"You are a great archaeologist." Rosen said from the bottom of his heart.

"No, I've just tried all the ways of hiding information over the years." Robin smiles.

"It's fine, so let's set out to look for the treasure." Since even the exact location has been found, it is impossible not to see it.

And it's a treasure from an empty island. Maybe there will be something interesting.

It's just strange, how could the treasure of empty island be in Qinghai?

However, who can say for sure about this thing? Perhaps long ago, it was not impossible for the empty island to have close contacts with Qinghai.

"Mr.5, take Bonis back to the ship with some people, be more vigilant, and if you find anything, send a signal bomb or phone bug immediately." Naturally, it's impossible for all people to go treasure hunting. It's inconvenient to take Bonis like that.

Besides, the ship has to be guarded, otherwise it will be troublesome to be attacked or stolen.

Although mr.5 is not very powerful now, it's still no problem to beat 100 ordinary strong pirates easily. In the eyes of ordinary pirates, mr.5 is already very strong.

Mr. 5 nodded, boss can give the safety of the ship to him, that is to trust him.

Although it's a little disappointed that we can't go treasure hunting together, since it's the boss's arrangement, we should try our best to do it well, and at the same time, we can take the opportunity to exercise more.

During this period, mr.5 has turned into a Madman of cultivation, and when a person concentrates on doing something, there are often many fantastic ideas in his mind.

People tend to grow up so rapidly.

It's arranged that Rosen takes Robin and the Air Scout to the treasure house on Valentine's day.

Robin took out his latitude and longitude measuring instrument, and let Valentine's day fly into the air, overlooking the outline of the island. Then Rosen saw that Robin circled the intersection of latitude and longitude on the white paper,

Because they don't have a map of the island, they can only use this method. If they have a map, it will be much easier.

"It should be here. Go southeast." Robin quickly came up with a location.

Along the way, there were not many accidents except some wild animals. Although there are two other groups on the island, they are not so easy to encounter.

Boom! But at this time, the sound of a gun resounded all over the place, startling countless birds.

"The sound of guns came from near the treasure ground. We are not far away. It seems that the group of Pirates got some clues from the dead villagers." Robin reasoned.

Because the people wuerji was carrying before he left did not carry heavy weapons, it can be preliminarily judged that this was the sound of shelling, and it should not have been made by wuerji and others, and the fact is the same.

At this time, in the southeast corner of the nameless Island, there is a canyon. In the middle of the canyon, a river flows slowly and extends to the distance. On both sides of the river, there is a kind of blue mushroom, dense and beautiful.

On the cliff of the canyon, there is a cave that has just been dug by a man. Several ropes fall from the canyon to the cave nearby.

Above the canyon is an open space, where more than 50 pirate crew members have laid their defenses.

Even a few heavy guns can be seen. Relying on rocks and giant mushrooms, they also built temporary mounds for defense. Many pirates hid behind rocks and mounds.

From this point of view, this pirate team should be very good at the deployment of troops and have strict discipline, unlike ordinary pirates.

They just bombarded the strange monk urji. After searching all night, they finally let urji find some clues. But they didn't expect that the fire of these pirates was so fierce.

As soon as they got close, they were bombarded.

However, it was not a fatal injury to his extremely strong body. He directly hit the shell with his fist.

"Isn't this the fool who claims to be from sky island? It's so stupid to stand still and fight with the cannonball. " A pirate looked at the smoke filled urki sneer.

"You can't say that. Maybe they just haven't seen shells, ha ha ha!" The other pirate was more direct.

"I didn't think it was necessary for the captain to be so careful that he asked us to set up our defense. I didn't expect that someone was really following us. Haha, it's a pity that we had bad luck..."

"Just in case, let's shoot a few more shots. Captain, they have entered the treasure area, and they don't know if they have found something good." The first one who spoke said with a little envy.

They really expected that they might meet this empty Islander here, so they set up a line of defense here.

Boom boom! While saying, the action on hand is not slow, a wave of the hand, and a few shells out of the chamber.

"Monk Zheng!" The subordinates hiding under the big mushroom not far away were worried. It was a big gun. It hit Seng Zheng several times in succession. This is not a good omen.

"Pain is remembered." Wuerji, a strange monk, roared in the fire, and then went straight to the enemy's defensive line without damage.

"It's all right?! Monsters? Keep shelling... Quick. " The captain of the pirate team was surprised and gave the order of continuous shelling.

But elite pirates, even well-trained, are hard to resist future supernovae.

Urki is like a tiger into a sheep. His strong body and melee ability can knock down one pirate after another.

By the time Rosen arrived with Robin and others, it had been cleaned up.

"They found a crevice dug by a man on the edge of the cliff and blasted it with explosives. Now the hole is very big. It's said that it's an ominous place as the villagers said, so they speculated that it might be a treasure ground." Urki has taken all the information out of the mouth of the pirates.

It seems that these pirates have some brains.

"I didn't expect you to find them." Rosen's accident.

"It's not too late. Let's go down and have a look." Urki nodded. Now that he had found a possible place to hide the treasure, he naturally wanted to see it, and there were more pirates in it, so he couldn't let it go.

If the treasure of the empty island is taken away by this group of inhuman pirates, he will not accept it in any case.

"Since it's a cliff, it means that the treasure may be underground. It's easy to deal with, and you don't have to climb down." The yellow sand rose beside Rosen.

Robin smiles with Valentine's day and others. The boss is really not talking nonsense. As a natural person, as long as it's made of earth and stone, it's like it doesn't exist in front of him.

At the moment, in the underground labyrinth, a team of more than 30 people is gradually advancing in a narrow passage. Behind them, more than ten bodies have been fallen.

"It's the seventh floor. How come it hasn't been finished yet? Isn't it possible that we've been circling around here all the time? " Soros frowned.

In order to get this so-called treasure, they blasted the hole from the crack and came in. They had already met too many mechanisms.

From the first floor to the sixth floor, there are labyrinths, poisonous gas formations, poisonous arrow forests, and so on. Although most of them can dodge, a small number of crew members who have no time to defend fall into the labyrinth.

"Almost, it should be in the front. Damn it, no one has been here for hundreds of years. Those organs can still be used." The vice captain, who is good at investigating and has a little knowledge of archaeology, is also swearing.

If it turns out to be nothing, the damage caused by this treasure Exploration Tour can only be recovered from some nearby villages without a navy.

Before, I didn't get any money in that village. It's really a poor village, but fortunately, it also provided some useful information. For example, this so-called unknown place should be where the treasure is.


"Strange, did you hear anything?" The vice captain suddenly raised his ears. He heard something clearly.

"No..." the others shook their heads.

"The ceiling is cracked!" One of the crew members suddenly pointed to the ceiling not far away, which was originally made of solid stones and mud. Cracks began to appear, and even sand flowed out of the cracks.

Is this going to collapse?!