The iron castle, once known as absolute defense, is now ploughed in two.

The towering houses collapsed, like the disaster scene after the strong earthquake. Countless soldiers were crushed underground by the fragments of the city wall, and blood was everywhere, but some soldiers began to slowly climb up from the ruins.

But the whole person looks dull, looking at the broken castle, are silly, tiequn castle is so broken, over the years, I don't know how many potential pirates and criminals come in, all of them have no way to take tiequn castle.

But now it was smashed by a blow, although the yellow sand giant was gone.

But the man was walking in step by step from outside the city, stepping on the ruins and debris, smoking a cigar, and scanning the place, the soldiers all put down their weapons.

After all, many of them are not their own choice to become soldiers.

Rosen took a look: "all the people alive, all the people who gathered here and tried to escape, good luck to you."

Rosen's voice fell, and several soldiers who were preparing to escape were nailed to the ground by sand spears falling from the sky, and they lost their lives instantly.

This time, all the people gathered honestly, because they found that there were ears and eyes growing out in all directions. That was Robin's ability. Now she has a deep understanding with Rosen.

"Hateful pirate!" At this time, Prince valos even stood up from the ruins.

His body was covered with a broken armor, which was a personal barrier device. He was in a mess, covered with blood, seriously injured, but survived.

"I survived." Rosen was a little bit surprised.

He didn't release the water just now. He was determined to kill. Other soldiers had survivors because they were not the center of the attack. Rosen's main targets were wallos and the city wall.

Is that the personal protective equipment of Andia kingdom? Didn't Prince Andia have it with him? I'm overconfident, or I don't want to take it with me. People in power always think that power is everything.

If it wasn't for people like Rosen, ordinary people might not dare to fight him.

"Go to hell, pirate." Prince valos waved his axe and made a desperate fight, but Rosen held it in one hand.

"I gave you a chance." Rosen raised his other hand and hit him in the heart with a gunshot, killing him in an instant.

Patta! Prince valos's body fell to the ground, and no one came to see him.

"Those who are alive now have the highest position." Rosen scanned the living soldiers, probably hundreds more.

These people are not in the center of the attack, which means that they are not confidants. They are in the center and want to survive unless they are very lucky or someone is in front of them at that time.

"Boss, there are a lot of troops gathering outside the castle. They are coming here. They will be here in about ten minutes." Robin's power lies in nearby towers that have not been affected by the attack.

Seeing the situation in all directions, Robin frowned.

According to her initial estimate, the number of troops at least exceeded 10000. Even though Rosen was powerful, sometimes he would suffer some hidden arrow damage.

"Don't worry, there's enough time." Rosen is not flustered. Even if he is surrounded by tens of thousands of troops, what can he do? Besides, it's just the right time to come, saving some effort.

"If no one admits or identifies, none of you will live." Rosen looked at the terrified soldiers.

"I'm the second steward of Prince valos, and I think the person alive now should be the one with the highest position." An old housekeeper in a dress came out of the crowd.

"Well, your reinforcements are coming, and I need you to unify your opinions. You must insist that the castle and the Duke were attacked and assassinated by the king's majesty. Is there a problem?" Said Rosen, looking at the crowd.

"Why..." one of Prince valos's cronies was discontented, but before he finished, he was pierced by a sand blade.

"It's not a request. At the same time, if there's a rumor, all of you who are alive will die. Of course, if you know in advance, those people may leak it, or they can join hands to kill it first, so that you won't be exposed." Rosen said it.

A famous soldier was alert to his companions.

"It's amazing." When she looked at Rosen, her eyes were full of admiration. Just a word, people in the same team became wary in an instant. It's just like that.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." but unexpectedly, the second housekeeper suddenly took out his dagger and rushed into the crowd to kill. Although he looked very old, he was still good at it.

"Let him kill you." Rosen sees that HIA and Robin want to stop, but Rosen talks. It's interesting.

After killing more than 30 people, the second housekeeper stopped. The others just protected themselves and didn't dare or want to fight.

Bathed in blood, the second housekeeper knelt down in front of Rosen on one knee, presented a dagger full of blood, and said in a voice: "the people killed just now are all the relatives of Prince valos and the aristocrats. They don't have a tight tongue. Most of the others are ordinary soldiers."

"What's your name?" Rosen took the bloody blade.


"I like smart people, and you will be in his charge later. Count valos can give you anything I can. As long as you win the throne, you will get rich rewards. It is said that most of you are selected from the bottom City builders. Maybe there are your friends among the people who died just now, but this is the way of war. Those who want to revenge me are welcome at any time, But from this moment on, she is your new king, Princess of Andia, Alicia Rosen pointed to Shia and said to everyone.

Rosen believes that if many of them were born from city makers, their loyalty to Prince valos would be limited, and they had no choice.

They also know that if one person refuses at the moment, all the people present will be dealt with by Rosen.

"I have seen you, Princess!" Dingle took the lead in expressing his position. He watched Dingle kneel down, and the rest of the soldiers knelt down. Many of them followed him.

"Now the event is that the king killed the Duke of valos, all the legitimate nobles were killed, and only princess hea survived under your heroic protection." Rosen opened his eyes and lied, but he didn't worry.

If the operation is successful, a lot of effort will be saved. If it is not successful, these soldiers will leak it when the reinforcements arrive. It will only delay some time and will not affect Rosen's master plan.

"It's said that his Majesty's envoy is in Gaocheng. Here are five minutes. Can you bring me some people?" Said Rosen, looking at Dingle.

"No problem. I need a team of 50 people. Who will follow me?" Dingle scanned the survivors present.

"I'd like to follow the second housekeeper." It's better to be the first one to make a statement, and other soldiers will also make a statement. It's better than staying by the devil's side.

Soon, Dingle ordered fifty soldiers and ran quickly towards the high city near the castle. Their time was limited.

"The rest of you, go and clean up the rest of the nobles in the castle." Rosen issued an order to these people, which is also their voting certificate.

Kill the nobles, even if they want to fight back, no one will understand them.

Prince valos doesn't have many direct departments, but since he is acting, he has to perform the whole set. Maybe not everyone should die, but he can't be soft at this moment.

"Yes."... "