grabs the shell with both hands and is able to push it. He stands on the edge of the ship and smashes the shell into the sea with all his strength.

This is not a solid shell, but a special shell with concentrated gunpowder. With the guidance of mr.5's explosive fruit ability, there was a loud bang and a jet of water rose with the explosion.

The giant creatures below seemed to be frightened, moved their position, and calmed down by the high arched waves.

Fortunately, it is very dangerous if you are lifted up by the waves and fall down from the air, and there are so many capable people on board.

"Use the directional sail, adjust the direction, 3 o'clock, and leave this place with the current first." Miggs studied the wind direction of the storm for a while and the trend of the current driven by the waves, and gave the instructions immediately.

Peng! At this time, a mountain like figure suddenly appeared not far from the sea. Giant creatures, sea kings, though not as exaggerated and powerful as the giant sea kings in the windless zone.

But it is at least the size of more than a dozen Liming ships, and its eyes are red, staring at the Liming ship, apparently as food, and it is just lurking under the Liming ship.

It looks like a hedgehog, covered with black spines, two pairs of legs under the abdomen look very strong.

A limb alone is half the size of Liming. If it is scratched by one of its claws, liming will be cut off.

"Sea king, sea king!" Some people exclaimed, the voice is full of fear, even if most of the giant sea kings live in the dead zone, but there are a small number of floating in the great route.

And the sea king class is extremely powerful, it can be said that if you want to enter the great route through the windless belt, instead of going to the upside down mountain, it is basically a near death.

Unless there are navy's most advanced warships, even if Navy warships can block the sea king's sensing of ships, if they are seen directly, it is still very dangerous.

Most ships just can't cross the windless zone.

However, for the super large sea kings without wind belts, some even senior naval officers can't cope with them, let alone they are nests of giant sea kings.

Therefore, the sea king class is extremely dangerous for any sailing ship, which is why the crew began to panic at the sight of the sea king class.

Because even if this kind of small sea king class attacks them, dawn will not be able to hold on.

On the vast sea, if there is no ship, it is basically no different from death, unless such a powerful person as Rosen can protect himself.

Rosen can take the board and the recording pointer and leave with the moon step, but is there no danger in the air? It's a stormy day, and how long does it last? So it's never easy to sail on the sea.

But it seems very exciting, Rosen has found himself in love with this adrenaline surge feeling, but this time did not wait for his hand.

Kung Fu manatee took the lead.

"Hey..." Kungfu manatee is very interested in this hedgehog like sea king. The little figure jumps into the sea from the boat, and then pulls up a spray on the sea, and swims to sea king in the strong wind and waves, with extremely fast speed.

"Fix the cargo and hold on to the hull." Miggs shouts. In the rainstorm, it's impossible not to shout. It's impossible to ensure that his voice can be heard.

"Big waves are coming."

"Desert barrier!" Rosen frowned. Although the rainy days limited his elementalization, his ability is still there. The sand he controls now is wet by the rain as soon as it is formed, but it has little effect on defense.

And in this storm, everyone has already been wet, ears are full of rough waves and thunder, lightning sound, the wind is also growing.

"Again." The ship adjusted its direction and drifted with the tide, but everyone's heart was raised. In this kind of natural disaster, if you are not careful, the ship may be destroyed and people may die.

"Lanjiao!" Rosen raised his legs to sweep, a blade of air cut out, cut off most of the wave, the rest of the impact on the deck, fortunately did not cause much impact.

"The drainage system works to the maximum extent possible." Miggs directed the two men to operate the drainage system.

"Here comes the sea king!" Mr.5's face changed dramatically. He was carrying a shell in his hand and was about to throw it out. It was impossible to explode.

But as long as they can drive them away, otherwise there will be a storm before, and then there will be sea king predators, which is extremely dangerous for them.

Hearing this, Rosen did not dare to take it lightly. Was the Kung Fu manatee killed? If the opponent is the sea king class, it seems that it is not impossible.