"Lord hodman, let your people on board. Although I don't know where the warship comes from, there is a big ship behind the warship. Judging from the situation, the identity of the people on the ship should not be simple, and we also need two powerful warships. Just in case, I need a small team to fight with me."

Because we don't know whether there are strong men on the warship, Rosen made insurance arrangements to take a small team to fight against, rather than alone, because we need to prevent strong men on the ship.

If there is a strong one and he is restrained, it will be difficult for these pirate ships and troop carriers with weak attack power to launch direct attacks with two warships.

Even if they can, once one or two military carriers are sunk, it will be difficult for them to retreat completely. But if they have help, it will be different, even if they are restrained.

We can also continue to seize warships. No matter what, since the enemy has sent them to our door, we have to solve them as soon as possible. If they hold them back. It's very bad for Rosen.

Boom! While they were talking, another pirate ship was sunk. Most of the pirate ships were far worse than warships, not only in shape, but also in firepower.

This is one of the reasons why when most of the pirates meet the pursuit of Navy warships, sometimes it is clear that the high-end combat power can beat them, and they will not choose hard.

Once the ship is shelled by the warship, they will lose too much to escape.

"I'll go with you. Although I don't know the situation, it seems that I've been lying for a long time, and it's just good to exercise my muscles." Bonis said calmly, spreading out his hand, which had become a blade.

"We'll be together." Mr.5 and Valentine's day also said with one voice, they are boss cadres, naturally advance and retreat together.

"We'll go too." Alice and Natalie Lisa and others also said.

"It doesn't need much. Thirty people are enough to prepare a boat for us." There are a lot of volunteers, but Rosen doesn't need that many.

Finally, after screening, Rosen finalized several major combat personnel, Alice, Lisa, Bonis, Mr. 5, Valentine's day.

Luo is not interested in this, but Robin wants to keep up, which makes Rosen very surprised, but considering that he has explained some things before, he did not let Robin, the intelligence agent, participate in the war.

Lord hodman needs to command the personnel to board the warship as soon as possible, because he believes that the two warships can be won under the strong lineup of Rosen and others.

If they can't, they will drive these pirate ships to attack together with the troop carriers. After all, there are a lot of pirate ships. Even if the individual firepower is much weaker than that of warships, they are not really defenseless.

But Rosen's primary goal is not to fight, but to escape from the island of Landis.

"Very good, very good... You did very well." Rosamara, the luxury ship of the Tianlong people, is now in the bow of the ship, watching two warships just sink two pirate ships, cheering.

"Mr. desmingliesheng, although they are all small and medium-sized pirate ships, we will fight back if we are in a hurry. It's safer for us to keep a certain distance from the warship and be careful to be injured by stray bullets." Warren suggested in a low voice.

"Warren, you are too careful. Don't you see that you sank two pirate ships just now? No problem at all, and they dare to do it to me? It seems that the general is near here. It's OK. Let the warships continue to bombard and sink them all. It's very pleasant to see the scene. " Desmin did not care.

Warren, listening, thinks it's reasonable. If there are two frigates, most of the thieves will be chased and beaten. Besides, the general is nearby. He really can't think of anyone who will come to attack the Dragon Ship foolishly.

"Keep shelling." After thinking about it, wallender, in order not to destroy the elegance of the famous Liesheng, continued to use the telephone worm to let the two captains on the warship continue to attack the pirate ship.

"Shelling, shelling." The two warships that got the order immediately ordered the shelling. They were soldiers of the Navy headquarters and escorts of the Tianlong people.

Pengpeng! In an instant, dozens of powerful shells burst out together, but one of the pirate ships turned its back to them.

First, a dagger flew up and exploded with the shells in midair. Then a ten meter long, thin, cicada like blade swept through the air and destroyed all the remaining shells.

"There was a pirate ship approaching, and all the shells failed to hit the target." The watchman immediately reported the shelling.

"What's the matter? Didn't you hit a single shot? " The captain of the warship frowned and said that he was not a general, but a brigadier general. In principle, he was not qualified to own a top warship because of his rank, but he served the Tianlong people, so he still had some privileges.


"Prepare for the next round of shelling, aim at the U-turn pirate ship, let go!" The brigadier frowned and immediately ordered the attack to continue.

Pengpeng! Another round of shells burst out of the chamber, cutting through the air and making a harsh sound explosion.

"No weight, no sound!" On Valentine's day, he directed the streamer like laser armor arrows to the shells. The laser light instantly penetrated several shells, and then the explosion of the laser submerged another shell.

Mr.5 opened his mouth and took a deep breath. An air "muzzle gun" burst out, and after the burst out, it was divided into several streams of air, just like the tributaries of a big river, which separated the tributaries of a small river. The cluster scattered and detonated the shell, but he deliberately left one. The whole person jumped high and was hit by the shell head-on.

"It's awesome." Mr. 5 is satisfied.

Rosen didn't start. He intended to let them participate in this kind of fight. And judging from their performance, they have made great progress recently.

"Brigadier general, the shelling has been defused. It seems that there are powerful pirates on board. What should we do?"

"Prepare for the white sword battle!" The brigadier gave orders in a cold voice.

After two rounds of shelling, the pirate ship was very close to the warship. Although the warship was a warship, there was no way to compare the personnel and force allocation with the real demon killing warship.

Even the speed, frequency and accuracy of the shelling were not satisfactory.

"Did I overestimate it?" Rosen was a little disappointed. Both of them were warships, but they were not powerful. Even at this time, they could not make accurate judgment.

The most important thing we should do now is not to aim at our own ship. For strategic purposes, we should first sink the ships of large forces. We should not concentrate all our firepower on our own side.

In that way, the firepower is concentrated on one point, which is easy to deal with, because the ship has just demonstrated the ability to intercept artillery shells. If it is scattered artillery, Rosen is not good at defense.

However, because their ships are more prominent, they attract all the firepower. This strategy is not like a decision made by an experienced veteran.

"Get on the warship and solve the battle as soon as possible." Rosen creates a thin sand ladder that connects to the edge of the warship.

Because there are too many individual differences between the two ships, Rosen's small pirate ship is close to the warship, not counting the mast, and its hull is not one tenth the size of a warship.

Generally, the two armies at sea have horizontal boards or rope throwing, which can land on the ships of both sides to fight. However, such a height gap is difficult to set up horizontal boards, which is not needed in practice. Rosen's ability is too convenient.

Bang bang! However, when the sand steps were formed, a lot of Navy armed with guns emerged from the edge of the warship, and a shower of gunfire poured down in an instant.

Alice and Bonis are on the way ahead. One of them has the ability of replacement, and the attack moves are haunting.

A whole body metal, ordinary bullets can not break the defense, followed by mr.5 and Valentine's day, followed by more than 20 carefully selected Landis soldiers.

The conflict between the two sides broke out.

Rosen is not in a hurry to start, but quietly watching Alice and others rush into the warship, and then slowly follow up, he is preventing possible experts.

Because if you are noble and dare to be involved in such a naval battle, it would be too reckless to think that there is no master. The leader of the enemy should not be a fool.