
"Enemy attack

Rosen got on the boat and landed in the middle, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"You are the captain?" All of a sudden, Rosen saw Roy sitting in the main seat.

"Kroddar!" All the people on the scene were startled. Unexpectedly, as soon as he was discussed, he came to the door.

Clang clang! In an instant, all kinds of weapons appeared.

"I didn't expect that the prey would come to the door automatically. What a surprise!" Roy picked up the serrated broadsword and stood up, fighting high.

"The captain is going to fight. Hahaha, our captain is 180 million big pirates..."

"Good. Then please go to hell." With a kick, Rosen jumped up and flew at Roy, bending his arms and clenching his fist.

"To die." Roy face a Leng, in their own home, even dare to take the initiative to attack, this is not insulting yourself, immediately angry waving serrated broadsword toward Rosen from the half air raid.

Rosen took a look. Jinsha covered his fist and hit it directly.

Click! Sawtooth broadsword smashes instantly, and Yu Shi smashes it on Roy's face in horror and disbelief.

Boom! Fist printed on the face, instant deformation, powerful as a giant impact force, instant pouring on him, bone crushing sound sounded.

With a loud bang, the huge hull broke in two, and Roy was directly smashed through the hull and into the sea.

The pirates on the ship were stunned, and then panic and fear broke out. Everyone's face was like seeing a ghost. One punch, only one punch. Their powerful and invincible captain was killed.


Even the expensive huge ship was directly cut through and interrupted. All the pirates were stunned and started to run away. They were not fools, and the captain could not resist each other's blow.

What's the use of these people except to lose their lives in vain?! Qiwuhai is so terrible. They haven't seen the strong in the new world, but they haven't seen such a strong one.

After all, in the new world, they are just bottom class pirates.

Rosen took a stray soldier who had escaped from his neighborhood and said, "are you all here?"

"Yes, yes." The pirate who was pulled up by Rosen didn't even have the courage to resist, so he lost his weapon directly.

"How much did you say your captain was worth?" Rosen asked by the way.

"180 million Bailey!" The captured pirate said difficultly. When it comes to the reward, he didn't believe it. 180 million Bailey's pirate was punched for seconds.

"Do I look like such a bully for someone who dares to touch me with such strength? Forget it, it doesn't matter... Go and send a message to other pirates who want my head. Don't come all the time. " Rosen threw him into the sea.

This kind of small goods can't even arouse his interest.

On this trip, Rosen was angry for his subordinates. After all, he beat the dog to see his master. On the other hand, he warned those impetuous pirates or bounty hunters that if their strength was low, they should not join in the fun and make a warning to others.

Otherwise, some weak people want to find trouble for themselves, and they just have to deal with it.

"Sha LAN." Rosen jumps out of the pirate ship, controls the sand on the ground, forms a dust tornado and throws it out. He cuts the huge ship into two parts and slowly sinks, together with the pirate on it.

After all, they are not good people. They have to pay a price if they want to get into trouble.

"Are you also members of this pirate group?" Rosen saw that there was a pirate like person passing by or watching, and asked faintly.

"No, no, no, we're passing by. We're here for sightseeing. Yes, we're here for sightseeing on the island." The captain of the 80 million reward pirate's legs trembled a little.

After hearing the speech, Rosen turned and left without looking at it.

"Captain of the ship, isn't that krocdal? We..." the man had the courage of a newborn calf.

"Shut up, all of you get on the boat. We're out of it. What's more, Roy can't stop a blow. If you want to die, go by yourself." Fear welled up on the captain's face and he interrupted his subordinates for fear of being heard.

What's more, they are so brave that they plan to kill the powerful qiwuhai like a monster. Now, it seems that it's good to go home and plant the fields. It's still good to be alive.

"Boss seems stronger?" Mr. 5 also saw what happened in a flash on the ship not far away. He was shocked and proud.

"Yes, boss is really powerful. If it goes on like this, we don't know when we can stop dragging back. Ah, I really want to talk about life with boss..." Valentine's Day is more and more obvious.

"What's the matter? Let's go now." Rosen just did it by the way of buying medicine, which was insignificant to him.

It's just that he can ask Luo to help treat his own injuries. Although the activity recovery is also good, he has a kind of uneasiness vaguely. Since he turned against the Navy, he has a strong sense of crisis.

It's better if the injury can get better quickly. After all, the navy is too quiet, which is a bit abnormal.

Rosen did not know that at this time, the Yellow ape had arrived at sass Island, one of the eight islands, which was the nearest rest island after Eric and bear crossed the sea.

"I'll go to Landis Island first. If I can find krocdal and confirm it face to face, it's better. In addition, Landis island has really become an island full of monsters?" Yellow ape drank tea, light said, although things are very troublesome, but more troublesome bad things he also met.

"Don't the marshal of the Warring States period believe the information of CP0?" Eric frowned. According to principle, it's the best thing to start the order as soon as possible and wipe out Landis as soon as possible.

Now the marshal of the Warring States period actually let General Huang ape take over the overall situation, which shows that the opinions of the marshal of the Warring States period and the five old stars are different.

Even the marshal of the Warring States period needs to confirm some things, such as whether the war damage is true or not, whether the monsters of Landis island are more active, and whether the threat of Landis people is really so great.

"You can't say that. It's always right to be careful. In other words, it's really terrible for you to be beaten. Klocdal is really terrible." Yellow ape general casually looked at Eric's injury, frivolous also with a little accident.

"No trouble." Eric's face was calm, but he didn't feel very well. In his life, it's hard for him to return to the peak of his fighting power. It's more impossible to go further and say that it's impossible not to hate krocdal.

"I'll come as soon as I go, and the defense work will be handed over to you for the time being." The Yellow ape general gets up. The Yellow ape general doesn't know that Rosen has returned to the eight islands.

And he needs to make sure that the situation on the island is the same as that mentioned before.

However, at this time, the marshal of the Warring States period called again. Huang ape had been doing it for a long time. He used to yell at the black phone bug for a while, but didn't respond until a major general reminded him, "Mr. Huang ape, that's not a phone bug for answering."

"Well, I remember where I put it on my body. If I had it, I found it..."

"How's it going?"

"The war damage is true, but I'll see the details of Landis island."

"OK, hard work." The marshal of the Warring States period hung up the phone with a cold face.

In fact, he only needs to hear the truth of the war damage. People in the world government don't care about the truth. In this conference room, there are representatives of the five-star, as well as the five-star phone bug's phone calls with many generals.

Listening to the confirmation of the Warring States marshal and Huang ape, the telephone worm on the opposite side came a voice that the Warring States Marshal could not refuse: "the commander of leiser base died in the war, and the Navy died countless times. Eric and qiwuhai also suffered heavy losses, and qiwuhai rebelled. This is not a small thing. The five old stars agreed to launch the order of killing demons."

The marshal of the Warring States period was silent, and the order of killing demons was agreed by all the five old stars. Even he could not stop it, especially when the Navy and the world government suffered huge losses, the truth was no longer important.

The order of killing demons had the right to start at the general level. At the moment, the five old stars spoke in person, and no one could stop them.