"Commander Eric, the Landis are following us. There are too many waves on the sea. We can't hit the shells on board." In the sacred sea area, Eric and his party sat on the naval warship. Although it was not as large and armed as the warship, there were some cannons that could counterattack.

They are crossing the sea with about twenty navy ships of different sizes.

Warships are very expensive strategic materials, which are not easy to find.

Generally speaking, general naval academies have their own naval vessels, but not all naval vessels are warships.

In general, powerful, well-equipped warships with very strong speed and attack are under the command of the general level Navy.

When Eric and others wait for the ships to arrive and evacuate from Landis Island, Hathaway does not take the opportunity to attack, because she knows that it is difficult to attack, and even if the attack has an advantage, the ships will be burned.

Therefore, we have to take the second place, follow their ships, gradually shorten the distance, and reduce the possibility of being shelled by the escort island.

Hathaway and others have only four ships of different sizes. Obviously, in the Navy, naval ships are also classified. Both sides have already entered the range of artillery attack, but the waves are very big, and the ships of both sides sway with the waves, so it is difficult to hit them.

"Electrify the island, cover the artillery!" Eric thought about it and said.

"But then our troop carriers will also be affected!" The colonel was stunned for a moment, a little uncertain.

"The defeated soldiers have no right to choose. Even if they hit the ship, they can only admit that they have bad luck." Eric continued.

"Yes, I see." The captain felt Eric's determination and said no more nonsense. After all, if the Landis were to land on the island successfully, the trouble would be even greater.

A phone call out, waiting for a moment, suddenly the sky shaking fortress city defense artillery roared, here in the sea, there are three escort Island firepower can meet.

Chirp... A piercing sound suddenly rang out. The distance between Landis island and guard 8 island is not very far.

When rows of super guns set up at the top of the island began to bomb, a large area of the sea was immediately covered.

Moreover, because the shells are fired on the island, the stable precision is much better than that on the sea. If the distance is not too far, even a few guns may be able to aim at a ship.

However, the effect of bombing covering the sea area is also very obvious, with huge shells crashing into the sea, raising water columns and deflecting the ship's turn.

"Your Majesty, the Marines are shelling!"

Peng! As soon as the words came down, a nearby ship was hit by a shell. Most of the ship's hull began to shatter and the flame began to burn. Obviously, it was not just a solid shell.

"Damned Navy, are our soldiers worthless in their eyes?" Queen Hathaway's face was heavy, for she saw that a ship in the Navy had also been sunk by shells.

Countless navies are struggling to swim in the sea. Some navies that can swim near other ships will be rescued, but most of them are fluttering on the sea, and then they are directly blasted by shells.

"Continue to follow a distance. Since they are willing to sacrifice, let them sacrifice more." Queen Hathaway said coldly.

"I understand."

"Commander Eric, still following."

"Keep shelling." Eric has no expression.

Admiral O'Neill finally gave up what he wanted to say, because his words didn't work. Such bombing certainly had a certain effect, but there were more navies in this sea area.

After walking about half of the sacred waters, Hathaway gave up to follow up.

Because her two ships were hit, and according to the decisiveness of the Navy, they could not get out of the sacred waters. At most, only she and a few people could cross the sacred waters.

But that doesn't make sense.

"Withdraw!" Hathaway had to order to retreat, because the Navy had sunk five ships, and the loss was not small, and they had to withdraw, and they had to go back to save the soldiers of Landis.

You can't do something. You know it's a matter of death. Even if you're not willing to do it, you have to give up.

And even if Landis retreats, there is no way to escape. Even if he is completely blocked, he can provide the food in a short time and make good use of it.

They haven't reached the point of despair yet, and there is still time for further deliberation.

"They're back."

"Well, as soon as possible, the major generals will lead the navy to guard the guard islands as soon as possible and strengthen the blockade. No ships are allowed to enter or leave the island again. There are also many troubles on the island. We should deal with them as soon as possible."

"Yes A group of major generals answered in unison.

Flanders Island, a gray port near the black market, is home to many pirate ships from all over the world, which was originally Bronte's business area.

But Bronte seems to have noticed something unusual. After sending the boat and receiving the money from Robin, he left. Maybe there are other places where he has something to do.

Among them, a very powerful and huge pirate ship was berthing, and the crew were drinking in the daytime: "the village of the trade island is rich. If we rob this wave, we can have a good time."

A drunk pirate also laughed: "yes, it's just that there are no women. It's more beautiful."

"What are you, ladies? If you can't find the shitty Qiwu sea, we'll get more. It's the big city of Andia kingdom. Tut Tut, if the captain can make a lord of the city, it's really a good day."

"That's right. I don't know where he's gone. I think his previous reward was only 81 million Bailey, which is half the price of our captain. I'm afraid of it."... " The world of pirates is sometimes very simple and crude, even values.

"Young people, continue to strengthen the collection of intelligence. Don't save money. As long as we can find the trace of qiwuhai and kill him, our good days will come." Captain Roy is a middle-aged man, very tall, sitting like a strong black bear, his skin is dark, with a serrated knife in his hand.

"Oh The pirates were excited and confident.

Such an unscrupulous banquet naturally attracted the attention of the pirates who came from kroddar nearby.

It is not allowed to make trouble near the port provided for the pirates. Although it is not absolute, it is not easy for most pirates to have a grey port.

Therefore, there is no hatred in general, and they will be restrained.

At this time, a group of Pirates passed by loy's ship. Listening to the voice from above, some subordinates couldn't help but wonder: "they have a party in broad daylight. They are so blatant that they are not afraid of trouble from the Navy?"

"Pirates from the new world, I've heard of their captain's name, Roy. The bounty is 180 million Bailey. He's a tough guy. The Navy doesn't have time to ask for trouble because of conspicuous problems, but we'd better stay away from them." A pirate captain said in a low voice.

"180 million Bailey!" The men who began to ask questions were obviously surprised. Their captain's reward is only 80 million Bailey up to now.

"Are they?" Rosen came from a distance and looked at the ship. It was not difficult to get information about the pirates. Many pubs had it.

The Navy also knows, but there are so many thieves in the sea, where can we catch them, let alone at this time.

"Yes." 5 nodded.

"Wait a minute for me. Although you are weak and you are wrong, it is not our style to suffer losses." Rosen's voice falls, and the whole person turns into flying sand and rushes onto the pirate ship.