"Ask the captains to come out." Rosen came over the gathering place of the pirate ships, looked at it, and then said.

It seems that these pirates are afraid of being caught in the same boat. They even know how to keep warm in such a time, even if it's only superficial.

But it's true that in case of the Navy, everyone's survival rate can be improved. It seems that they are not stupid and save Rosen a lot of effort.

"Kroddar!" Many captains have raised their vigilance. They were led here by the news from klockdale. Now they have appeared again. Is it really not so kind and simple?

"Whatever he is, let's go." A captain took a look at Rosen in mid air and planned to leave this land of right and wrong. Now, whether it is klockdale or the Navy, it is a trouble for them.

It's important to get out of this area first.

But as soon as the sound fell, Rosen saw a pirate ship that was about to change its course and leave. That's not good.

"Black prison bullet." Rosen raised his hand and fired 11 fierce sand bullets, just like a shell, directly hit the pirate ship to leave, shot the hull with thousands of warehouses and hundreds of holes, and instantly sank it.

For a moment, it was as quiet as a cicada, and some of the pirate ships that had been fighting with the same attention suddenly stopped moving forward. This move scared many people. They didn't even see the attack track clearly, only klocdal raised his hand.

A pirate ship was directly sunk, which was more terrifying than a human fort.

"We have so many..." a pirate captain was unconvinced. As a pirate, how could he easily give in? But when Rosen looked at him with domineering eyes, his whole body collapsed. It was terrible.

"If we don't cooperate well, I can only send you to die. If we cooperate, we can live together." Rosen says what he wants.

"What do you want us to do, trouble the Navy, we won't do these suicides." A pirate captain steps forward. In this case, if we don't know the situation clearly, there will be a conflict.

"It's not a particularly difficult thing..." Rosen laughed. Most of the pirates are afraid of death. None of the pirates here made Rosen aware of the danger.

When someone asks such a question, it shows that they are still afraid of death and want to live. In this way, Rosen's goal is achieved

After taking care of the pirates, they hid together in the reef group, which is not small enough to hide all the boats.


"Take care of the captains. The island is very dangerous now. I'll go to the island alone. Welcome back to Bonis." Rosen told Bonis, who has regained consciousness and is standing with him.

“BOSS。” Bonis was still a little dizzy. He couldn't figure out the situation, just a subconscious response.

On Rosen's ship, all the captains have become Rosen's hostages. The pirate captains who don't want to be hostages have been killed.

Because Rosen just needs their boat. If he is willing to cooperate, Rosen will be a little easier. If he is not willing to cooperate, he will have no choice but to die.

"Qiwuhai is really a devil." A pirate captain whispered that they had promised to help the ship in exchange for the possibility of not being killed by klockdar. If klockdar abides by the agreement, they should be able to live.

But if they don't comply, they will be in danger. But just now they have no choice and are not willing to help, they have to die. Under the circumstances of possible life and inevitable death, they choose the chance of possible life.

After the explanation, Rosen left in a small boat. Landis island is very big. Rosen is not worried that he will easily meet the great general of the Yellow ape. Moreover, if he acts alone, the possibility of exposure is relatively small.

But at the moment, Landis island has been in deep water, most of the Landis people gathered in the ninth garden, with the advance of the artillery distance, the whole outside of Landis island has completely become a sea of fire.

Although countless undead monsters can't burn for a while and can struggle to dance in the sea of fire, as time goes on, they can't escape, while the rest of the Landis are like trapped animals, and their living space is compressed step by step.

It's not that no one has tried to break through the sea of artillery and fire in all directions, but the shells are too dense and powerful, and the burning range is very wide, among which there are some special shells.

It may be because we know in advance that the geographical environment of Landis is quite special, so the smoke generated by the combustion of some shells is very thick. When these smoke pour into the underground world, the underground world extends in all directions and cannot be prevented at all.

If you don't want to be choked by the smoke, you can only come out from the underground world. Even if you don't come out from the underground world, with the shelling of every piece of land, let alone the underground world, even the whole island begins to hum.

Many underground passages began to collapse, and the surface began to crack. If they did not come out, they would be buried alive.

"The demon land is covered by gunfire. We can't keep it. The Queen's whereabouts are unknown." In the ninth garden, most of the soldiers on the whole island of Landis had gathered here. Those who failed to come here in time were almost dead or seriously injured in the shelling.

The ninth garden is the center, and the artillery coverage starts from the edge, then gradually shrinks, until finally, the last place of bombing is the ninth garden.

"Damned Navy, what kind of attack is this? Ordinary shelling is not like this. Are we Landis going to be extinct?" It's the Lord of hodman who takes over temporarily. Morard is in charge and Alice is in charge of the army.

"The demon land is gone." Alice was extremely unwilling, and the light of hope that finally appeared was gone. The Navy destroyed their hope again and again, and the hatred was deep into the bone marrow.

"Now what?" Alice looked at holdman and asked.

"There's nothing we can do. Only a few soldiers can cross the bombing range and the burning sea of fire. We don't know where the shelling comes from, and we can't fight specifically. Most of them can't cross the bombing range. Maybe this is our life." Holdman looked at the ninth garden, which was already full of the Landis, with a desperate calm in his eyes.

"There should be something else." Alice said reluctantly.

"There should be two ships that can be used. I hope they haven't been blown up. Alice, take some powerful soldiers and break through. Let's leave a fire for Landis." Holdman thought for a long time that it is unrealistic to want to transfer all of them.

But if a small number of people, it may be possible to escape.

"No, even if we go outside, what can we do? Is there a place for us? Keep the ninth garden. If we can carry the artillery, the Navy will land on Landis island. At that time, I will take more navies to hell together. " Alice smiles coldly. Such bombing may not be able to kill her.

Of course, it's just not necessarily. After all, she's not a natural person, and she's not a fruit immune to explosion. If she's constantly hit by shells or burned by flames, her death is not so far away.

After all, although she has great individual strength, how many shelling attacks can she resist? Even if she avoids, if the whole island is burning, where can she survive? After all, she has no body.

It is because of this that the order of killing demons is terrible. It is difficult for the general strong to survive the attack of the order of killing demons. Otherwise, why is it called a national combat power.

If the killing order is not strong, Barrett does not need to plan to trigger it again.

Listen to Alice's words, holdman is silent, everyone has everyone's decision, he can't control.

"Anyway, it's going to die. Let's finish the fish first." In the crowd, Natalie silently took out her own dried fish and took a big bite. Well, it's hard, but it's still fragrant.

Uncle should go back. It's good that he doesn't have to die with everyone. He just hasn't seen the outside world. If he has a chance, he really wants to eat a devil's fruit.

The Landis were waiting for death, and people who survived the shelling came to the ninth garden.

Those who didn't run over, fell under the shelling before that.