"Brother Dingle, shall we take this opportunity to escape?" In the streets of Gaocheng, a group of 50 people went straight to the Noble Hotel. A soldier suddenly said.

"Don't say that again. If you want to go, you can go by yourself. I'm different from you. My son and daughter-in-law died in the hands of nobles. At that time, the Duke could stop them, but he didn't, and he was still enjoying it. In their view, a murder was just entertainment and entertainment. I've lingered until today, To kill the Duke of valos and the nobles. " Dingle's face was gloomy, and in the depths of his eyes there was hatred and darkness that no one knew.

Just started, of course, there is a sense of loyalty, but more importantly, it is hatred of the nobility.

"You don't have any relatives outside. Why do you think you were recruited into the Duke's mansion? Because when a recruiter's captain looks at you, he will arrange the fate of your relatives. They only need to devote themselves to the Duke with all their tools, not people. This is the Duke's selection criteria. " Dingle told a secret that he knew before but never dared to tell.

Because he did not know who would be the eye of the Duke. Once exposed, he would never have a chance again. Even the Duke did not know that they were the ones who had been killed by the music.

"How come?" Hearing dinger's words, a soldier couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it.

He is strong and strong. The high-intensity labor of city building can't destroy him. He stands out and earns a certain amount of money. He has a place here. At the same time, he has a wife and son.

But an accident, let him lose everything, and at that time, just a recruiter, recruited him into the Duke house, the death of his wife and children, is not an accident?

"OSK, you've been in the recruiting office for a while before. You should know that." Said Dingle, looking at a tall, thin soldier.

"What brother Dingle said is true. I was sent to the bottom floor just because I questioned it once. All the time, I dare not say it, because I still have an old mother living in the city. Generally speaking, the recruitment office will recruit soldiers who are not concerned, but when there are not enough such people, they will create accidents." The soldier known as OSK bowed his head.

Because his captain told him to keep a secret, he turned a blind eye to his mother's affairs.

"Damn it Countless soldiers left tears of shame. They were like a fool, completely manipulated by the Duke and the aristocracy.

At this moment, Prince valos is gone, there is no supervision team, there is no mountain above, all the lies have no meaning, so these must be the reality.

"Revenge, we must revenge!" Although some of the people who died in the castle were so-called friends, they were more strangers because of the strict management.

No family member is important, and as the man said, war is like this.

I can't blame anyone for dying in the battlefield, but their family members have been calculated like this, how can they forget such deep hatred.

Just to let them put all their energy into the army and do such a heartless thing? Is our life not life?

"This is our chance. It may be dangerous, but there are still many nobles alive. I won't stop until revenge comes. If you want to leave, I won't stop you." Dingle said calmly.

Even if these people leave, he will go back. Even if he is killed by that man, it doesn't matter. For the first time in many years, he sees the hope of revenge. Because he wants to establish a new king, the old nobles must bear the brunt of it.

"We want revenge, too!"

There is never a lack of darkness in this world, and there is never a lack of people.

On the ruins of tiequn castle, Rosen is waiting equally. Hea listens to some coping methods that Rosen is teaching her. From today on, she will be exposed to everyone.

"Boss, can we win this war?" Robin looked at the blood everywhere, with a heavy heart. Death always makes people unhappy.

"Robin, we will win the war. Our cause is not easy, and it is destined to be accompanied by many casualties. But we can't be confused or hesitant. What we do doesn't allow us to have such an idea for half a moment. Once we start to question, it will bring disastrous consequences in the future." Rosen's eyes were firm.

"I see." Robin knows what Rosen means.

"That man won't run away with people, will he?"

"It is possible, but it should not be. Some people will want to escape when they are in danger, but some people will seize the opportunity. Fear is different from longing."


Not many nobles survived in the castle. With the help of the soldiers, they cleaned it up quickly. At the moment, there are three armies outside, which have surrounded the castle.

Three armies, led by three captains, Vic, Rhea, and Daster, were all the right men of Duke valos, who were in charge of all external operations and the protection of the outer wall.

After perceiving the artillery attack on the castle, they complied with the operational emergency agreement and assembled troops to support as soon as possible.

But in front of all, but let them deeply shocked, iron castle was broken, how can this be?!

In such a short period of time, the iron castle has been broken. Who made it? Is Prince valos still alive?

"What's going on here?" More than 10000 soldiers surrounded Rosen and the rest of the iron castle. It was the leader of the Vikings who spoke.

He is strong and fierce. He is a general of all battles. He stares at Rosen and others with fierce eyes.

"Lord valos." Ruiya is a small army captain, he is more careful, soon found the body not far away, suddenly exclaimed.

At the next moment, the soldiers' weapons were aimed at Rosen and others. Rosen stood up and looked at the three generals. He thought that this should be prince valos's confidant, but it was too slow.

"Stop, what are you doing? This is the royal highness of Princess Sia, the granddaughter of the Duke of Lord, and the descendants of the modern Dian Kingdom. At this time, Dingle returned with several ten soldiers and opened his mouth to scold general wick.

Although Dingle was only the second steward, he was the red man around Prince valos. His position was no worse than that of the chief steward. These powerful subordinates belonged to the powerful subordinates, but they were not as important as Dingle had ever been.

"Butler Dingle, what the hell is going on." Vic's tone was a little less tough. They were a little flustered and at a loss when they saw Prince valos die.

"Then ask your Majesty's messenger. Bring it up." Dingle's face was gloomy, with a blank, ignorant Earl's emissary.

"Let go of me, let go of me, you are so bold. I'm the ambassador of the king. You dare to do this to me. It turns out that Prince valos really intends to rebel. You are dead. You are all dead." The count, covered in blood, was thrown in front of the crowd with his legs broken.

"Shut up, still pretending here. The assassin just now is the one you brought. I didn't expect that you would assassinate Prince valos and kill Princess hea. If we weren't right beside Princess hea, the only blood of Prince valos would be removed by you. I didn't expect that your Majesty was so cruel, Just because the daughter of Duke valos was not born a son, and because she accidentally leaked the news, you will be killed. Is there justice in the world? " Dingle roared hysterically, and without giving the count a chance to refute, he kicked him directly in the face and almost deformed his face.

Obviously, the anger is not fake, but he remembers that he was there.