Sass Island, the Yellow ape general was covered in the artillery fire, he leisurely walked to the evacuation warship, mouth broken nagging: "it's too much, I can still be on the island, it's too merciless."

The evacuation of SASS island was relatively successful, but the pirates and other criminals were more unlucky. The civilians, if they did not lose the interests of the Navy, would still be saved by the great general of the Yellow ape.

As for some unfortunate people, there is no way to save them. As for the pirates, they have to ask for their own good fortune. So in a word, although the shelling did not force krocdal out, it killed many criminals.

From this point of view, it can not be said that there is no harvest at all. Moreover, it seems that the trace of kroddar has also been exposed. Is that the news just arrived in the holy sea?

"The whole island is gone!" Dawn sailed, watching the island of Flanders shrouded in flames.

Valentine's day and others were a little emotional and afraid. The killing of demons was too terrible. After only a few rounds of shelling, Flanders island became a Jedi.

Although the island of Flanders is far from being comparable to the island of Landis, it is not particularly small.

On the Navy carrier, pitas and some children leaned against the wall and looked at the burning Island slightly. After getting the money from Rosen, pitas and Rosen separated. But it wasn't long before the notice sounded on the island.

He took the money with a few villains in the broken house to board the escape ship in time, full of confusion, whether from what Landis saw or heard, or now the action of the Navy, let him have a deep sense of powerlessness.

He never had a moment, so eager to have a strong power, and then like that man, do what he likes to do, can change the fate of others, let everything develop towards a better side.

But now he doesn't even know what to do in the future. He has children to support. Although he has no blood relationship, it is also his flesh and blood.

Although he has 20 million from Rosen, it's not so easy for people who have been away from home to survive in this big sea.

"Is your name pitas?" Lieutenant general O'Neill, walking on the carrier, suddenly stopped.

Pitas looked up at each other and was startled. Did the Admiral say that someone on the island saw him with klockdale and was looking for trouble?

But is it too overqualified for a Navy Lieutenant to come and find himself a gangster?

"Someone said that you are lucky and smart. I am short of an errand runner. Are you interested in becoming a navy O'Neill said faintly.

This is what Rosen ordered, because pitas had been with Rosen on the island of Flanders before. If the Navy searched him later, he would not be able to escape. So Rosen ordered lieutenant general O'Neill.

After all, he is just a "persecuted" gangster. With the identity of lieutenant general O'Neill, no one is willing to offend a lieutenant general for the sake of a gangster.

Pitas was shocked. Although general O'Neill didn't speak out, pitas knew the meaning of the words. My God, the general was a man of krocdal.

But in the battle of Landis Island, I couldn't see it at all. The lieutenant general really hid a lot.

"I would, but my children..."

"It doesn't matter. You can bring them together. The navy has a military department." O'Neill light said, not too much enthusiasm, just like just in the crowd randomly picked a person, no one will care.

Lieutenant general O'Neill doesn't know why klocdal asked him to take care of pitas, but maybe he has another meaning.

The launch of the order of killing demons has strengthened the Navy's determination to completely destroy the island of Landis, instead of blockade. Therefore, blockade is of little use.

After all, the order of killing demons has been launched. The artillery fire covers the whole area. Slowly pushing from the outside to the inside will completely destroy Landis.

In the rocky sea area, liming was hiding here temporarily, without the naval blockade and monitoring, and it was specially pointed out by lieutenant general O'Neill.

It means that the Navy should not search here for the time being. It belongs to a dead corner.

In such a place, only the internal personnel can know if they have a defense plan. The Navy never thought that one of them was an undercover agent. Even the great general of the Yellow ape was just patrolling the sea.

The intelligence only said that kroddar probably appeared in this sea area, but it's not easy to find the specific location.

Now it's not just dawn. Some pirate ships are coming slowly from the direction of Flanders island.

"Hahaha, there are really no naval warships, and we are not covered by artillery. We are free. As long as we escape from here, we can live. We must leave before other naval patrol ships find us." The captain of a pirate escaped from the sky with great excitement.

You know, after the launch of the order, the naval bases of other islands also have fleets to cooperate with the operation, not only the ships of the order, because it is not easy to search the whole sea area.

After all, the main purpose of the order is to destroy the island of Landis and eliminate the threat of Landis, not just for klockdal.

After completely destroying the two frigates, the turmor warship continued to march towards Landis island and launched indiscriminate bombing!

"Boss, the ships of the pirates are coming. What are we going to do to kill them?" Mr. 5 can't wait to say.

"No, it's just for the use of their ships. I didn't expect that there are still many pirates, but there are 20 or 30 surviving. It seems that the proportion of pirates in this world is much higher than I thought, and there are many people who want my life." Rosen said faintly.

If they want to escape from the attack range of the demon killing order, it is not difficult. Although the demon killing order is powerful, it is aimed at fixed islands.

For a swimming ship, it is only when it is hit that there is a threat, and with the intelligence provided by O'Neill at any time, it is not difficult for Rosen to get away safely.

But what Rosen wants is more than that. He guides the pirates here to give the Landis a way to live. He will need a strong force in the future.

And the hostility of the Landis to the world government, as well as their very strong strength, is exactly what Rosen needs.

So Rosen has to try to conclude an alliance agreement with Wang of Landis. Rosen is sure that it won't be very difficult, because the cooperation between the two sides has been very smooth, which can be regarded as the basis of trust.

And now it's the United Front.

"If you don't feel well, go and have a rest first." Seeing that robin was still preoccupied, Rosen comforted him.

"It doesn't matter, I..." Robin shook her head. At this moment, where can she rest? She just can't control the past.

Rosen didn't know how to comfort him. He didn't experience the darkness and couldn't feel it through empathy.

But he knew that the killing of demons was really a disgusting thing now. It would be too uneconomic to collapse his intelligence king one day. It seemed that he would have a chance to have a good chat.

"Take care of her. I'll talk to the pirates." Rosen told Valentine's day.

"Well?" Valentine's Day is a little confused. What's the matter? You want me to take care of my superiors? Boss can't be wrong.

Robin looks at Rosen who is stepping on the moon. There is a warm current in his heart. Maybe what he said not long ago comes from his heart. He can't escape any more, even death!

Yes, at the moment when the killing order was launched, Robin wanted to leave everything behind and betray everything, just like what he had done before, and escape alone.

However, she suddenly thought of a lot of things, from sailing to now, and Rosen just revealed her firm will, without any sense of deception. She was very sensitive and could feel the lie, so at this moment, she seemed to find a home, she gave up running.

Because what he is about to do deeply shakes Robin. He wants to land on an island that is being slaughtered by the demon slaughtering order to save people!

Rosen didn't hide anything from them. Except for general O'Neill's best secret, Rosen didn't deliberately hide anything.