"Prince valos is dead? And it's his Majesty's hand, is it true or not? "

"There can be false. If it is false, is it the army chief of valos barrier who is crazy? This is a public declaration of war. Your majesty will certainly send troops to fight. Maybe the army is gathering now. "

"Is the new president of Aksu chamber of commerce the daughter of the king? I heard similar rumors earlier, but I didn't expect that it was her. Is that true? "

"The kingdom of Andia is in chaos."

"I didn't expect that they were so crazy that they even sent out war messages to the king. However, with their only three barriers, how could they resist the joint attack of the king and his nobles and make a mantis arm serve as a chariot? It's really a mess." When Raymond's communication station receives such a message.

He was stunned for a long time. This action was a little fast, and so fast that a prince of valos fell down.

But there's no information about klockdale. Is it blocked? But without him, hea alone could never have done it.

Others may still guess whether it is true or not, but Raymond knows that HIA is not a princess, but it has to be said that he did not expect to make HIA a so-called princess.

"What shall we do, my lord?" Colson asked.

"Let the troops of the barrier also enter a state of martial law, and listen to the deployment of the Lord King on the surface. The lord king must be very angry now. It would be better if the two sides could fight to break it." Only chaos is the situation that careerists want to see, which means new opportunities.

"What the hell are these? Where is my princess? How do you all work? Didn't you do the rumor refuting work? I don't know where a wild girl from dares to pretend to be the princess of the kingdom of Andia and occupy the valos barrier. Now she challenges the king. It's a big joke. Let Raymond and all the nobles with troops gather an army and immediately begin to discuss the valos barrier. The king's army is on standby. "King Andia was angry.

But he hasn't lost his mind. The king's army is his foundation and won't move easily.

Originally, after the prince died, his temper became more and more fierce. Even his confidants often lost their lives because of small mistakes. Now some people dare to discredit the reputation of the Wang family, and they just don't know how to die.

He did have many women, but it was absolutely impossible for the abolished queen to have children, because he had sent people to watch for several years in order to prevent Duke valos from doing anything.

Ten thousand steps back, even if there is, he will not admit it. He will only clean it up.

In fact, refuting rumors has not played a big role. Some people know something, that is, they know whether it is true or false. In fact, it doesn't matter. It's impossible to dump it unilaterally.

It seems that such an impression is enough, because war has been declared. At this time, the royal family does not admit it. It seems to some people that it is more true.

"Is it because there is no heir to the kingdom of Andia that the nobles are already impatient and ready to move? Do they think that the king is old?" After the fury, King Caligula calmed down a little.

As a king, he must consider what is driving this matter. Is it aristocracy? Is it Raymond? Or the Duke of brova?

It should not be possible for brova. Over the years, he has left politics and kept a low profile.

On the contrary, Raymond has done a lot in recent years, but at this stage, Raymond should not take such radical measures.

Because even if Raymond sits on the throne of king, he will not be able to convince the public without a big name. On the contrary, he will be used by people who want to attack him and make others successful.

Moreover, if it was him, he would not only like to be a backstage man with so much effort, although the president of Aksu chamber of Commerce, Shia, the fake princess, really came out of pheromone chamber of Commerce.

But we can't insist that Raymond is pushing, but there's not enough evidence to prove that it's not him.

Who is behind this rebellion?

King Caligula couldn't think of anyone for a moment, but since it has been exposed, it only means that he is extremely stupid and wants to overthrow himself with the residual power of a duchy's palace?

No matter who it is, as long as the barrier is broken and Alicia is captured alive, she will be able to find out the person behind her, because she is just the president of the chamber of Commerce. It is reasonable to say that consolidating her power is the top priority.

But now she has made such an unreasonable action, which shows that she is probably not a person.

"What's the matter with you, Allan?" Caligula said to the empty hall.

A flowing, liquid like man rose slowly from the ground. His whole body was tightly wrapped, and his clothes were monotonous black, leaving only a pair of bloodshot eyes outside.

He was the shadow of the king and the most powerful guard in the palace.

"Klockdale has appeared in the park, but there are also eyewitnesses in the shampoo islands, the water capital and DREZ Rosa, but in my opinion, klockdale is probably in the park at the moment." Allan's voice is calm and soothing, giving people a very relaxed feeling.

"The arch criminal is not dying, but this king is not sleeping. But what is worth making is that he is not the seven Wu Hai under the king. He will strengthen his eyeliner. Once he finds him, he will bring him back to me alive." Caligula said in a cold voice, but he never thought that klocdal would take the lead in attacking him.

Because in his subconscious, he thinks that the pirate is a criminal. What else can he do besides scurrying? To challenge a king is to kill yourself.

"All right." Alan nodded and went underground again.

"Let Captain James come to see Wang at once." The king's voice came out of the room and someone answered outside.

A moment later, a male giant opened the magnificent gate and stooped into the palace. He was wearing full body armor. This is a personal barrier device. The armor shape is relatively expensive.

Generally, they are small castles with more shield like personal barriers. Obviously, the armor on the giant is valuable.

Although the palace was very broad, it was a little crowded as soon as the giant came in.

"Yes, your majesty." It's not loud, but it's powerful.

"Captain James, the nobles will gather a crusading army in the near future, led by you. At the same time, they will take my letter to the treasure house and take the No. 8 collection. That is the design drawing of valos barrier, which records the weakness of valos barrier. In half a month, we must take down valos barrier." The king's voice was no longer angry, but calm.

"Yes."... "

Iron barrier, the city of Raymond, in a pub with a lot of news in the underground world, Aberdeen and some of his subordinates are drinking wine. When they hear that HIA has become a princess, their faces Suddenly twist: "damn HIA, has she become a princess? How can it be? It's fake. It's all fake! "

The table and chair were suddenly kicked over by him, and the food and drinks were scattered all over the floor. Several confidants did not dare to say a word more.

After a while, Aberdeen took out the phone bug and called the soldier: "you said that someone would come to clean up klockdale. It's been so many days. Why hasn't there been any news at all? What kind of princess has HIA become today? If it goes on like this, we won't have another chance."