"You go and help clean up the Navy. I'll get in the way for a while." After landing on the dawn, Rosen immediately said to Hathaway. Hathaway nodded, cut out with one sword, and overturned countless navies. At this time, enilu also released her hand.

Leiying landed, but they also covered Rosen. If they didn't get out of this area in time, everything would disappear. However, dawn was on the edge of leiying, so it was easy to escape.

"Lieutenant General Kapp, the enemy ships have escaped... Wait, what is that? "Black cloud ball?"

"We're covered, too. What's going on?! It's too big. " From the other direction, the naval ships just close to this sea area suddenly look silly. They have just narrowed their defense circle, and they are going to collapse on this day?

Are they here to catch the pirates or to die?

"There are too many thunderbolts in it. Didn't saakashi deal with the attack first?" Lieutenant general Kapp's face was heavy.

Because he saw a lot of navy ships approaching quickly. They were supposed to encircle them. Unexpectedly, they were in the range of Lei Ying.

This opportunity, of course, has been manipulated.

"No, general saakashi went after the enemy!" The adjutant saw the scuffle not far away.

Dawn slowly broke away and rushed towards the naval reinforcements in one direction. Although it would be intercepted, it is hard to say whether it could be stopped.

"Withdraw, withdraw from the storm and thunder ball center first, speed A Admiral's face changed dramatically.

He is the base commander of the nearby base. He is leading more than 20 warships of different sizes to form an arc encirclement from the opposite direction of dawn's escape, but he did not expect that such a thing would suddenly fall from the sky.

The superior appearance told him that he couldn't bear such an attack. Once such an attack was down, even if he wasn't in the center, he would lose a lot. He didn't want to see such a result.

"Meteor volcano!" Red Dog pursues and comes, first a move large-scale bombing, then the whole person gallops.

But when it was about to fall on the dawn, it was blocked by Rosen, but the result was that the viscera of the body was shocked by the red dog.

"How long can you stand in my way, none of you can run away!" Red Dog cold voice laughs a way, although already saw Hathaway and Aini road in clear field Navy, a group of navy is hit fly into the sea.

Lieutenant general babulus, who was swept by a thunder pillar, was barely blocked, but then hacked out by Hathaway.

"That won't do!" Kapp saw the Navy under ray, and immediately frowned and asked his department to take the big iron ball.

When an iron ball the size of a warship was lifted out, Rosen and other naval ships nearby also saw it and were shocked. How could such a big iron ball be stored on a warship? Is this the anchor of a warship?

"Who is that old man?" Ai Ni Road, who had just finished cleaning up the Navy, looked at Kapp and others who were only one kilometer away from them, and immediately wondered.

But no one replied to him at this time.

"Peng!" At the same time, Rosen was kicked down by the red dog in mid air and fell heavily on the dawn.

Then red dog also landed on the dawn, a person, alone in the face of the whole dawn Pirate Group, not afraid.

On Valentine's day, mr.5 and other subordinates watched the fierce and murderous red dog, and they were suddenly captured

Being too strong makes their bodies tremble instinctively, especially at such a close distance.

Even Bonis was in a cold sweat for a moment.

Hathaway calmly faced the red dog. Rosen stood up from the broken deck, coughed violently, and looked very grave. If lieutenant general Kapp's attack was aimed at the dawn, they would be finished.

It's really unlucky. I met the red dog general together with Karp. If it's in the game mode, it's definitely hell level, Rosen thought optimistically.

"Fist bone. Black meteorite!" Admiral Kapp, under the gaze of many navies, exposed his real strength that he had not used for a long time.

He stood up against the wind, his strong physique was slightly puffed up, his arms were covered with domineering color, and he grasped the chain extended by the huge iron ball. Then, his domineering spirit spread out. In a moment, all the special balls the size of a warship were covered with domineering spirit.

Then Kapp slammed the huge iron ball and swung it into a circle. The whole sea area was filled with the sound of the iron ball, just like a black death field.

"This, this, this! You're kidding. " A sailor, suddenly scared, so strong? What's the difference between lifting a warship and throwing it? No, it's even heavier than a warship, because it's made of iron.

"Strange old man?" Enilu was a little confused, too.

"That's lieutenant general Kapp's boat, but what's that iron ball? Is this something that people can move? "

It's not only enilu and others who are shocked, but also the Navy compatriots who are extremely shocked by this scene.

They found that in such a naval battle, they were no different from the boat in the storm. First, a huge thunder ball fell from the sky, and then someone waved such a huge weapon. Even if a creature bigger than a giant was hit, it had to kneel down.

Boom! It's just like the super sound barrier when the bomber is advancing at full speed, covering the domineering iron ball to break through the air and fly directly to leiying.

Peng! During the flight, the ark was in a straight line, and the iron ball came to the ark.

Ainilu's face changed dramatically, and he tried to stop the iron ball. But as soon as he got close to the iron ball, there was a loud noise. Ainilu's speed slowed down, the ark smashed, and he also hit the bottom of the iron ball.

He didn't expect that the iron ball was covered with the strange force that could touch his entity, at least when he was fully preparing to rescue the ark.

"Damn it Ainilu's whole body was bursting with blood. With his unwilling roar, he almost passed out in a coma. His whole body fell straight from the air. Rosen's face was dignified. Is this huge iron ball so powerful?

It's totally different from what I remember.

Rosen didn't blame ainilu for his actions. After all, the ark is his painstaking effort, and if he can stop it, it will be helpful to the war situation.

Lei Ying may not be able to contain the red dog, but Kapp should not be able to see the Navy reinforcements buried under Lei Ying, but unfortunately, Aini road can not stop.

Just rub the bottom of the big iron ball, the whole person has been seriously injured to death.

Boom! The iron ball rushes into the thunder cloud, and the whole Lei Ying is smashed out of a huge hole in an instant. Countless lightning flashes wildly, and the powerful force shatters Lei Ying.

Crackle crackle! With the roar of thunder, the lightning bursts into pieces, but the accumulated lightning will not disappear suddenly. Instead, it turns into countless meteor shower like lightning, hitting the sea area.

Many naval ships were hit on the hull and lost their forward ability, but the casualties were not large.

(QQ group 861197673, reasonable discussion is welcome.)