"Save someone for me. I'll let you go." Rosen began to bargain.

"Hum." Luo is not moved. As a pirate, he has long been aware of death.

"If you are a doctor, it's natural for me to pay for it and save people? Of course, I won't kill you. " Rosen continued to speak and increased his chips.

"A billion Bailey!" Pitas, Natalie and Alice are stunned. He is still a rich man?!

This is not the general money. If you have the money, you can risk sending food to the island. There must be a lot of people willing to take over the business.

"We are all pirates, and whoever saves them will not help them. I has the final say, and kill me." Luo said calmly.

"We have a grudge?" Rosen doesn't understand that even if a person has personality, he won't take his own life just because he doesn't want to save a person. It's very irrational.

"A year ago, in the town you destroyed, you didn't see me, but I saw you. People who want me to save you dream." Luo said coldly, this is also the reason why he didn't intend to talk with him at the beginning.

"It's klocdal who left me the pot again?" Rosen was stunned for a moment. In the original work, it seems that there is no intersection between Rosen and krocdal. This pot is a bit unexpected.

"You're such a bad person out there?" Alice looks at Rosen in surprise.

"Uncle is not a bad man." Natalie was confident.

"No, little boy, he's a bad man." Pitas cried in his heart, but he did not dare to say it.

"In that case, let's change the terms. How about we kill Alfred Domingo together?" Although Rosen was surprised, the purpose of his trip was still to be achieved.

Luo's face changed greatly when he heard the name, and he was no longer calm. This was also the reason that Rosen's King exploded, because it was originally a troublesome thing. Rosen didn't want to let Luo do it on this condition.

But Rosen knew something about Rowe's character. When he was a child, he dared to go to Alfred Domingo with a bomb all over his body and said he wanted to destroy everything, even though he was influenced by Corazon and wolf.

But he is still a man who is not afraid of death.

"What do you know?" Luo never had a day to be seen so thoroughly, this kind of feeling let him dislike very much, but this sentence of Rosen actually said that he was in the bottom of his heart.

"I know you have a grudge against dorfermingo. Is that enough? In fact, you also know that with your strength, not to mention now, even if you are given another two years, you will not be able to pull him down, not to mention that there are many powerful subordinates around him. " Rosen said, loosening his sand sword.

From Luo's expression, we can see that this matter has a bright future.

"How can I be sure what you say is true?" Luo gets up and stares at Rosen. He's very interested in this topic, and it's really the most desired thing in his life. He's going to stab or destroy Alfred Domingo.

In his plan, when his strength is stronger and he is sure to reach the new world, he will stir up the conflict between the four emperors, Kato, and Alfred Domingo, and use Kato's hand to destroy them.

Because Luo is very clear that he is far from being the opponent of Alfred Domingo. If he just goes up with him, the probability of successful revenge is very low.

Rosen also understands this. Even two years later, in the plot, Rosen intends to destroy the artificial fruit factory and instigate CADO to destroy Alfred Domingo, rather than just face-to-face.

Later, he chose to be positive. First, Luffy influenced him. Second, Corazon's feelings for him influenced his most correct judgment when he faced dorfermingo. His desire for revenge outweighed his reason and he chose to take chances.

Because of this, it was used by Alfred Domingo to break through his psychological defense, although it was unsuccessful.

"You can't be sure. As you can see, empty talk depends on whether you want it or not?" Rosen is confident that he will agree that he will achieve the goal of his whole life, and his fighting power is what he needs most at the moment.

"Of course, the premise is that you can save my subordinates. If you can't save them, the transaction will not be established. At the same time, I want you to be the doctor on my ship after it is completed. It won't take too long. Two years is enough." Rosen added that this was a bit greedy.

But I can't help it. Rosen doesn't have a very good doctor on board now, and Rosen's medical skill, personally, is more powerful than Joba's. after all, he has a congenital advantage in surgical fruit ability.

As for why the time may not be longer, I'm afraid that Luo can't accept it. Two years is nothing. If it's five years, ten years and a lifetime, it's impossible for Luo to accept it.

And two years later, Rosen's activity should also be greatly improved.

There will be less demand for doctors then.

"How dare you think about it." Luo didn't refuse, but seriously considered what he said. He really didn't have a good impression on qiwuhai.

But the content of the deal he is proposing now makes him very excited, and even he doesn't know how to refuse. His heart of revenge is about to move.

As for whether it's a bridge over a river? Yes, it's really possible. Even he didn't give any tentative persuasion, which directly shows that there is no way to determine the truth.

According to the common sense, Luo naturally would not agree, but when he thought about the fact that Alfred Domingo was still smartly living in this world, and he was also the king of a country, his anger was even more intense, which completely ignited him: "I promise you."

"I want to see where the patient is first?" Luo opened his mouth and said that although he agreed, he was not absolutely sure that he could save klocdal's subordinates. He had to see the situation first, whether the deal could be reached, or it was another matter.

"Not here, I said. I'm here for you. My men are in Flanders." Rosen smiles.

Although this trip is not particularly smooth, it is not very troublesome. Now it is complete, there is no need to spend more time on Landis island.

But it will take a while for him to help the Landis hunt enough food and complete the transaction.

After all, it's very risky to send food to the island. It may even fail, and the cost is not small.

So if we can solve the problem of food in Yaodi, then everything will be easy.

"You don't know the danger of Landis island?" Luo surprised, really in order to save his subordinates, and went to the island to find himself, is relying on strength or that subordinates is very important to him? Or both.

"Don't worry about that."

"But now I can't go back with you. I have to wait for a while. When I extract more plant medicine, all kinds of plants on this demon land grow very fast and have strong efficacy. They can make some special medicine." Luo thought about it and came up with a voice.

At first, I was on the island to study diseases. Later, I heard about the strangeness of Yaodi, so I came to have a look. Therefore, I found that some plants have very strong efficacy, which is several times higher than ordinary drugs, and can be made into super powerful drugs.

For a doctor, he can't give up at will, especially when he was infected with platinum lead disease when he was a child. He hopes to learn more about medical treatment and become a doctor who can really solve all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

"Don't worry. I have something to deal with. Let's go and hunt some animals." Rosen also plans to stay a little longer, so Rosen's problem is not a problem at all.

"Uncle, are you going to leave?" Natalie is a little reluctant. It's hard to find someone who is willing to listen to her nagging.

"Not yet... Well, what's the matter? The ground is shaking?" Rosen just wanted to answer Natalie, but he felt that his whole body was almost unstable. He looked down and saw that the ground was undulating like a wave.

"No! Go, it's a storm Alice looked up at the sky and saw clouds gathering.