When the Yellow ape general arrived at the SAS base, Rosen had already left. Now he didn't want to compete with the general. There was no need. The key was that his goal was achieved. As long as general O'Neill was not suspected, there would be no problem.

Looking at the mess of the naval base, the Yellow ape general scratched his head in distress. How could he explain to the marshal of the Warring States period, and Eric's body was still in front of him.

"Order the eight islands, each island to search for the trace of kroddar, and inform me as soon as you find anything." The Yellow ape general orders helplessly that it's another matter whether klocdal is still in the eight islands or not.

But orders have to be given.

"Why do so many naval ships come to the sacred waters? My God, are these warships? It's the first time I've seen such a big naval ship There are civilians on sass island to see the butcher order warship from the forbidden waters, slowly heading towards the direction of Landis island.

It's not far from a warship, so it's very big. If it's a normal warship, it's still rare. It's more a general navy ship.

Boom, boom, boom! A round of thunderous shells, such as rain fell on the island of Landis, far away, but enough to bomb the periphery.

The warships passed near the island of SASS, and some of their side cannon mouths were much larger than those of human beings.

This kind of heavy artillery is rarely seen not only by civilians, but also by pirates.

"It's not like ordinary shelling. What's the matter with the Navy?" Through the telescope, a pirate saw the shelling of the warship. Ten warships roared together. The scene was like the roar of the sky.

And the firing frequency of the shells was so high that they flew madly towards the island of Landis like no money.

"Wuwuwuwu ~" at the same time, the eight islands also sounded the alarm to remind the islanders to take refuge. Although the eight islands were not within the scope of bombing, strictly speaking, the eight islands also belonged to the territory of Landis island.

If a threat is found, it will be collected in a flash.

"Admiral, ten top warships. My God, I've heard of this scale. I didn't expect that this is the order of killing demons. The firepower is terrible. If the bombing continues like this, is it going to sink the whole Landis island?" A pirate captain overlooks the port of Flanders island and sees a warship approaching Lantis island in the distance.

"Get out of here now. I heard that the order of killing demons is to achieve the goal. You can sacrifice anything to attack. Badao is not necessarily safe. Hurry up!" Some people noticed that it was not good, although the navy was attacking Landis island.

However, the sight of ten high-level naval ships bombing has really scared many people. The panic of the eight islands can be imagined, which is far greater than the panic brought by monsters.

"It is reported that klocdal once appeared on the island of SASS and Flanders." On a warship, a soldier reported.

"Klocdal, damned bastard, the death of the ghost spider Lieutenant must have something to do with him. Order the whole fleet to wipe out sass island and Flanders Island first." Admiral Doberman ordered coldly.

"Ah? Lieutenant general, there are great yellow ape generals in sass Island, and there are our naval stations and a large number of civilians. If we bombard them like this... "

"Mr. yellow ape can understand. As for the other navies, let them leave by carrier ship as soon as possible, and tell them that only ten minutes later, the demon killing attack will be launched in full swing. If klockdale is on these two islands, he will be forced out." Admiral Doberman did not step back.

If we didn't take into account the heavy losses of the Navy recently and didn't want to sacrifice our living strength, we would not have been able to spend the last ten minutes.

Even though there were evacuating ships on Judi Island, when the time for shelling came, they really did not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves.

It's only ten minutes. How many people can retreat? It's hard to understand such an order. Just to force a pirate to show up, it's necessary to wipe out the two islands. It's not taking human life seriously!

As a result, the alarm became urgent again.

"No, why? We are friends, and we have the task of blockade of Landis island. Is the demon slaughtering warship in the Navy headquarters crazy A major was stunned by lieutenant general O'Neill's island wide announcement.

This is totally unreasonable! What the hell is the order of killing demons, even one of our own!? Is the rumor false?

"Don't dally, let the civilians evacuate quickly. We only have ten minutes to speed up, and the inspectors should be careful. Don't let the pirates and klockdale get on the ship, or you will know the consequences." Fortunately, every island has a warship, so in the island notice.

Countless civilians and the Navy rushed to the naval base crazily and boarded the carrier ships one after another. The whole island was in a panic. But ten minutes later, many people were doomed to be unable to escape in time, and the ships were not enough.

Lieutenant general O'Neill is in charge of the command, and his face is very dignified. Is this the order of killing demons? He had never participated in it, but he knew that the strength of the order was his deterrent power.

Now shelling the island of SASS and the island of Flanders, even if the shells are powerful enough to wash the island, but even if krocdal is on the two islands, can such an attack kill him?

No, it can't, but the turmor warship did it. First, it was to force krocdal to appear. Second, it was to let the world know the end of being against the world government and deter others.

At least now, many pirates have heard the notice of the whole island and are almost scared out of their courage. All the pirates and hunters on the island have gone crazy and run to the gray harbor.

If you slow down, you will not have ten lives if you just hit yourself.

"The navy is a bunch of lunatics, mad. I didn't know I was going to kill qiwuhai. Damn it." A pirate captain ran to the port in panic. His men and treasure were all gone.

Just now, they were able to watch the naval ships shelling Landis island.

But now the muzzle of the gun has to be turned to them. Who is not afraid of that kind of artillery power? They have just seen it. If they go down with one shot, it is estimated that a small hill will be flattened.

Rosen and others, who are on the outskirts of Flanders island at the moment, have not heard the notice of the whole island, because it is sparsely populated and has no broadcasting equipment, unlike the island center.

And in this position, they were blocked by the island, they could not see the passing naval ships, but they could hear the deafening sound of artillery.

"There's something wrong with this shelling." Rosen frowned and soon remembered the killing magic order mentioned by lieutenant general O'Neill. Rosen understood the power of killing magic order.

Only ten warships, like the world government agencies like the island of justice, can be mercilessly destroyed and bombed, let alone the island of ordinary civilians.

And the power is also very amazing, so a huge Island, directly bombed into a sea of fire, the whole island completely lost its vitality, few people can escape from that kind of bombing.

Straw hat is a miracle of miracles.

"Brubrubru..." Rosen's phone bug rings. It's a phone bug that he used alone, and it's new.

"Robin, get the white phone bug." Rosen said to the absent-minded Robin.

"Good boss." Robin nodded, but he was also puzzled. Who would call the boss at this time.

Mr. 5 and Valentine's Day occasionally look at the room in operation. Luo is still treating Bonis. As for Charles, he was thrown to the bottom of the boat and held.


"The order to kill demons has been launched and attacked from the side. Now the other sides have entered the observation range of naval ships. Only the direction to Lantis island has not been covered. The blockade on my side has been lifted, and the navies are also retreating. Flanders island is within the coverage of artillery fire. Leave as soon as possible." When the phone gets through, lieutenant general O'Neill will make the situation clear.