With the words of the marshal of the Warring States period, the small conference room suddenly quieted down. The reason why the regular naval headquarters meeting was not held was that the "scandal" of the Tianlong people might spread to more people.

But now from O'Neill's attitude, it is estimated that this is not just a scandal.

"Lieutenant General O'Neill." Warren frowned, hoping that general O'Neill would hear the warning in his words.

"Warren, although you are the consul directly under the Tianlong people of the world government, please don't interfere too much in the affairs of the naval headquarters." Marshal of the Warring States period immediately saw Warren's plan and wanted to exert pressure on lieutenant general O'Neill?! Why?

It's not just a chemical plant leak?

"Lieutenant General O'Neill, tell us everything you know." Warrend began to look ugly.

The red dog general said nothing.

"I'm sorry, even if I lose the post of lieutenant general, I have to say it. Although the world officials in Landis have ordered me not to spread it, I can't afford it any more." O'Neill made a major decision, the whole person a little calm a lot, perhaps, for him, is also a relief.

"He said The red dog general frowned. A general's work was so tardy, and he was controlled by the officials of the world government.

Although the red dog general became a marshal, he was still a hawk.

Later, from his attitude towards the five-star and CP0, we can see that he also has opinions on many ways of world aristocracy, but his position is doomed to some words that can only be obeyed.

Instead of looking at Warren, O'Neill said directly: "there are no civilians on the island of Landis. Now there are only monsters, and the living are monsters. As early as five years ago, more than 90% of the civilians on the whole island have died completely. The rest are just poor people struggling to survive on the island. Our navy has not been able to rescue them, I'm fed up with watching countless civilians die every day, but I have to cut off their only way of life. At the same time, the navy has to constantly do some bullshit observation, and countless comrades die every day. Why, because it's the order of Tianlong people, we have to abide by it unconditionally? "

As soon as O'Neill's words came out, the whole person seemed to be released. The self blame and guilt that he usually repressed in his heart burst out together.

All of these emotions once struggled with his status and power, and were suppressed by his pursuit of power and status, but now they are hard to bear.

In particular, his recent observation on the island made him lose several brothers who grew up together, joined the army together, and lived and died together.

But can it blame the survivors on the island now? no No!

Blame yourself. If at first things get worse and happen, he will not be promised by senior officials of the world government, and he will not be intimidated, then maybe more innocent people will survive.

His brotherly subordinates will not die again and again in order to observe changes and make data records.

Why was it recently reported that the consequences of the leakage of chemical factories had increased? Because the situation on the island had deteriorated to a point beyond the control of the Navy and the world government.

Now, if we don't stop it in time, I'm afraid that the eight nearby islands will be the first to suffer, so the only conscience left is for O'Neill to tell the truth at the moment.

And there are some things he can't say. Every night, he wakes up from the nightmare and can't eat any more meat. Every time he thinks about the experience of Landis Island, he feels sick.

When he said that, except for the officials of the world government, the rest of the people, including the red dog and the marshal of the Warring States period, were full of horror. How could this be possible? Landis island. It's a million people.

So many people, almost all dead?!

"Admiral O'Neill, are you telling the truth?" The marshal of the Warring States period became heavy and serious as never before.

"Yes, from the last observation, there are no more than 50000 survivors of the whole island. Five years ago, the population was about 1.12 million." O'Neill said truthfully, but the whole person is also lifeless. He has accepted the fate that he may face next.

"50000? 1.12 million? The death of a million people, son of a bitch The marshal of the Warring States period was so angry that he slapped O'Neill's face, teeth and blood.

More than one million people died. This is not an ordinary event. If people know it, it will cause great turbulence, and it will be worldwide.

One million people are superpowers in the world.

That's almost the same level as that of alabastan. There may be a gap, but it won't be too big.

And now lieutenant general O'Neill tells him that there may not be more than 50000 survivors? What is Lantis island now? It's purgatory!

It's not purgatory. How can he cause the destruction of millions of people without knowing it and cheat himself for so long with the world government.

"How did it happen? If it's a massacre, it's impossible to hide the intelligence of the Navy. " After the Warring States marshal was furious, he calmed down a little. As a marshal, he had to consider the consequences rationally.

He had to control his emotions, too.

"Landis is not a franchise country, I think to maintain the present..." before Warren finished, he was interrupted by the marshal of the Warring States period.

"Shut up! I will directly communicate with the five old stars about this. " Warrend's face was gloomy, but the furious marshal was obviously not something he could easily contradict.

Even if he is a direct subordinate of the Tianlong people, he is not qualified to be equal to a marshal, and it is not time to argue.

"It's a research experiment. At that time, desmin Liesheng was on holiday in the ninth garden, collecting some capable people and unknown gases, saying that he wanted to make something interesting. Later, the experiment failed, the laboratory exploded, a big fog shrouded, and most of the population died and mutated..." O'Neill told the truth.

"Son of a bitch!" The marshal of the Warring States period was crazy, but reason calmed him down.

"It has happened, but at present, it is not suitable to publicize it to the outside world. We should keep it secret, but we can't launch the order of killing demons. We have to fight to save the remaining survivors and make plans." After hearing this, the marshal of the Warring States period was very angry.

But he knew that the five old stars certainly knew about these things. Maybe there were still their active figures and their experiments? He has known about these things for a long time.

But I didn't expect that Tianlong people would do it themselves, and this kind of thing can't be made public. You don't need to know that if it is made public, the consequences will be too serious to imagine.

Even if you want to announce it, five stars will never let it happen.

So what we can do now is to try to save the living survivors and find a way to eradicate the mutated organisms.

Before the mutation, the Warring States period thought it was just a small probability event of chemical factories, but did not expect it was a national event.

"Useless marshal of the Warring States period, unless there is a full-scale war, the survivors on the island will not obey the command at all, and there is a scarlet queen on it, even the lieutenant general will be killed." O'Neill's heart is palpitating.

A few days ago, it was the first time he met. If it wasn't for the protection of his relatives and guards, it would be hard for him to survive. It was so terrible that he was the embodiment of killing.

"The situation on the island is too complicated now." Red Dog general listen to the narrative is also frowned.

"The scarlet queen?" Marshal frowns, survivors and leaders? If so, according to the blockade of the islands by the navy in recent years, how can we continue to talk?

After all, in their view, the navy is also the executioner.

"Yes, if she didn't have a boat to cross the sea, or if she needed food to support the survivors, I'm afraid she would have broken through the naval blockade by herself. Over the years, people have been fleeing from Landis island. We can't achieve the absolute blockade, but there are no good results." O'Neill continued.

The marshal of the Warring States period was in a dilemma. He frowned and thought that other Navy generals were also heavy hearted. Except for the initial shock, the red dog general was very calm at the moment.