Hearing the words of the instant storm, Rosen immediately became alert and didn't think much about it. He immediately ran out with Natalie in his hand. Pitas, Luo and Alice also changed their faces.

“ROOM。” Luo immediately unfolds the circular field and keeps flashing in the field. Compared with the speed, he just lags behind Rosen and keeps pace with Alice.

Rosen can feel the whole demon land is in turmoil, and countless people begin to escape from the demon land. Rosen and others are relatively close to the outside world.

"I can't run there. Natalie thinks it's better to run here." Natalie, like a goose in her hand, shakes her body and points her little hand to the left instead of a straight line.

"Are you sure?"


"From here." Rosen took the lead.

"Not in a straight line?" Luo frowned and hesitated, but when she saw that Alice and the soldiers were following Rosen, she had to keep up with her. In principle, the straight distance was the shortest distance.

The ups and downs of the ground become more and more turbulent, and the soldiers can only take a jump to move outward.

"Hum!" The clouds condensed into a low sky, and Rosen saw a colorful light on their straight-line distance, falling down rapidly.

It's not like lightning, but it has the speed of lightning, and this light curtain covers a large area, which is the size of a football field. It looks like falling down, like a huge snowflake.

After that, Rosen saw that there were several pirates coming out of the area. Rosen recognized that they were the same people who landed on Landis island with him.

The color flash was printed on the earth, and then the running figures were flashed by the light curtain, all of them were stiff in the same place, a piece of scorched black, and then a breeze came, they all turned into dust and drifted away with the wind.

"No bones left?" Rosen was shocked. This was the instant storm. Sure enough, death was in the instant.

If this light curtain suddenly appears above you, and you are closer, are you sure you can avoid it? Rosen thought for a while. First, it depends on the distance between the color light and the sky. Second, it depends on the coverage of the color light.

But Rosen has seen the power, so he doesn't want to try it at all.

At first, Rosen thought that this is the periphery of the demon land, so it should not be easy to encounter the so-called instantaneous storm, but unexpectedly, this thing really appears randomly.

"Another flash is coming, our direction." Said Natalie, a little worried.

This words, everyone's speed suddenly and fast a few minutes, it has almost reached the limit, some of the slow run by Alice a kick out of the demon.

Rosen took the lead to rush out of the demon land. At the same time, he opened a distance to watch the demon land. The others followed him. As soon as his front foot came out, the flash of his back foot immediately fell to the ground. The ground and the flowers were intact.

But a few lost zombies just passed by the edge of the demon land and turned into dust.

"More and more." Luo looked at the demon land in front of him, and his expression was not calm.

"How long have you been in there?" Maybe other people stay in it for a long time, Rosen doesn't believe it, but Rosen's ability, even if there is a flash, as long as it's not too close to him head-on, it should be OK to run away.

"Not long ago, but I've met four or five instantaneous storms, but I'm lucky. The last two storms are getting closer and closer, and they should be more frequent. Is it because of the large number of people?" Luo indifferent response, his heart also has a little doubt.

"It's strange that this kind of thing is so destructive. Why do flowers have no effect on the ground?" Rosen is a little hard to understand.

"I don't know. No one has ever studied it. Let's get ready. The instant storm has just passed. It should be OK in a short time. Let's move faster and retreat when we get enough food." Alice did not say for sure, but should, because the instantaneous storm, full of unstable factors, irregular.

"Yes." However, the soldiers who had just escaped from death did not retreat at all. They immediately set out to enter the demon land again.

"Every time you come here to hunt for food, how about the loss?" Rosen felt very sad, but also admired, constantly hovering on the edge of death, but also without hesitation, is extremely difficult to do, human instinct is afraid of death.

"Better, the death rate can be controlled at about one tenth." Alice said calmly, she didn't say bad luck, because it was a proportion that she didn't want to mention.

one-tenth. It doesn't sound like much, but if we understand it as 100 soldiers go in and 10 die, then it looks more shocking. No wonder they don't want to come here as a last resort.

To come here is to trade life for food.

"Quick fight, quick decision." Rosen didn't want to delay.

"May I not go..." but at this time, a voice that was not suitable trembled, and it was pitas.

Other fighters, including Alice Natalie, looked at pitas with an unexpected look on her face.

"Don't look at me like this. I'm just afraid of death. I'm different from you. I'm just an ordinary person. There are several children to support in my family. I'm forced. And now there's nothing wrong with me. I don't want to go in. What's wrong..." pitas felt people's eyes and almost collapsed.

It seems that at this moment, he has become a coward who discriminates against everyone. Even Natalie looks at herself with that kind of doubt, which makes him more uncomfortable.

"Don't you know it's more dangerous for you to stay out alone?" Rosen almost forgot the gangster who had been taken to Landis island by himself.

"Er..." pitas was stunned for a moment, and the sound of lying in his heart rang.

He was just afraid of the instant storm, but Landis is not a peaceful island. Monsters are rampant. If he is not with these strong people.

Any mutant zombie can tear itself into pieces, but it doesn't have the kind of struggle. It seems that it will be safer to follow into the demon land, but just now the power of the storm

"Your task has been completed this time. I'll take you when it's dangerous." Rosen patted pitas on the shoulder.

At the beginning, he still played a role. If he really collapsed, Rosen would feel sorry. After all, he was not a villain. It seemed that there were children waiting to be fed at home.

"I believe you, ghost." Pitas remembered that when it was just dangerous, what Rosen did first was to pick up Natalie and run away.

If he hadn't run fast and been kicked out by Alice, it would have become dust, but this can only be said in my heart.

"Well, I'll give you 10 million Bailey. After all, it's very dangerous for you to stay here." After finding Luo, Rosen is in a better mood.

So I don't mind spending more money. It seems that pitas's psychological endurance is reaching its limit.

"Deal." Pitas heard about the increase in money, and his whole life came back to life. This can be a success.

Let's go

"Really not at all?" Rosen walked into the place where the storm had just happened and looked at the ground and flowers carefully. He didn't find anything unusual.

According to the powerful light of destruction, the land or flowers will at least be broken. No matter how hard it is, it's normal to leave some traces, but it just doesn't exist.

"What's the matter?" Alice asked as she saw Rosen squatting down to observe the ground.

Rosen frowned and crossed the ground with his hand. He didn't feel any dust and sand. He didn't feel right. He turned to Alice and said, "I remember you said that this land is like a living creature, right?"

"Yes, you see..." Alice's hand was empty, a dagger flew out, stabbed it on the ground, and then pulled it out by remote control. The ground suddenly left a small gap, and at the same time there was blood flowing out. Although it was not too much, it was very strange.