"Two adults, I'm really sorry. Please calm down." The person in charge rushed to apologize, but Rosen and Morris didn't move at all. They agreed that it was too shameful to argue with such a fool.

And the person in charge here doesn't look easy.

However, it's not impossible to solve the problem if you push any further. Spandam was arranged a little farther away, so that he would not have to hear his annoying voice.

"This is the main list of tonight's auction. You can have a look at it first. The auction will start in 15 minutes." The person in charge wiped sweat and went to the auction table. Looking around, the whole auction hall was full of rich people from all over the world.

The aristocrats of Andia, the famous pirates and hunters, or the high-ranking Navy, just in paradise, they seem to have reached a seemingly indifferent attitude.

Chandler, the person in charge of the auction, said, indicating to the staff of the venue to distribute leaflets. Because the auction will sell many precious things, they only did some simple publicity before the auction.

Because there is no shortage of customers in the auction of the paradise, everyone who comes to the paradise will come to the auction to Taobao, which is well known. On the contrary, some contraband goods need to be kept secret.

After the leaflets were distributed, everyone who got the leaflets began to exclaim, because they found that there were three devil fruits in this auction, which was very surprising.

Although it's not a big deal to search for a few demon fruits with all kinds of forces behind the paradise, it's still a bit heavy to sell three at a time. After all, it takes a lot of manpower and financial resources to collect every demon fruit.

Moreover, if some demon fruits are more famous, ordinary people will not be willing to auction them even if they get them.

So the three devil fruits are enough to be the focus of today's auction.

Rosen took a look at it. It said that there were probably three demonic fruits. Because these three fruits are relatively common, some records are not clear. It only mentioned that two are from the animal family and one is from the Superman family.

And the other one is the fruit of artificial animal system. Is it Caesar's work? How can it be revealed to the outside? It's not exclusive to Cato?

It seems that the production of Inuyasha is still sufficient at this time.

According to the available information, there are hundreds of people in the Legion of elites under KEDO's command, while for the time being, almost all of the artificial devil fruits are animal species.

In addition, there is a high risk of taking it. Among ten people who take it, only one person can succeed in acquiring ability. Others seem to lose other emotions and become people who can only laugh. This is also the source of smile's name.

From the above, we can see that in recent years, dorfermingo has produced at least thousands of artificial devil fruits, so it's normal that one or two of them occasionally appear in the underground world.

This is also a product derived from Beka Punk's bloodline factor technology. Sometimes Rosen is really curious about who this Beka punk is.

First of all, the experimental body of Landis, then the technology of artificial devil fruit, and the technology of human transformation, which seems to involve the main technology, blood factor.

But the key point is that Rosen wants to know whether his mission capacity can be supplemented by the fruit of man-made demons?

If you can, then you may be able to have a team full of double demons in the future.

Sometimes one plus one is not equal to two.

Rosen's strength has grown up to the present. There is no hard and fast demand for him to have another fruit. On the contrary, Rosen is worried about the strength of his subordinates.

Especially Robin, mr.5, Valentine's day, Miggs and Bonis are all right. Although they are not good enough, they are also very strong.

Rosen has a systematic task, so it's not particularly difficult to become stronger.

Now there is such a plan to verify Rosen's idea. If it is possible, the plan for Alfred Domingo may have to make some changes.

The officer of a judicial Island didn't go to see any introduction at all. Anyway, if he wanted these three fruits, he would eat them for his subordinates later to see what would change.

"Other animal lines and Superman lines are giraffe like and bubble like fruits of cattle and cattle?" Rosen took a look at Sparrow's Spandam, as if it were possible.

After all, judicial island is one of the three major organizations with the Navy headquarters and the city guard. Once the judicial Island officer really wants to get these two or three evil fruits, I'm afraid that ordinary people will not offend him.

"Well, no more nonsense. Let's go straight to the theme of the auction. I believe everyone has read the list. I believe that the auction of paradise will make you get what you want. The first auction tonight is the latest and most powerful cluster RPG weapon from the kingdom of science and technology, which is mainly used to break down fortresses and damage areas, Please look at the measured power image on the large screen... Ten pieces are for one auction unit, and now the starting price of one unit is 10 million Bailey! Please bid. " Chandler was very skilled and had people turn on the video phone bug at the same time.

In the video, a man resists a rocket launcher with six gun barrels and pulls the trigger at a strong fortress in the distance. Six rockets roar with a long tail flame and raze the fortress to the ground.

"It's the fortress outside the city of Andia kingdom. It's said that it's very strong, even the warships and cannons can't pierce it. I didn't expect that it would be destroyed in one attack. If my national army can also be equipped with such weapons, the rebel's root base is not easy to capture... I'll pay 20 million for ten units." A nobleman from a war-torn country raised his sign and quoted the price.

"The output is limited. At present, there are only 20 units in stock. The price maker has to pay 20 million. Is there any higher price? Any more? "

"25 million!" Now the auction has become the start of ten units, that is, the 25 million Bailey will be 250 million Bailey if we win it, which is a huge sum of money.

"30 million!"

"30 million first time, 30 million second time, 30 million third time, deal!"

Ten of the last 20 units were sold at auction for 30 million units, and the remaining ten units were bought by another king's army chief for 35 million units.

"The next step is the latest personal barrier protection device in Andia kingdom. I believe you all know the function of this device. At the critical moment, it can absolutely save your life. At present, there is only one set, which costs a lot of energy. We invite famous craftsmen to make it. Now the price is 50 million Bailey."

"60 million."

"70 million, this adult gives 70 million, and..."

"100 million Bailey."

In the end, the life-saving device was sold at a high price of 350 million Bailey, which is no less than the value of a demon fruit.

Then there were some strange products that Rosen had never seen before.

Rosen also opened his eyes. He didn't expect that there were so many strange things at the auction. Some Rosen even felt very excited, but he focused on the three demons.

"How much money do you have to lend me?" Rosen has to make sure that Morris's purse is not strong.

"How much more can you afford?" Asked Morris, after a sip.

"Some time ago, the conflict with the Navy lost a lot. Now it's only about 5 billion Bailey for the time being." Rosen thought that if the ark was not destroyed, there would be 10 billion Bailey.

"Cough... How much more?" Morris has never had a big idea about money. He just earned it when he needed it. But is this 5 billion Bailey, lying trough, true or false? It's money that most people can't spend all their life.