Deng! When Robin heard the word "order to kill the devil", all of a sudden, his fear and shadow came to his heart. Subconsciously, he stepped back a few steps, and his head was blank.

"It's OK, mr.5. Go to the gray harbor. The explosion should do no harm to you. Tell the pirates that life is in the direction of Landis island." Rosen holds Robin's weak body and then tells Mr. 5.

"Good." Mr.5 has always been a loyal subordinate. He doesn't know how to ask or think. He only knows how to act according to orders.

"The navy is really crazy. Are you going to force me out like this?" Rosen's face was dignified. When he heard O'Neill talking about the killing of demons, he thought it was mainly aimed at Landis island.

He had planned to go to Landis island at once, because there were people he cared about, and he could not watch Natalie's little child be destroyed in front of his eyes, but he did nothing.

Although the order of killing demons is powerful, it would be naive to think of killing yourself with the artillery fire. However, I didn't expect that Franz island could not stay any longer. In this case, I had to take a dangerous move.

Although the people of Landis are crazy, they have at least one characteristic, which is gratitude.

Rosen has a certain understanding of this nation, whether from the original transaction content, or the decisiveness and recognition of kindness after she met queen Hathaway's mistake in Mingcheng, or the thanks of her later trip to demon land.

So he planned to save the nation as much as possible in the order of killing demons, and to reach an alliance agreement based on it, because they had common enemies, and it would be too wasteful for those soldiers to die in vain under the order of killing demons.

That's why he asked mr.5 to make some arrangements. As for the civilians and the Navy, Rosen couldn't help.

If he does appear, the shelling will be more fierce, which will only increase the death rate. On the contrary, if he escapes from this area.

By giving the Navy information, it is possible that the two islands will not have to suffer so much fire.

"After I leave, you will pass on the news to the general of the order of Tu Mo, so that the civilians on the other two islands can have a chance of life." Rosen went on to the phone bug.

It was because of him. Although the craziness of the navy was beyond his expectation, he did not want others to be involved if possible.

"I understand." Lieutenant general O'Neill nodded.

"Boss, we have to leave as soon as possible. This is the order of killing demons ~!" Robin's forehead was in a cold sweat, which was her rare gaffe. Now, her voice began to tremble slightly.

Rosen knows the reason. The order of killing demons has always been the deepest shadow in her heart, because the order of killing demons has destroyed everything she has, and let her enter the dark life for 20 years.

There is no way not to fear.

"Robin, I know what it means to kill demons, and I know what happened to O'Hara, but please believe that you are absolutely safe with me. No matter killing demons or generals, there is nothing that can hurt my subordinates before I fall. So before that, do your duty well and leave the rest to me." Rosen held robin on the shoulder and said with certainty.

"I, I..." Robin looked into Rosen's eyes, a pair she had never seen before, fearless and firm.

Before that, his boss was not like this, although many things and behaviors have become a little different from those of alabastan.

But it wasn't like that. There was an unprecedented will in his eyes. It was a color she had never seen before. What happened when he went to Landis island?

But strangely, under such eyes, she felt that her fear had subsided, just like the warm sun in the cold. Was he serious?

"Boss, what is the killing order?" Valentine's Day is a little difficult to understand, after all, before this, she is actually no big difference with nobody.

"Disaster, let's prepare for the voyage and move towards the direction of Landis island. As soon as mr.5 comes back, we will set out." Rosen waited.

At this time, the shelling took place. From the other side of Flanders Island, several warships turned their guns and aimed at Flanders island and SAS island.

Peng! The first shell fell, and the huge hotel where Rosen used to live was blasted to the ground. Then the gunpowder carried by the shell began to ignite and burn everything.

Firepower in this world has always been a mystery. Some naval ships use solid shells, but some have extremely powerful firepower. However, it is undeniable that powerful shells are not absent in this world.

The clown's baki bomb is very powerful. It's also the special bomb that Zeng's original sand crocodile wanted to detonate in the war. At that time, it was said that it could bombard soldiers within a few kilometers in diameter.

Moreover, the navy has a regular scientific research department, and the firepower on warships is not as simple as it seems.

When the shelling started, the disaster began. Panic and despair soon filled the two islands. Just after two or three rounds of intensive shelling, the islands of Flanders and SASAS immediately fell into a sea of fire.

In the distance, it looks like two red islands, such as burning hell, which makes people on other islands panic.

But at the moment, all ships sailing without the permission of the Navy will be sunk, and the gray port is the best example.

Before the shelling, many pirates were ready to leave, but they didn't know where to go safely, so they were directly sunk by the heavy shelling rain of warships not long after they set sail. So far, no pirate ship has successfully set sail.

"Shit, even if it's a trap, I'll start from the direction of Landis island." A vice captain of a pirate, looking at a ship sunk by a naval ship in the forbidden sea area, suddenly said with his teeth clenched.

"Are you crazy? That's the message sent by the seven armed forces' keluodaer subordinates. It must be for us to die. Maybe it's for us to help them divert the naval firepower. " A pirate captain retorted immediately.

Who dares to listen to the news just delivered by qiwuhai's subordinates? Don't forget, they are here to kill kroddahl. How can he be so kind as to show himself and others a way to live.

And isn't Landis the place where the Navy first started shelling? There's no difference between going there and looking for death.

"Well, what do you say to do now? Look at the sea ahead. All the sailing ships have been sunk. The Navy's demon butcher ordered the warships to stare at us."

"Damn it, die, die, head for the route to Landis island." The captain of the pirate has nothing to do. Now the only direction that no one has tried is the one just passed by mr.5.

"Boss, what was your phone call just now?" Robin in Rosen's comfort, the fear of a little control, but still very afraid.

"Admiral O'Neill, you can only know about it by yourself for the time being. Later, you can connect his intelligence." Rosen said faintly.

"Admiral?" Robin looks at Rosen in shock. What's the situation? Why would a lieutenant general provide information to Rosen, and judging from the tone of the conversation, the other side still respected him as the leader.

How is that possible? Admiral, who is a high-ranking general in the Navy headquarters, has a lot of power, and their boss is still a pirate, not even qiwuhai.

I don't know the reason for that, but judging from the current situation, it's true.

"Well, later, Mr. 5 is back..." Rosen saw Mr. 5 running out of the fire and said.

Mr.5 jumped on the dawn, the whole person seemed a little excited: "it's too exciting, the explosive power of naval shells is too cool, blow it up, I feel comfortable, I can make more changes in my explosive ability..."

... Robin Rosen and others looked at the excited mr.5, and suddenly felt that it was not so terrible.

"Set sail,"