"Mr.5, stop it. It seems that the sea king is taken in by the manatee." Rosen saw small figures sitting on the top of the sea king's head. The Kung Fu manatee was waving to the crowd.

From the state of the two animals, it should be an agreement, not a battle.

If a battle breaks out, Rosen is not optimistic about manatees. Young manatees are very strong, but that's for the human body. If it's faced with such a huge creature, it's estimated that a blow will not hurt him.

Unless manatees know how to be aggressive.

Then the manatee murmured something to the sea king. Then the sea king dived into the sea and slightly lifted the Liming. At the same time, there were limbs on the left and right sides of the ship. Then he pulled the liming in one direction and began to swim.

"Is this to take us out of the storm and to safety?" Robins cableway.

Other people are also unimaginable. They think they want to fight with the sea king. Unexpectedly, in a twinkling of an eye, the sea king becomes a tugger?

However, this is very good, because the storm is getting bigger and bigger. A long distance ahead, there has been the weather of "dragon absorbing water". The sea water tornado connects with the sea below and dark clouds above. Once it is sucked in, it is very dangerous.

"So fast!" All the people on the boat suddenly faltered. The speed of the boat was too fast, just like a big fish.

"Hold on to the boat, everyone. Don't be thrown down." Rosen stood still, as steady as a mountain, but other people didn't have his strength, so they could only hold tightly any place on the ship where they could hold their bodies.

"Be careful." Rosen saw that Robin put out many hands to fix himself on the boat, but the sea water watered him, and the whole person immediately had no strength. Seeing that he was about to be thrown out, Rosen held out her hand.

"I'm fine." Robin's eyes passed a soft color, but soon he grew more arms and fixed himself better.

"Well? Is there a ship near the storm Rosen suddenly saw that in the storm, it seemed that several ships were struggling.

"Yes, but it's too bad luck. It's closer to the storm than we are. It's hard to survive." Robin smell speech, also toward the direction of Rosen look directly at, as expected saw a few in the wind and rain drifting pirate ship.

"Well, it seems that luck is also very important." Rosen doesn't have any other ideas about this. He just happened to see that there are many people who are unlucky and lucky in this world.

And now they have no ability to help others. In this storm, one is not careful, that is death.

Rosen saw the boats and the people on board saw Rosen's boat.

"Seng Zheng, the boat was pulled by the sea king. It's too exaggerated. How can you tame those monsters?" An observer was shocked when he looked at the speed of the ship not far away.

A middle-aged man with a strong body, a smiling face and wings on his back also looked at him: "it's true, but now is not the time to care about it. Tell the navigator that we depend on his ability to live or die."

"I understand."

"Seng Zheng, we are not going to die like this. We should not have come to look for treasure. We don't know whether it's true or not." One of the crew said dejectedly.

The monk is hearing the speech, his face is still with a smile, his hands together: "man, don't give up easily, death is not so easy to come."... "

"No, the storm hasn't stopped. It can't go on like this. The ship can't stand the impact for a long time. There is an island over there. I suggest that we go to the island to avoid the storm first..." Miggs came over and reported to Rosen.

"Yes, but don't stay too long. Put the recording pointer on the boat. Don't take it to the island. We can take the boat to log in, so that the magnetic field will not be covered and we will have to go a long way behind." Rosen thought about it. Although it's an unknown island, it's better to spend this time in a storm.

After all, on the whole, he was very satisfied with the ship. If it was damaged, it would be a pity.

"Manatee, let's log on to that island and have a rest on that island first." Rosen said directly to the manatee sitting on top of the sea king.

The manatee can understand naturally. It nods, pats the head of the sea king and points to the island in the storm. The sea king is very happy to help. It turns its direction and approaches the island in the storm.

Very soon, the ship just anchored beside the island, and the storm seemed to be less intense when it was close to the island. After all, one side of the island was a natural barrier.

"Boss, there are reefs on the nearby islands. When we just stopped, we hit them. When the storm stops, we have to stop for maintenance." Miggs reports.

"The storm doesn't seem to pass so fast, but the boat should be ok here. There are obstacles on both sides of the coast where we are now berthing, which can resist the strong wind, but the boat is relatively rocky, so I'm afraid it's not suitable for the night." Miggs looked at the island and said.

Although we can't see the sky clearly, we are approaching night in terms of time.

The coast where they call happens to be a natural harbor sunk in.

It's like a pear. It's just like the gap from a bite. Inside the gap is the natural port where his gate stops. And the island does look like a pear in the distance.

The island is not small, but when it is close to the coast, I don't see any fishing boats or pirate ships. I don't know if there are people on the island.

When Rosen had this doubt, Robin took out the nautical chart: "it's an unknown island, which is not clearly recorded."

This map is originally the goods of the mainland, and the islands of the great route are more like stars, plus the strange nature of the great route, it is possible that some more islands may come out of thin air one day, so nameless island is not uncommon.

However, most of the unrecorded islands are not unknown, but are known, but do not want to be advertised to others.

According to Robin, the Pirates of the old age did not like to expose the new islands they found. They sometimes took these islands as their own, used them as base areas or treasure houses.

Especially the adventurous big pirates always like to bury their treasures before they die for later explorers or pirates to explore. The most famous one is Gore D. Roger, who started the era of big pirates.

"The unknown island?" Rosen thought for a moment, although the boat stopped in a good position, but the wind and waves are still there, and it's not easy to spend the night on a ship with violent sloshing.

On the contrary, for the land habitat equipment, they are very complete on board, whether it is to deal with storms or snow, multi-functional tent is very useful.

"Arrange the crew on duty on board, and the others will follow me to the island." Rosen told Robin that the unknown island may represent danger, but it may also represent surprise.

"I understand." Robin set about making arrangements.

Soon, two boats were released from the dawn, which were loaded with the necessary items for camping with Rosen and others. Because the sea king could not enter the shoal area, he waved goodbye to the manatee early.

It's easy to find a shelter, but thanks to the sea king. I just don't know what's special about this little manatee?

Is it possible to communicate with the sea king class, or generally understand each other's consciousness?

But in any case, it reflects the extraordinary features of manatee.

When the two boats approached the island and landed on the beach, Rosen and others looked at everything in front of them and showed a surprised expression. Is this a mushroom island?