"Where did you get rich?" Morris came to the park to operate for a long time. With his wealth before, he has only about 1.3 billion on hand, which has made him a rich man.

The profits of Yodel chamber of Commerce have not been settled yet. After all, he has been busy living here and spent a lot of money. If he wants to gain a foothold in a completely strange place, strength alone is not enough.

We have to spend money to dredge the relationship between all parties, or maybe the Navy warships will come here tomorrow to capture him, and he still has a large group of subordinates to support.

But Rosen, in Morris's impression, seems to have nothing to spend except his own crew. That is to say, this guy is a proper top rich man.

The gap between people is obtained by comparison.

"The next thing to be auctioned is tonight's finale, the devil's fruit, which is the secret of the sea. Through it, countless people realize the story of leaping over the dragon's gate and soaring to the sky. Now the first devil's fruit is auctioned, and the initial auction price is 100 million Bailey."

Chandler said impassioned, although tonight's auction revenue has already reached billions of Bailey.

But he believes that if these three evil fruits work well, 800 million Bailey should be there.

Because the artificial devil fruit only describes the designated animal species, without mentioning some side effects, that is to say, it can be confused into real devil fruit and sold.

"Wait a minute, how can I hear that there are some defects in the fruit of artificial demons? Would you like to sell it as inferior?" However, not everyone knows nothing about artificial fruit. After all, there are many people from the underground world.

Chandler's face changed slightly, and he scolded in his heart, but he still said with a smile: "of course not. Although there is a certain probability that man-made fruit can't obtain ability, if you take it as research, maybe you will be the next one who can mass produce demon fruit, so I think the value of man-made demon fruit is even higher than ordinary demon fruit."

Chandler didn't expect it, but he dealt with it very well. He even reversed the disadvantage, which made people who had been worried full of enthusiasm.

Those who have just asked questions are no longer entangled. Indeed, almost all people in the underground world know that chiwuhai do flamenco, known as tianyecha, controls many underground businesses, among which the transaction with the fourth emperor kaiduo is well known.

It is precisely because of this that dorfmingo has a great weight in the underground world. First, he is really strong. Second, he is a big supporter of the fourth emperor.

"I'll pay 120 million Bailey." After Chandler announced the auction, the price of devil fruit began to soar, from 100 million to 200 million.

When it comes to the price of an unnatural and unreal devil's fruit, it's impossible to increase it sharply. Then Spandam yelled out another price: "240 million Bailey."

After calling out the price, Spandam looked around at all the people present, and the warning was very obvious. However, other people who still wanted to offer were lost in thought. After weighing the gains and losses, many people chose to give up.

The main reason is that the devil fruit is not only in this place, but also not very popular. For many people, hundreds of millions of Bailey are money that they can't earn in their lifetime.

Of course, not including those who can stand in this venue and come to this auction venue, they are all well worth. But if this evil fruit exceeds 250 million Bailey, we have to consider whether it is cost-effective or not.

After all, eating the fruit of demons is also a bit of gambling. Therefore, not everyone has this kind of courage.

"Fight with Uncle Ben, hum, a group of rubbish on the sea." Spandam was proud.

Power has always been a good thing for him, although his Dao Li value is only 9, and his strength can't even compare with that of an ordinary Navy soldier.

But power can make people hundreds of times stronger obey his orders.

"300 million!" Rosen wants to get all the devil's fruit.

Because his capacity task is still two short of completion. At that time, whether he chooses to eat one more demon fruit or transfer it to his subordinates. They are all good.

"Son of a bitch!" Spandamten stood up and looked at Rosen fiercely.

"According to the rules of the auction, the one with the highest price will get it." Rosen didn't care.

"Well, I hope you can enjoy your life." Although he was very angry, Spandam also wanted to make trouble on the spot.

But when I think of other powerful people in the paradise, I force the anger down. Only power can hold him down.

"300 million Bailey, once, twice, three times, deal!" Other people dare not compete with Spandam, so they are even more afraid of Rosen, who is now a big pirate with a reward of 900 million and is the enemy of the general.

"Next, the artificial devil fruit, the starting price, is also 100 million Bailey, now the auction starts." Chandler went on with the auction.

"I'll give you 260 million." Although spendame is not particularly rich, he has been in a high position all the year round and his position has brought him a good value. He wants these things.

Because his sword has eaten the devil's fruit, it's of great use, so he still relies on the devil's fruit. Although he doesn't have to eat it himself, it can be used to enhance the strength of his subordinates and make them work better for himself.

"300 million Bailey." Rosen offers.

"320 million." Spandam is angry. He's just a pirate. Do you want to aim at him? It's just a few devil fruits. How can you not take them?

"350 million." Rosen continues to offer.

"400 million Bailey!" Spandam was panting and wanted to trample Rosen under his feet, but not here.

"400 million Bailey, once, twice, three times, deal..."

"No more? I have enough money. " Morris was stunned for a moment.

"Spend your money, in the end is not to return, nothing, he will come to me, save some money." Rosen didn't intend to attack Spandam, but from his expression, it seems that he can't let go.

Originally, I wanted to solve the problem with money, but it didn't work out. In this case, let's enjoy it.

"Asshole." Spandam came back to find that he had spent 400 million Bailey to buy a man-made devil fruit, which was a big loss!

"The last devil's fruit."

Other people scrambled to bid first, and when Spandam finally reported to 260 million Bailey, others were silent. Obviously, Spandam was sure to win.

"290 million Bailey." Rosen seemed to think about it.

Spandam glares at Rosen and tries to threaten him. However, Rosen still smokes his cigar leisurely and looks at him with disdain.

It's like saying, justice Island officer, you don't even have the money for a devil's fruit. What do you pretend?

Silent, but obvious.

"350 million! Smelly pirate, what are you arguing with me about? " When Spandam offered a high price, he was ready to fight Rosen in his eyes, only to find that the pirate got up and left.

He won't fight?


Spandam was stunned and found that he had been fooled.

Originally, he had expected that if Bailey exceeded 300 million, he would not want it. After all, the strength of his subordinates does not matter. He has a lot of money, but it is not in his interest to spend too much.

"How dare you fool me? I want you to die."

"He's not that stupid, is he?" Morris leaves behind Rosen. They go to get the fruit of the demon and pay for it.

"Don't worry, he is much more stupid than you think. People who want to die can't stop him." Rosen said plainly.