"I am willing to fight for the royal highness of the princess, and turn over the tyrant!" Vick made a wise choice, but it's a bit true or false. At the moment, Rosen and others don't know, but it's enough.

"For the princess, for the Duke, for the kingdom of new Andia!" Since Vic decided, he was decisive and straightforward. He knelt down on one knee to show his loyalty and emphasize it again.

In fact, they have no way back.

In this case, even if he succumbs to HIA now, Vic can still have the control of the army in his own name.

It's no good. It's OK for a warlord to become an independent warlord behind valos barrier. As long as he has a big name, he has an excuse to support the army.

And a lot of ambition events, sometimes, as long as there is an excuse is enough.

Vic says, and other ignorant soldiers follow him to kneel down on one knee.

"Very well, Captain Vik, you stay here first. I need you to issue an order immediately. Let the communication station inform the barriers all over the country, expose the king's crimes, and issue a declaration of war order. Order the rest of the barriers belonging to the Duchy of valos to enter the combat posture and wait for the order further." Hea gave the order immediately.

"Here it is Vic and Rhea are hesitant. Once this order is issued, even if Vic just wants to go through the present hurdle, it's really impossible, and then the possibility of supporting himself to become a warlord is broken, so soon he will directly split his face with the king?

"Poof Rhea is dead, too, and is pierced in the heart by Rosen's sword.

Vic didn't even want to use his forces to fight back, but he was more scared. The three army captains, now he is the only one left.

The soldiers were even more confused. Why did the two captains of the army have been killed and the captain of the Vik army have not made any statement?

Now only the Vik captain has the right to command them.

And the guard of the princess's side is too cold. Although everyone knows that it is murder power, it is, after all, the two army captain.

"There is no need for hesitant generals in the battlefield. Do you all want to resist? General wick, now you are in power. Don't let your royal highness be disappointed. Don't ask Dingell to do it himself. Rosen reminds me.

Vic suddenly realized that the armies were relatively independent. Although he was the captain of the general army, he was sometimes constrained by Ruia and Daster. Now when they died, the whole army of the barrier was in his hands.

Is this the sweetness Princess hea gave him? No matter whether it's done or not, otherwise this distance, he may be the next dead man.

The implication of Rosen is also very obvious. If he doesn't want to, he will end up the same as the previous two. After all, it is possible for Dingle to take over the army. When a man dies, his influence will be greatly weakened.

"I haven't heard from the princess, Brunk. Go back to the communication station immediately and issue a national notice!" After all, Vic is going to gamble. Besides, he doesn't listen to the order now, and he's afraid he won't survive.

"Yes, yes..." the team leader named Brunk, with a team of people, rushed to the communication station nonstop.

"Inform the whole barrier to enter the state of war. At the same time, three days later, the people of the whole barrier must reach the high ground. Princess, the new law will be promulgated!" Rosen added.

Vic nodded. His limbs were well developed, but his mind was not dull. Now whether he was a real princess or a fake princess, he had to come true. It didn't matter how Prince valos died.

Kindness may be a little bit, but now the power in his hands is stronger than ever, and even the princess may not be able to control him. Let's live for now.


Now, it's not suitable to make any changes. Just be able to stabilize the situation. Rosen has to wait for the arrival of the soldiers of Landis.

Now we can't completely guarantee that HIA's follow-up orders will be implemented, but it doesn't matter. Once the soldiers of Landis arrive, only a part of them will be needed, and Rosen will be sure to let the whole army move in his own hands.

When the official declaration of war that shocked the kingdom of Andia was sent to 18 barriers across the country, it also meant that war was coming.

Gaocheng, in a fairly good house in valos castle.

Rosen, Dingle and others gather here. Vic has returned to do military defense work. Whether he is for himself or for hea, security work should be done well.

"At present, valos barrier has about 15000 troops and a total population of about 200000, which is the super barrier of Andia kingdom. The outer city has the largest number of personnel, with a total of more than 170000. The inner city and the high city add up to less than 30000 people, and the other forces of the Duchy are arranged in the other two barriers." Dingle said the current situation of wallos barrier once again.

"What's the strength of Andia kingdom? I heard that the king's army is 200000, including the Duke's palace?" Asked Rosen.

"No, there are about three million people in Andia, most of whom are floating people. If the national army, all the places together, including the king's army, there are about 400000 people."

"With three million people, there are 400000 soldiers. What does the kingdom of Andia do to raise so many soldiers? As far as I know, there should be no large-scale war in the kingdom of Andia." Rosen frowned. There are too many troops. At present, valos has only about 15000 troops. With other barriers, the most is about 30000 troops.

"Build more barriers. Apart from the barriers, the kingdom of Andia is a very dangerous forest. If there are not enough troops to deal with the fierce beasts, it is difficult to build a new barrier from scratch. At present, there are three barriers under construction, which have not yet been completed."

"What do you think of VIC?"

"He is ambitious, but he knows how to judge the situation. However, he can't count on him too much. Now he probably agrees to the conditions just now for his own protection. It's hard to say whether he will secretly take refuge with other nobles afterwards, but it's hard to estimate, because he has just issued a national notice and is likely to be on Princess hea's side." Dinger carefully analyzed, because he knew that the man in front of him was the master.

"And you?" Rosen looked at Dingle with great interest. It didn't look like a man who was afraid of death, but when he defected, he was very straightforward.

"I have a grudge against the nobles, or most of the soldiers have, but they don't know the truth. My only purpose is to help you in the process, hoping that I can kill a few nobles." Dingle didn't hide it.

"It has to reflect your own value. Now there are about 700 people living in the castle. If I give you another 2000, can I control the overall situation of Vic's army?" Rosen weighed that if so, this Dingle can still be used.

Strength is far lower than Rosen, Rosen's seeing and hearing aggressive, you can roughly know that dinger did not lie.

"Yes." Dingle thought for a moment and nodded.

"Very well, Castle people, you are the leader for the time being. First control the nobles in Gaocheng District, so as not to cause trouble. The rest will be done in three days." Three days later, the soldiers of Landis arrived, and then, there will be plans to expand the army.

These are all planned early.

And at the moment, the whole kingdom of Andia is in a storm.

Just now, there was a terrible announcement about the war with the king and the assassination of Prince valos. At the same time, the new leader, Princess HIA, was announced!

Unprecedented serious situation.