"Alice Bonis, you two, take some soldiers and take down another warship. I'll go to the enemy's main ship and have a look." Rosen saw that the warship was slowly unable to resist, so he knew why the previous shelling was not strong enough.

There are not many navies on a warship, only about four or five hundred people. For escorts, there are a lot of them, but for a huge warship, there are not enough personnel.

Although there are a few good strength, but can't enter Rosen's eyes, let mr.5 and Valentine's Day temper just good, of course, if two people are not lucky, die, that can't help.

Rosen will take care of him before he starts, but if he has the same strength, he has to rely on his own strength to defeat him. Otherwise, if he always lives under his own protection, something will happen sooner or later.

"Klocdal, do you know what you are doing? This is the frigate of the Dragon man. Are you crazy?" The Commodore looked at the nearly fallen Navy beside him. He was scared and angry at the same time.

As frigates of the Tianlong people, they are not inferior to each other no matter where they go, even in the face of the admiral. But now they are attacked by the pirates, or qiwuhai, which is an insult.

"The Dragon man?" Looking at the roaring brigadier general, Rosen was surprised and frowned slightly. Is that the Dragon man on the main ship?

Although Rosen was able to kill the Navy or the world government without hesitation, in a strict sense, he was just one of the many scoundrels of the Tianlong people.

The characters above will feel a little embarrassed, but they won't be really angry to any extent. But if the dog is replaced by the owner with the same status as them, the meaning is totally different.

If the Tianlong people die, the world government will be angry and even pursue Rosen at all costs, because it is a provocation to their authority, and this is what they care about most.

But the premise is that Tianlong people are dead. If they are not, they will be hunted down by the generals, but to a limited extent. This can be seen from the incident of shambaldi islands.

It is not advisable to kill the Dragon at present. When it is not enough to compete with the world's top combat power, it is almost the same as suicide.

But don't kill. If you use it well, the Tianlong man is a big killing weapon. As long as the Tianlong man is in hand, even the generals dare not act rashly.

"It's not enough to send me warships. I didn't expect to send me a life card. It's very polite." Rosen suddenly began to laugh. The smoke from his cigar swept his face and scattered from both sides of his big back. It was a little fascinating.

The brigadier general, in particular, felt a thump in his heart. He wanted to fight against the Tianlong people when he heard Klock Dahl's words?!

no He's really crazy. The pirates are all lunatics. Damn lunatics. Do they know what tianlongren means.

That's the ruler, the ruler of the world.

"Trash, the warship was approached by the pirates and boarded the ship. It's useless. Open fire on me and sink the warship together with the pirates." Desmingliesheng's tone was not good, and his rosamara was also equipped with a lot of cannons because of his personal preference.

"Yes." The attendant agreed without hesitation.

"Something's wrong." Warren frowned. Although the warship is not fully equipped, it should be more than enough for ordinary pirates.

Even a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million is unlikely to completely ignore the confluence of firepower generated by two warships.

"Guard!" Warren looked at the direction of the warship, suddenly saw a figure flying from the air, instantly realized the strength of the man, and immediately called for the escort to protect desmin Liesheng.

"Whoosh." Rosen's speed was very fast. Before the ship's guards could react and shoot, Rosen landed on the deck. At a glance, Rosen saw a man in a gorgeous suit wearing a bubble hood. It was really easy to identify the Dragon man.

"It's infuriating to see that the descendants of the creator don't know how to kneel down. I'll punish such a rude person myself." Desmin Liesheng looked at Rosen standing straight away from him and was furious.

Untouchables are Untouchables. They don't understand any common sense of etiquette. Then they take out an exquisite pistol and aim directly at Rosen.

"It's as stupid as I think, so it's not a waste of time." Rosen pounced on desminsheng in an instant.

"Stop it." Warren was in front of desmingliesheng in an instant, and his fist was covered with domineering force. Rosen also took advantage of it.

Pen! The two fists hit each other, and the strength was scattered. The guards nearby were swept out in an instant. Even desmin Liesheng would be thrown out if he didn't have two powerful guards to block his strength.

Warren's forehead broke out in a cold sweat. Although his strength is not very strong, it is absolutely not weak. But this punch, just a second, is hard for him to support.

"Click." His arm joints were directly dislocated, and his whole body was blown out by a huge force, which directly hit the wall of the ship, from the deck to the tail of the ship.

If it wasn't for the critical moment, his other uninjured hand held the guardrail of the ship, he might have been blown directly out of the ship.

"This?" The guards, who were pushed out by the strong wind for a certain distance, were stunned for a long time, including desmin Liesheng, who was preparing to shoot.

Warren's strength is the strongest among his guards. Although he is from the noble identity of Tianlong people, it's no problem that he doesn't need any strong guards.

After all, very few people really dare to fight against the Tianlong people, especially in the first half of the great air route, the rule of the world government is relatively firm.

But wallender is a master whom the famous Lord Liesheng of Desmond has a direct eye on from the Navy headquarters. Now he can't even catch a punch?! How could that be!

"Feisha Feng." Rosen raised his hand, countless sharp sand toward the guards shot in the past, these little strength of the guards were shot through the body, fell in the pool of blood.

"You don't want to come here, I'm a dragon, you can't..." desmin Liesheng was startled. His gun shot several times with trembling fingers, but no matter how powerful the ordinary bullet was, it also went directly through Rosen's sand body.

Shave! But just when Rosen was about to get close to desmin Liesheng, Warren appeared in front of Rosen. His right arm was drooping and his bone was dislocated. He pinched and stretched hard to recover the bone, but his brow was wrinkled.

Because he found that his palm was still a little painful, which means that it may not only be the bone dislocation, but also the phalanx began to crack.

Qiwuhai, so strong?! Warren is a little unbelievable, too.

"Black prison bullet." Rosen raised his hand to shoot 11 fierce bullets. Warren, aware of the huge crisis, was ready to dodge, but he was scared by Rosen's words.

"If you stay away, your master will die." Rosen's calm voice froze Warren and he didn't dare to dodge.

"Iron. Steel!" Warren's iron block was fully defensive, overbearing, bang bang, 11 fierce bullets all hit him, blood splashed away from him, unable to fully defend.

"It's a loyal dog. It's a pity that he's with the wrong person." Rosen raised his foot and swept it away.

With a loud noise, Warren bumped into the mast, and the whole person was embedded in it. His mouth was bleeding, and he was hard to move. He was dying. His strength was not bad. If he didn't meet Rosen's attack, he could fight with Rosen for a long time.

But Rosen with a quick mind, a direct word to Warren had to be hard.