"Good chance, let's go." Rosen looked at the storm all over the sky, suddenly there was a thunderstorm, and immediately said to Bonis, Bonis nodded, went to the helm, red dog saw that, he was going to intercept.

But being entangled by Rosen and Hathaway again, Robin quickly commands everyone to retreat. With their strength, even the aftereffects of the battle, they can be broken to pieces.

Peng! Rosen at all costs, instant annihilation. Blasting, a punch hit the lava fist, unstable sand instant explosion, the red dog flew out of the dawn.

But the price is very heavy. Rosen's right hand is hard to lift for the moment, because it is powerful to let the unstable sand explode in his arm, but it is a move to kill 1000 enemies and damage 800 people. The purpose is to drive back red dog.

"Reorganize the situation and pursue the dawn Pirate Group immediately." Babulus looks ugly. He jumps on the warship from the sea and looks at the slow departure and is chased and beaten by the red dog general. Rosen and others immediately give an order.

If it goes on like this, the red dog is likely to be thrown away, especially in such a stormy day, with continuous thunder falling and moonwalking across the sky, which is unstable. People in mid air are more vulnerable to the impact of climate.

The navy in charge of interception in the front is about to encounter the dawn. Although mr.5 and others can't deal with the red dog, it's not difficult to bombard with cannons, find a gap and escape in an emergency.

Because the thunder set off a storm, and the storm disordered the formation of many ships. Now there are too few naval ships that can barely keep the line-up. Let alone just under the thunder, countless warships are scattered in order to avoid.

It's not difficult to break through the circle of outsourcing.

After all, it has not been completely blocked inside. The only problem is the operation of the Kapp warship in the front right, the pursuit of the red dog general, and the warship of lieutenant general babulus who is restructuring.

"Fire, fire, sink them." Lieutenant general babulus got on the warship, immediately picked up the phone bug and called the nearby warships to attack again.

He's wet, he's in a mess, he's got a lot of wounds on his body, but that's all forgotten now.

Dawn Pirate Group has abandoned a big ship that can fly in the air. As long as the last ship is sunk, they will not be able to fly.

"Lieutenant general, the warship of LANBO island was overturned by the huge waves and is in urgent need of rescue. In addition, the current whirlpool is forming. Please keep all reinforcements away from the southeast sea! Repeat, don't get close to the southeast sea! " As soon as babus gave the order, he suffered a setback.

"Three warships of Keming naval base have been damaged by lightning. They can't continue to pursue!"

"Sea King class!! Be careful The smell of blood spread in the sea, and finally attracted the overlord of the sea.

"Strong wind, small boats, pull in and wait!" An officer ordered that if the sails of small ships were not closed, it would be very easy to tear up the sails in this case, which would be too dangerous.

"Damn it, don't worry about that. All the high-level warships are surrounded. After entering the range, they will bomb the dawn Pirate Group indiscriminately." Babus turned black. Although these conditions were normal in this environment, he could not accept them.

At present, the enemy must not be allowed to run away. Otherwise, if this encirclement and suppression operation fails, their losses will be too great.

"My ark, damn it Ainilu was covered with blood, and the whole person could not stand steadily, but at the moment, his mentality was almost explosive. He turned into a Thor in an instant, but the blood on his body was still so obvious.

"Lei Ying!" He roared wildly. At this moment, he didn't even have to make thunder clouds, because now is the most violent time of the storm. Thunder clouds are easy to get.

"Zizizi..." in the clouds, all the thunder and lightning are crazy.

This scene makes everyone feel uneasy again. Maybe enilu's single combat power is not particularly strong, but it is undeniable that the ability of Xianglei fruit is too strong, especially in this climate.

"Is it thunderous? It seems that it hasn't appeared for many years. Are you on klockdale's side now? " Lieutenant general Kapp sank.

The last Xianglei man was a crazy big pirate several decades ago. He was famous earlier than white beard and older than Kapp himself. At that time, he was just a recruit. He could not forget the strength of those who had the ability to ring thunder.

"Thunder ball again!"

"Damn the pirate!" Red dog is also very irritable, again and again to make trouble for them, loud thunder people, early should seize the opportunity to kill him first.

"Let me have the thunder ball." Kapp's boat came over, red dog and Rosen Hathaway in mid air after a fight, took the opportunity to land on the deck.

"Please, klockdale is too dangerous to let them escape." A scarlet queen, a thunderbolt, and the chief criminal, krocdal, these three forces cannot be ignored. If this encirclement and suppression fails, it will be even more difficult to have such a chance in the future.

With that, red dog launched a fierce attack again and attacked the Liming. After all, it was not far away from liming, and liming had broken through the external defense line. If he didn't pursue, they might have really run away.

"Don't we help general sakasky?" The adjutant was a little confused.

"He should be able to handle it, and if it falls, the Navy will lose a lot." Admiral Kapp's face was slightly dignified as he watched the warship shelling the dawn.

Then there were countless frames pushed down by his side, and dense shells were arranged on them. Although it was not a big iron ball, Kapp held the shells, covered them with domineering force, and then fisted them. Meteor group!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

"Bastard, Qinghai people!" When Aini Lu saw this, he felt hurt and indignant. His eyes turned white and he suddenly fell into a coma. Some of them were hit and angry.

What's going on in Qinghai? How can an old man come out at random, all so strong!

"Boss, break through the defense line!" The dawn skimmed past several wobbly naval ships.

Although some shelling came and one or two of them hit, the dawn was very big and would not be sunk just because of one or two ordinary shells.

"Be careful!" Rosen looked at the red dog hit in the wrong direction, suddenly exclaimed, his target this time is not himself and Hathaway, who would it be?

Rosen is now a bit at the end of the storm. She is already overloaded in the battle, and so is Hathaway. After all, even the red dog has suffered a lot of injuries now, and they are even more serious. They may not be able to resist a few waves of attacks.

They had to get out of the red dog and the Navy's pursuit as soon as possible, but at this time, the red dog suddenly changed its strategy?