The Naval Conference lasted for a long time. Finally, the marshal of the Warring States period came up with a plan: "the red dog will go to the new world to observe the conflict of the four emperors recently. The Green Pheasant can't get away from it, and the Yellow ape is biting Maurice because of the ghost spider lieutenant general's affairs. Now the only combat power that can pull out is qiwuhai."

"Marshal of the Warring States period, what do you mean?"

"First, negotiate, let qiwuhai contact the leader of the survivors, see if you can persuade her, if you agree, take them away from the island, and tell her that our navy is willing to free an island for them."

"Second, I will let the people from the science department follow you to the island, study the situation, see if there is any chance to save it, and block the coastline at the same time."

"Third, we should do a good job in cruising the sea. If it is really infectious, we must not allow the virus to pass out of the island. Report progress at any time. " The marshal of the Warring States period pointed out three points.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, I'm very grateful that you didn't agree with the order of killing demons, but this is the Lord's garden after all. I'm afraid it's not good for you to interfere too much." Warren frowned. In this way, his master's future viewing place will be gone.

With his character, he couldn't help getting angry. That's why Warren insisted.

"Let five old stars come to me directly. Now they are wiping your ass for you. Do you think I want to?" The marshal of the Warring States period said coldly.

Warren no longer spoke. It seemed that he could only report the matter to the higher authorities, but the action of the marshal of the Warring States period could not be stopped.

"Basoromi bear is responsible for qiwuhai. Recently, he is close to the Ministry of science and works hard. Moreover, he has a strict mouth. It's hard for other qiwuhai to have any trouble. Then I'll call huangape and ask him to go there as far as possible. I hope there won't be any more trouble. O'Neill will go too. After the matter is settled, we'll discuss the punishment for you."

"Yes."... "

"Hello, uncle beauty, it's very dangerous to come to the island without paying the protection fee." Several rogues holding sticks in an alley stopped Rosen and Rosen.

"Just in time, we need a guide." Although Rosen was a little surprised at the beginning, he always met some little gangsters who didn't know qiwuhai.

"What do you mean? You know where you are now... "Before a gangster finished his words, he saw that several of his companions were swept out by a piece of sand.

"If you talk more, you will lead the way." Rosen left behind the most rampant gangster who had just clamored. He was just a gangster. He didn't kill him, but a little punishment was essential.

And Rosen also really needs a local to take him to understand the situation, because at present, it seems that Landis island is not so easy to land.

After all, the Navy's blockade must have taken into account the sky, the sea and even the bottom of the sea. This is the basic strategic common sense.

But as a death surgeon, Luo is most likely on this island.

"I, my Lord, please let me go." The rest of the gangster took a look around him, and suddenly he was dumbfounded and kicked the steel plate, so he fell to his knees and begged for mercy.

Little people also have little people's desire for survival, bullying is their nature.

"It depends on your performance. If you don't perform well, wait to feed the sea king." Rosen didn't have pity. He left him because he had some value.

"Performance, I will perform well." The gangster nodded quickly. Ma Dan had already said that this uncle looks like a fierce thief. Don't provoke him. But the boss didn't believe it. He said that it's OK to have too many people.

And their own mouth addiction attack, is really the sun dog.

"First of all, where is the most lively and informative place on this island?" Asked Rosen.

"Black market." The thug blurted out.

"Second, have you heard of a pirate named trafalgarro

"Yes, this guy is a celebrity in this sea area recently." Gangsters dare not hide, but let Rosen and Robin have some accidents, did not expect so soon to find the news about Luo.

"Where is he now?" Although Rosen was surprised, it would be better if everything goes well. After all, he thinks it's almost time to go to the empty island. For Eni Road, he has two bold ideas.

Because the empty Island route has also been obtained.

"I don't know, but some people speculate that it should be in Landis island. I heard that he was a pirate trading with the devil. Some time ago, for some reason, he attacked the naval base of the next Island, and finally appeared in the black market of this island." Said the thug.

"How can you tell from this alone that he might have gone to Landis island?" Rosen frowned. It seemed that what the gangster knew was very simple, and the useful information was limited.

"Because he goes to the black market, and nine out of ten people who go to the black market are desperators who intend to go to the island to get some money." Seeing that Rosen didn't look right, the gangster immediately explained the reason.

"Oh, what do you say?" To go to the island is to make a profit? Is there anything good about the island? But please say in the newspaper that this is a virus spreading island. What else can we get? Is it taking advantage of the fire?

"Don't you come to Flanders to make a fortune in Landis?"

"I didn't ask you to answer my question. Be more specific."

"Yes, Lantis island is rich in metal minerals, and even hallucinates. Now it's said that the whole island has no extra defense force except the naval blockade, so the pirates have gone to plunder. These are valuable things." The gangster said, with greed in his eyes.

"Why didn't you go?" Robin interjected, if it's really like what the gangster said, then the island of Landis is really a treasure island.

But Rosen frowned. He vaguely remembered that the country of harmony was the place where the stone was produced. Didn't he expect that there was one here?

"I want to live a few more years. Landis island is now an island of death. Although I don't know what happened, I occasionally hear some hearsay saying that all the people on the island have died, and now the rest are undead. Moreover, ten people who go to the island to collect ore may not be able to come back. Although the rate of return is high, the death rate is also high, Generally speaking, foreign pirates and villains go to many places, and our local people are not so stupid... "The gangster sneers.

"According to you, is there a way to get to the island? Is the naval blockade fake? " Rosen thought about it. It's a little different from intelligence. Intelligence says that the navy has sealed off the whole island.

"It's true, but Bronte, the black market businessman, has his own tricks, and he also has people in the Navy. As long as he doesn't bring any living things out, it's basically no problem."

"Take us to this Bronte. Don't refuse. Refusal is death." Rosen timely threat way, it seems that this thug courage is not big, scared, basic can control.

Sure enough, the gangster was embarrassed, but in the end he could only nod his head: "I can take you, but don't make trouble. Otherwise, I guess I will die after you leave. My Lord, you really can't hurt me. Although we rob and ask for protection fees, we have never killed anyone. We also want to live. There are too many villains in Flanders island. We don't do this, We can't survive at all. "

"Come on, cut the crap and lead the way." Rosen doesn't care what he does, whether he is good or bad, what has to do with him, what he wants is to achieve his own goal.

"Yes." Said pitas, the thug, dejectedly.

It's over. I've met a big man. I don't have any benevolence. I can't do anything about it. If I take it with me, I may be settled by Bronte. If I don't take it with me, I may not be able to live now.