"Shelling, shelling, shooting from the back, shelling according to the bombing range of trapped animals, don't let anyone go!" Ten warships began to disperse. The fort on the warship could rotate and even shoot in the air to a certain extent,

In this way, it can directly cross almost the whole island and cover the other half of the island.

Lieutenant general Doberman madly ordered that the shelling continued, and the carrying capacity of the warship was very large.

It can be seen from some simple pictures of the judicial island that warships are huge. After all, a warship carries a lot of navies, and thousands of people are easy to handle.

When the Meryl was under the warship, she was as small as an ant.

The warship is absolutely a giant in the sea.

When the order of killing demons was launched, facing the big island of Landis, it was bound to finish the shells on every warship.

It may be more than that. It is necessary to let the nearby naval base continue to replenish ammunition and continue bombing until the whole island is completely destroyed.

This is the real horror of the demon killing order, the overwhelming military power!

"Report admiral, there is a monster attack in the sea."

"What does the Navy do on board? You are all the elites who can choose from thousands of choices. Remove all obstacles."

"Yes, yes!"

"Our goal is to completely destroy the island of Landis. General yellowape will search klockdale himself, so our demon killing operation must be carried out thoroughly." The generals on other warships also said coldly.

Some of the generals have executed the order of killing demons more than once. They have their own rules on how to completely destroy an island. The two small guard islands just now are just warm-up actions.

The rest of the island's navy and civilians watched as the shells filled the island. Many people were scared out of their wits, especially the encounter between Flanders and sass, which were the same islands.

For fear that they might be taken away by accident.

Rosen landed on Landis island. Now Landis island is like a fire purgatory. When he first came here, it was like a wasteland world, but now it is more miserable.

"Roar roar ~" some zombies have not been destroyed by fire shells, and they are struggling in the sea of fire, so it's not too much to say that they are hell.

Where Rosen goes, the yellow sand flies, the tornado dust storm opens the way and destroys the flames. The zombies want to attack. Rosen's mind moves, and the ground turns into sand and is directly hanged.

"Are the Landis dead?" Rosen didn't look very good, because he walked along the coast half a circle and didn't find the living Landis.

In principle, if they chased the Navy team before, they could not give up so soon. Even if the battle failed, they should leave some soldiers on guard at the coast.

But now there is no sign.

Either he retreated back to the interior of the island, or he was killed in the gunfire. Rosen walked into an underground passage that had not collapsed yet. He planned to go to Mingcheng according to his memory, but he just entered the passage.

The smoke from the explosion has already filled the underground world. Although it has no effect on his natural system, ordinary people, as long as they are still human beings, cannot survive in such an environment.

Moreover, many passageways begin to collapse. They don't even need to collapse deep. They only need to collapse tens of meters. If there is no special ability, it's very difficult to get out of the living space.

"They are not stupid enough to stay in Mingcheng, are they?" Rosen is a little uncertain. He is a little upset at the thought of Natalie's possible death.

The order of killing demons, is it demons or demons?

"Well? Are you breathing Rosen strolled in the sea of fire. When he came to an area, he was overbearing. He could hear sounds different from zombies and explosions, such as human breathing and tragic voices.

Rosen turns into sand and flies towards the sound source.

Queen Hathaway's eyes, which never cry, are now in tears. She is already on the verge of death, unable to struggle, leaving only a weak breath to maintain her last vitality. This will make her, even if she is gently moved and involved in the injury, she may die: "enough, you go, no one can't die."

At this time, her speech is difficult.

"It's our duty to guard the queen!" In a clearing, dozens of soldiers formed a human circle.

The queen will be protected in the center of the circle, overlapping, each soldier hand in hand, back to the outside, there are shells falling on or near them.

They are already exhausted. At the beginning, they can occasionally resist these powerful shells and sweep away the flames nearby.

However, the number and intensity of the naval shelling this time are unprecedented. After shelling again and again, more than 90% of the soldiers on the ground have fallen down.

Now the remaining dozens of soldiers are powerful, but they really can't launch decent attacks any more.

They made the final effort to put their immovable royal guards in the protective circle composed of their bodies. When the shells hit, they could only hit their bodies, but not the queen Hathaway.

If they had listened to Queen Hathaway abandon her at the beginning and retreated to the ninth garden, at least these people on the ground would have survived, but then she would have died.

The soldiers didn't give up on her. They had been resisting the indiscriminate bombing of the order of killing demons. The outer area was the first. This was once near the naval harbor. They thought that the Landis would have troops here.

So here has become the focus of naval shelling, and it is true that there are troops nearby. After all, Queen Hathaway is also worried that the Navy will come back.

At the same time, this place also has a good view of foreign ships. She wanted to wait for the deal with the God of food.

But Hathaway was beaten to death by the Yellow ape general.

Poop! A soldier fell, just a shell landed nearby, shell fragments pierced his body, now bleeding too much, coma in the past.

The human body defense circle shrinks again, but it can still protect Hathaway. However, it seems that it is only a matter of time before everyone falls down.

Hathaway can only lie on the ground and watch a soldier die to protect her. She doesn't care about life and death.

Even dying like this is her destination, but she can't let these soldiers die one by one because of guarding her.

"Let's go." Queen Hathaway's final cry was so low that it was almost inaudible.

Boom, the sound of shells drowned her voice, a shell heavily hit the body of a row of soldiers, rock solid back, flesh split, but people insist on not falling, because another person fell, the defense circle completely collapsed.

Mars climbed on their clothes. Although they could only burn their clothes at most and burn their bodies to a certain extent, they still could not burn them, and now they have no strength to put out the fire on their bodies.

Hathaway looked at the burning flame, in the eyes of the power of life to extinguish, full of unwilling, Landis people, nowhere to live, this world, do not give them a chance! Not at all!

At this moment, she wants to roar and vent all her anger, but she can't do it, even for such a simple thing, what should she do?! Helpless despair.

"What's this?" When Rosen arrived, he was stunned. There were many Landis soldiers on the ground, but were the surviving Landis stupid?

So we're in a circle and let the shells blow? No running? It's better to run in any direction than not move.

Looking at so many unknown soldiers on the ground, the fool should know that this area is the key area of the killing magic order bombing.

Poop, poop! As the two Landis soldiers lose consciousness and slip to the ground, Rosen sees the queen Hathaway being escorted. For a moment, Rosen's scalp is numb and his head is buzzing.

Don't they have to defend their king? Use your body to block the shell, the fire? How is that possible?! In front of this scene, Rosen felt that he would never forget it, which deeply shocked his heart.

He never thought that a person's personality charm could be so great!!