Nameless Island, in the northeast, in a depression basin, there are about 70 or 80 families, not many, scattered in low-lying terrain.

Mr.5 and Valentine's day climbing to find a suitable observation point, we can see the fire still on in the rainstorm, which is difficult to extinguish for a time.

At first, they thought that there was a fire in the village, but after observing for a while, they didn't see half a person. So they came closer and saw a whole village that had been slaughtered.

Old people, children, men and women... None of them survived. The earth was dyed red by blood, the house was lit, and the blood flowed everywhere with the rain.

After mr.5 observation, it was found that these people had just died, and had obvious knife and gunshot wounds on their bodies. It was obvious that they were slaughtered by some robbers, and the muzzle sizes were different, indicating that they were not standard weapons.

In other words, there may be other dangerous teams on this island. Judging from such means and weapons, they should be pirates. Mr.5 doesn't have much pity on them, but he thinks it's necessary to inform the boss about this.

"No one is alive!" Valentine's Day floats a little bit, in order to see more clearly.

But she didn't look very good. She did kill many people, but she never took part in such a terrible massacre. She also resented these pirates who even children and old people would not let go.

After careful searching several times, there was no one who survived.

Soon, Rosen and urki found two people along the route given by Mr. 5, and also found the village.

Such a tragic sign made Rosen extremely uncomfortable, especially when he saw the body of an old man and a child.

But he knows that in this sea, real pirates do these things.

Burning, killing and plundering are inhuman.

Wuerji saw this, but also full of sadness, hands together, sitting on the ground, over the dead people, after a long time to speak: "this I have responsibility."

As soon as he said this, Rosen immediately frowned and looked at urki: "did your people do it?"

His voice is as cold as ice. He almost forgot that ur is basically a pirate now.

"No, my subordinates, that's all that's left. The storm has taken away too much of my things. However, this island should be an isolated island at present. There are no ships, there is not much communication with the outside world, and there is a great possibility of isolation. It is not easy for these things to happen, but unfortunately, before I came to this island, One of my subordinates accidentally leaked the location of the map... I think it should be caused by those pirates. "

Urki sank.

"Is it a treasure map?" Robin asked in surprise. Her brain is quick. If it's not for treasure map, it's hard to attract greedy pirates.

"Yes, it looks like they got to the island a little earlier than us." Urki nodded.

"Monk Zheng." The subordinates were a little puzzled, why urki would tell this unfamiliar person about the treasure map.

But the subordinate who is closest to urki knows that the monk is filled with grief and remorse at this moment, even though the subordinate who accidentally leaked the treasure map has been buried in the storm.

But it doesn't mean that urki's mood can be completely calmed down.

"Money and silk move people's hearts, sunflower in the desert." Rosen sighed, put his hand on the ground and urged his ability.

But what had happened, he couldn't change anything. The ground sank into a big block and buried all the bodies and houses, so as not to be eaten by animals.

"This island is not small. These pirates should still search the island. Do you mind if we study the treasure map together?" Rosen looked at urji. If urji didn't tell the truth, he didn't mind eating black.

After all, he has done a lot of such things in recent years, but on the whole, urki, Rosen doesn't hate it.

Rosen wants to see what kind of treasure map can make the pirates so crazy to do the butchering of the village.

"No problem. These things shouldn't have happened, and I'm so greedy. This is a treasure map that has been handed down on our empty island for nearly a thousand years. It only indicates that the treasure is on this island. More detailed information is gone, and it's not very useful now." Urki has seen too many deaths today to remain optimistic.

Then he took out an old map and handed it to Rosen. Rosen took it over, looked at it, didn't understand it, and handed it to Robin: "you see if there is any other information recorded on it."

Robin nodded and took the map. After observing it carefully for a moment, she didn't see any more detailed and useful information, but she suggested that she take some time to study it.

Rosen did not answer, but urki agreed: "take it. Here, the map is useless. I'll go to seek justice for these people."

Wuerji said, and without waiting for Rosen to reply, he took the rest of his men and disappeared in the rainy night. It's just that the island is so big that it's not easy to find a group of people. In addition, it's a storm, and the footprints are covered up.

Seeing that wuerji gave his treasure map to him so easily, Rosen was not used to it: "if you find any treasure, half of it belongs to you."

He intended to just look at it, but he didn't expect that urji would not want it. This is very rare. After all, the scene of crazy fighting for treasure map is normal. Doesn't urji value wealth? It's possible.

Of course, it may also be because he thinks that the map is really useless, and the strength of qiwuhai is too strong. If there is a conflict because of a map that is not very useful, it is not worth it.

Maybe they will be like those villagers. Although at present, qiwuhai is not like this, but people are separated from each other. Who can tell.

Whether it is or not, urki can timely learn to let go, I have to say that this makes Rosen look at with new eyes.

"Strange people." Robin looked at urki's back and said with emotion that if she remembered correctly, this man was a pirate or a wanted criminal, but he planned to look for the murderer at this moment.

"He's really a good man. Next time I see him, I'll invite him to see if he wants to be the new crew of dawn." Rosen said thoughtfully.

"Are you going to recruit them?" Robin was surprised.

"No? I think his strength is good, and it's very pleasing. " Rosen said truthfully that he was short of talent.

Even if urki can only grow up to bring down 600 million Pele's pirates, it's a good strength. According to the original plot, the supernova will definitely be more active in the later stage, that is to say, the potential will be extraordinary, and it should only be stronger.

But urki doesn't look like a man with strong ambition. Not everyone who goes out to sea is to become a pirate king. Even if it is, it doesn't hurt.

"That's not true. It's just that there are few pirates who can get into the boss's eyes." Robin shook his head.

"Tell everyone, keep vigilant, arrange more duty personnel, timely inform when there is news, keep in touch with phone bug every other time, and rest others first." Asked Rosen.

They have experienced the storm, many people are very tired, rest is necessary.

After all, not everyone has Rosen's strong physique and physical strength.

So they went back to their resting place, and the night was quiet except for the storm.

The next day, when the storm subsided and the bright sun lit up the island again, Robin stayed up all night.

As soon as Rosen wakes up, Robin is already waiting in front of the tent: "boss, there is another mystery in this picture. The top four corners of the picture record several numbers with special hiding techniques. If I guess correctly, the numbers together should represent the longitude and latitude of the treasure hiding place, that is, the precise treasure hiding place."