"You need to pay 10 million Bailey entry fee to enter the auction venue, which will be returned to you after the auction." When Rosen and Morris come to the door of the auction house, an armed soldier says coldly.

"You fool, this is Mr. Morris, the president of Yodel chamber of Commerce, and one of the shareholders of paradise. I'm very sorry, Mr. President. Please come in..." as soon as the soldier finished, he was patted on the head by a well-dressed and evil looking person in charge who came out of the auction hall, and then he said to Mr. Morris very sorry.

Rosen two people have no reaction, to this kind of situation, did not feel anything wrong.

But as soon as they entered the door of the auction hall, they heard an angry voice in the auction hall: "bastard, do you know who I am? I'm justice Island chief spendame. Let your person in charge get out of here for me. The paradise has shares of our family, which annoys me and makes your auction disappear. "

"Lord Spandam, calm down, calm down, what are you doing? Please arrange for Spandam to the VIP seat." Just after solving the problem of Morris, the person in charge went to the middle of the auction seat and said with a smile.

There are so many people coming here. Except for him, the other soldiers can hardly recognize each other.

"What? If you are interested in him, forget it. Although it looks like an incompetent fool, the judicial island is an organization directly under the world government and has great power to adjudicate. To provoke him is equivalent to provoking the world government. " Morris took a look, then said disapprovingly.

"I'm not interested. I'm just thinking, it seems that he doesn't have many escorts. The paradise doesn't seem safe, so the magistrate of justice island is not afraid of being beaten by black sticks?" Rosen took a look at Spandam. This man was deeply impressed. If you remember correctly, the sword in his hand was a creature that ate the fruit of elephant. It was also one of Beka Punk's research objects.

And Rosen didn't expect to meet Spandam, a government official who once made Robin cry and despair.

Although everything has not happened, his father is the culprit who launched the order to kill the devil and destroyed Robin's hometown.

"The guard of pheromone chamber of Commerce on the island will ensure his safety. Although the major shareholder of the paradise is tezolo, the world's richest man, judicial island is the back force of Nasca chamber of Commerce. Nasca chamber of Commerce has arranged many forces to protect his safety. After all, it's a world government official. If there is an accident in the paradise, it's hard for the paradise to go on." Morris explained a little. It is obvious that during his time in the paradise, he knew the basic information.

"It seems that there is no one to be particularly concerned about who is the president of NASCAR chamber of Commerce tonight except Raymond and others." Rosen was a little confused, and then the two sat down in the front VIP seat.

"He didn't come tonight. He should have gone to receive the officer of this judicial island. The vice president was present, but it's not worth mentioning."

"The situation of the paradise is more complicated than I thought. Would you mind telling me before the auction?" Rosen found that he did not underestimate the pheromone chamber of Commerce, but now there is a tezolo and the justice Island chief, a powerful and powerful family.

In addition to the soldiers behind Aberdeen, Raymond and the king, Jodel is Morris, which is very clear, but what about the strength behind him?

Obviously, the paradise is a super big cake and does not belong to a single party, so Rosen still can't tell how many parties are fighting in the paradise.

"Buy me a drink and I'll tell you."

"I don't have money. I have to wait for my crew to arrive before I have money. If you have something you like, you can lend me some money." Rosen said naturally.

"Why?" Morris was stunned for a moment. This man didn't treat himself as an outsider. Did he have such a good friendship with him?

"It's not impossible." Rosen said it casually, but Morris really agreed after thinking about it.

"It seems that there is a swordsman on your ship, the most beautiful one on your ship, with a reward of 790 million. You can let her compete with me later. I want to study more about the fighting methods of swordsmen." Morris offered his own terms.

"Yes, she can, but when she starts, it usually takes people's lives. Are you sure?" Rosen doesn't care about this. I believe Hathaway is willing to fight with the strong. She is a war maniac.

"That's what I want!" Morris patted his thigh and said excitedly, but then he felt that something was wrong and that it would kill him. Damn it, he thought he might be defeated?

"Are you kidding? She's strong? It's not because of killing the dragon people? " Said Morris in a tone of uncertainty.

Rosen nodded and didn't say much. Morris was even more ambitious. Then he gave a general description of Rosen's paradise.

The paradise, which was originally built by Bailey with an injection of more than 2 billion yuan, was jointly built by tezolo and the pheromone chamber of Commerce. Behind the pheromone chamber of commerce is the Duke of Raymond, above whom is the king of Andia.

The Duke of Raymond was the sword of the king of Andia, and tezorro alone took the lead.

Because in the face of the park, a large part of the reason is that it relies on him to dredge the upper class relations, which makes it an impossible sea area. In this way, any transaction can be carried out in the park, and there is no taboo.

However, the situation of pheromone chamber of Commerce will be more complicated if it is detailed to each chamber of Commerce, because businessmen always make two-way preparations. It is well known that the backers in the front are more complicated than in the back.

For example, Aberdeen now has a military leader behind it, while the NASCAR chamber of Commerce has a family of island magistrates behind it, and he is not alone.

The man behind Yodel's chamber of Commerce used to be chivuhai doflamenco, but now it's Morris.

The people behind torom chamber of commerce are Tianlong people. To be exact, they are the commercial forces under the command of Tianlong people.

These forces are all over the world, and most people don't easily provoke them. Although Tianlong people don't personally care about money, there are not many money collecting teams under their command.

In addition to Tianjin, which is clearly priced every year, tianlongren's commercial consortia also have many sideline businesses.

If it's a Tianlong man, Rosen doesn't worry much. He's just a business consortium. If he sends someone to find his own trouble, he may be able to make a fortune.

Among them, tezorro took the lead, and the rest followed the soup.

"The organizations directly under the world government, the kings and nobles of the joining countries, the tianlongren consortia, the king's qiwuhai, and the world's top tycoon tezorro..." Rosen feels that if someone really wants to accept this paradise as his own, he is afraid that a general may not be able to resist so many forces at the same time.

So Rosen is also very clear that the kingdom of Andia can move, but the paradise can't be moved easily.

Although Rosen is also very jealous of this fast cake.

Don't even think about how amazing the benefits this paradise can create every year, so that so many forces can set foot in it.

Although the forces of all parties have not invested much power, no one will sit idly by and watch their interests be destroyed.

"Don't you have any trouble with dorfermingo?"

"Last time there was no news after the threat of the telephone bug. It's estimated that he is also very busy there. After all, he is an active person in the underground world."

"Pirates, damn, who let you arrange me near the pirates? I'm sick to death!" As soon as Spandam sat down, he looked sideways and saw Rosen and Morris.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding area became quiet. These two men are not ordinary pirates. The officer of judicial island is too stupid. This is not judicial island. Does he think that no one dares to attack him?

The others looked at Morris and the others wanted to try.

As for this stupid government official who makes a lot of noise and looks down upon by everyone, he has long been upset. However, judicial island is a world-famous government organization, and ordinary pirates really have no courage to attack the officer of this organization.

But these two people should be different. I heard that one of them killed Tianlong people.